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Old 17-09-2008, 19:06   #31
God Member
steeljack's Avatar

Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

OK , Someone please tell me how these guys are different from any other Mercenaries including the French Foreign Legion (Paid guns for hire) they are foreign nationals hired by another Govt. to do its dirty work , granted they have done sterling work in the name of the Crown , But it was for a foreign Crown , Not the Nepalese Crown .

How are these any different than the British lads who served in the Rhodesian and South African forces and were threatened by H.M.s Govt that they would be put on trial when/if they returned to the UK . Seem to remember about 20 of them being thrown into an Angolan jail for periods of up to 30 years for fighting against the communists, one of whom was executed by firing squad , and the British Govt. not doing a damn thing for them .
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Accrington Web
Old 17-09-2008, 19:31   #32
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

i think i've posted on here about the gurkhas before regarding them not getting british status despite all they do

i think its a disgrace - its a national disgrace. they live and breathe to protect this country. they're quite possibly one of the most disciplined battalions in the world. just to get selected they prepare for this all their life.

and there's people out there who've never ever as much as seen the uk as their own country and get full priviledges
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 17-09-2008, 20:20   #33

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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

This does apply to the Gurkhas who retired ealy, but we must not forget that most of the 24.000 seriously injured will probably fall into this class, is this the thanks we give them for giving their lives or their health to defend our shores.

I signed Margerat. Its the least any Englishman can do.
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Old 17-09-2008, 20:22   #34

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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

Sorry about spelling Margaret.... Ian.
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Old 17-09-2008, 20:28   #35
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

Please dont be under the impression that I started the Gurka petition - I just noticed it when looking ay my petition

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Old 17-09-2008, 21:40   #36
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
OK , Someone please tell me how these guys are different from any other Mercenaries including the French Foreign Legion (Paid guns for hire) they are foreign nationals hired by another Govt. to do its dirty work , granted they have done sterling work in the name of the Crown , But it was for a foreign Crown , Not the Nepalese Crown.
I have served with these Guy's as you call them in Malaya, Borneo and Sararawak and as with many British soldiers, I much appreciated their company.
These soldiers of the crown are and have been in the British Army for many years...........They have served under British Officers and NCO's in their own Regiments and as support troops.
They fought alongside the American Forces in many theatres of war and I am sure that anyone who had experience of serving with them would be of the same opinion as me.
They swear allegance to the Queen and are proud of it.
I have never known a Ghurka claim benefits that has not been earned.
Why oh why oh do our country cousins criticise the UK and I'ts allies of long standing when they have'nt a bloody clue what they are talking about.
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Old 17-09-2008, 22:02   #37
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Re: GURKHAS.. We owe them.....

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Thanks for the karma, MargaretP - I am nearly at the 'cowpat' stage now
hint hint
If we do raise her to this status, will be demanding an Accyweb moobin to clean it up ...
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