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17-09-2008, 15:00
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Just discovered that Nick Clegg, the LibDem's head honcho met with the Gurkha leaders at their demo outside Parliament yesterday and raised their case in the House later. Don't think much of the fella (or his grasp of OAP's pensions!), but fair play to him for doing that.
17-09-2008, 15:04
Coffin Dodger.
Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Just discovered that Nick Clegg, the LibDem's head honcho met with the Gurkha leaders at their demo outside Parliament yesterday and raised their case in the House later. Don't think much of the fella (or his grasp of OAP's pensions!), but fair play to him for doing that.
being the cynical git i am, the guy knows they will never be in power, so its n easy crowd pleaser. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
17-09-2008, 15:12
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
17-09-2008, 15:16
Beacon of light
Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
I have signed this petition and would ask all other Accyweb members who feel strongly about the plight of these deserving men, to do the same.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-09-2008, 15:20
Coffin Dodger.
Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
cheers fer that margaret, sorted. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
17-09-2008, 15:24
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Thanks for the karma, MargaretP - I am nearly at the 'cowpat' stage now
hint hint
17-09-2008, 15:26
Beacon of light
Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
You are welcome Margaret.....thanks for showing us the petition......I just hope everyone signs it...they should do.
And I'm nearly at 6000 posts!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-09-2008, 15:33
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Thanks, Margaret, signed.
17-09-2008, 16:31
Resting in Peace
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
I had the pleasure of becoming very friendly with a captain in the Gurkhas in the mid seventies, we were both staing in the same hotel for about three months in Carlise, he was on a lagistics course at the maintenance unit, one of the bigest military store in the country. He was a first class soldier and a true gentleman who asked for nothing but would give you his last penny. What is happening to these people, who have given so much for this country, is boardering on the criminal especially with the way we let any Tom Dick and Harry come here and take us for a ride, I've signed
17-09-2008, 16:57
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Originally Posted by katex
Although, don't remember what they did for us exactly, everyone has a deep fondness and admiration for these people.
Why is it that all the population, except certain members of the Government, are in disagreement with this. Sure if you went down town today and did a survey, everyone would wish to welcome them with open arms ...
Without googling, etc., on what grounds are we refusing them entry ?
Basically it is those Ghurkhas who retired from the British Army after the Ghurkha regiment moved from Hong Kong in 1997 that have automatic permission to remain in this country. And that means that those who retired before then do not.
Please see http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7616244.stm
17-09-2008, 16:58
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
A life-long family friend of my parents spent 5 years in Burma, fighting the Japanese, during the war. He didn't ever say much about his experiences but he did tell us about the Gurkhas he had fought alongside. He had a great deal of admiration for them and said how brave they were and how very glad he was that they were on our side.
Those old men are the ones who fought along side our soldiers. You see them in the papers and on TV, so proud and standing to attention. They don't bleat and whine, they don't make demands and scream about Human Rights, all they ask is for justice. This country owes them a debt and I, as an Englishwoman, feel ashamed that, up to now, it is not being repaid.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
Last edited by West Ender; 17-09-2008 at 17:01.
17-09-2008, 17:00
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Nice one MargaretR.
I’ve signed.
17-09-2008, 17:10
Resting in Peace
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
I've signed it too Margaret ... although was badly worded ... said 'when they retire from service', but as Jambutty pointed out is aimed at the soldiers who retired before 1997.
Just listened to the Tuesday interview on the Jeremy Vine show with Joanna Lumley and a Gurkha who had served us for 24 years, and now in danger of being deported ! He retired in 1993. She was protesting outside the Court that were ruling on his case ... her father had served with them.
Was nearly in tears with his plight ... their motto is 'Better to die, than be a coward'.
Tried to understand the ****** .. Sir Alexander(?) Green's point of view looking at our Immigration policies globally, and the need to restrict it. Well, we all have expressed our opinions on this, haven't we ?!? These are special people .. end of ...  Something to do with an agreement made many years ago that they should return to Nepal after service ... well, break it !
17-09-2008, 18:17
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Petition signed. Let's hope the government actually act upon it.
17-09-2008, 18:37
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....
Signed and proud to do so 
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