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Old 16-05-2007, 08:59   #16
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***Mr D***'s Avatar

Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
These particular itinerantes are not welcome with our resident travellers, who are very well catered for in Hyndburn, this Borough has more sites for travellers than any other I can think of. They must think this town is a soft touch when they are not prepared to go on the existing sites we have in place, the crux of the matter is these are nothing but free loading parasites who want it all and contribute nothing. The law is cumbersome where people are concerned, how can you make this site inaccsessable?, when British Waterways need to access it with their machinery?, this lot know all the angles. My sympathies lie with the people who live near to where they are squatting, lock your windows doors and if possible do not leave your property unattended.
Tell It like it is.
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:06   #17
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Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
In my view , vermin (uncle Adolf was right ), though I suppose the liberal socially concious elite will disagree, wonder what Gayle thinks about this...............?
The thing is they themselves are not socially conscious - if they were, if the treated other people with respect, if they left a place as they found it then I would have no problem with them but they go onto private land and act as if they own it. They abuse people and make other people feel they are in danger (ask any taxi driver who has had a traveller for a fare late at night - or even in the day time for that matter) and they treat wherever they camp like a rubbish tip and a public lavatory.

Now if you or I so much as overload our wheelie bins we get the third degree and the lecture about recycling and maybe even a fine but what do they get for dumping all kinds of rubbish and then moving on and leaving it there?

If they except respect then they should act respectibly and responsibly.

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Old 16-05-2007, 09:10   #18
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Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
The thing is they themselves are not socially conscious - if they were, if the treated other people with respect, if they left a place as they found it then I would have no problem with them but they go onto private land and act as if they own it. They abuse people and make other people feel they are in danger (ask any taxi driver who has had a traveller for a fare late at night - or even in the day time for that matter) and they treat wherever they camp like a rubbish tip and a public lavatory.

Now if you or I so much as overload our wheelie bins we get the third degree and the lecture about recycling and maybe even a fine but what do they get for dumping all kinds of rubbish and then moving on and leaving it there?

If they except respect then they should act respectibly and responsibly.
Exactly Willow What is really baffeling is that they are only 50 or 60 yards away from one of the camps.If people didn't realise I'm talking the otherside of the bridge same side as 20 steps.
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:45   #19
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Re: gypsy's....again

Apparently the people on the campsite don't like this bunch either!

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Old 16-05-2007, 09:49   #20
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Re: gypsy's....again

with this much rain we are having maybe the canal will over flow
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:21   #21
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Re: gypsy's....again

They are camped up about 100yards from me they arrived on sunday dinner, people cant leave there windows open because there kids keep going round nicking stuff ,I catched one on sundaytea trying to nick some stuff out of my bathroom he had his hand throughthe window I managed to slammed the window down on his hand, I spoke to are local plod, about it all they seemed botherd about was if ide hurt him or not its a pity i didunt chop his bloudy hand off, its folk like this that give the decent travelers abad name
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:24   #22
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Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by moonshiner View Post
They are camped up about 100yards from me they arrived on sunday dinner, people cant leave there windows open because there kids keep going round nicking stuff ,I catched one on sundaytea trying to nick some stuff out of my bathroom he had his hand throughthe window I managed to slammed the window down on his hand, I spoke to are local plod, about it all they seemed botherd about was if ide hurt him or not its a pity i didunt chop his bloudy hand off, its folk like this that give the decent travelers abad name
should have been his head!!
cheeky blighters!16.gif
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:26   #23
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Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by moonshiner View Post
its folk like this that give the decent travelers abad name
Exactly! And as for you hurting his hand - it shouldn't have been inside your window! That sort of thing really bugs me.

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Old 16-05-2007, 17:38   #24
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Re: gypsy's....again

They don't seem to bothered about leaving their dogs free to roam around at night either.
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Old 16-05-2007, 18:00   #25
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Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
In my view , vermin (uncle Adolf was right ), though I suppose the liberal socially concious elite will disagree, wonder what Gayle thinks about this...............?
I'd better look out my old striped pyjama, with the pretty shade of pink triangle, and go and join the queue as well.
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Old 16-05-2007, 18:00   #26
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Re: gypsy's....again

This same thing comes around every year, we find ourselves discussing this particular site and aldi car park. There must be some law that can be introduced to stope these "Travelers" from entering the sites once they have been kicked off once. Ie if they find somewhere new they get on once they then dont get on again when being turfed off. Like has already been said in this thread if they were to have some respect for local people and clean up after them selves then that would cure half the problem. It will now take the council around a month to remove them which is disgracefull. They will have to get a court order giving them 14 days to remove themselves and then they will refuse so then they will have to go back to court get anoother where the police then have powers to move them off after 14 days. I think its wrong and the laws should be changed!!!
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Old 17-05-2007, 07:59   #27
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Re: gypsy's....again

why dosn,t the council put a pad lock on these gates at the fairy caves once they have got rid of them!!!! Then they will never be able to camp there again!!!
your round next
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Old 17-05-2007, 20:35   #28
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Re: gypsy's....again

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
In my view , vermin (uncle Adolf was right ), though I suppose the liberal socially concious elite will disagree, wonder what Gayle thinks about this...............?

Think you're mistaking me with someone else - socially concious, yes - liberal, not so! I believe everyone, who is able, should pay their way in society. People who don't shouldn't expect anything from the people who do.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 17-05-2007, 22:00   #29
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Re: gypsy's....again

there were travellers parked up next to my work in burnley a while back and they called the police cos they got there vans pelted with stones and fireworks and also robbed during the night by the local hoodlums ,(sorry shouldnt laugh )and I was told by the local council guy (who was laughing as he told me) that they felt intimidated and were scared to go out and leave their caravans alone during the day incase THEY got broken into
the police never went back to them and they moved away after 2 nights - for once I was all for the local hoodlums
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Old 17-05-2007, 22:29   #30
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Re: gypsy's....again

A couple of summers ago they arrived en masse on Heys Playing fields. The police swooped in force. There were 6 cycle cops at my front door on Heron Way,and more at the Fielding Lane entrance. The 'trespassers' were moved off within 4 hours and escourted out of the county.
The policeman in charge was heard to say "I don't know whether what we have done today is legal, but I am glad we did it"
A pity more dont take the attitude that he did that day

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