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Old 24-01-2007, 14:17   #151
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
my dad explained everything i would ever need to know to get me through life

in , out , repeat if need be
Do not worry about it. Rumor has it that, whatever he has in mind, it will all be over in just a moment.

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Old 24-01-2007, 14:18   #152
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Re: Happy New Mosque

That's a nice thought Spinner. I must admit I have to laugh at some of the more ludicrous ideas, like the nekkid dancing round altars in the temples, the sacrificial chickens and the people being walled up for life!

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Old 24-01-2007, 14:51   #153
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post
....withe a few execptions eg yourself, billcat garinda ....
In my case, it may have something to do with the fact that I am American and live in the NY metropolitan area. I get to see and meet a lot of folks from a lot of different places and live with folks who enjoy exploring our multicultural melange. Personally, I feel it enriches all our lives!

We here in the USA have seen a lot a changes, too. First of all, the USA is a nation of immigrants. We have seen huge waves of foreigners immigrate - English, Scotch-Irish, Germans, Irish Catholics, Italians, Jews, Chinese, Latinos, Indians, etc.! We are used to it and we pretty much expect to deal with it, especially if we live near the major immigration points. We also know that assimilation is far from an overnight process, taking a number of decades to happen.

Not that the immigrants have always been treated well, but at least our culture has become accustomed to the arrival of different groups and the fact that the assimilation process takes a couple of generations. The original immigrants themselves often stay among their own folk, for reasons of language and custom, while their children may or may not assimilate. The grandkids, however, are usually pretty thoroughly American.

In the big picture, those immigrants who are most likely to make a go of it are those who embrace the society in which they live - which does not, I would add, mean losing track of their own cultural heritage. These folks may live in their own neighborhoods (at least for a generation or two), but certainly make serious efforts to get everyone to come and patronize their businesses. Immigrant neighborhoods, such as Little Italy, Chinatown, or the old Jewish Lower East Side in New York City, or Little Havana in Miami, often become serious tourist attractions.

When I was in the UK, I seemed to observe much the same thing. Many of the young folks, whose parents or grandparents probably came from Asia, seemed very English in their outlook.

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Old 24-01-2007, 14:58   #154
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post
i dont try to make an issue of my identity its just that ive witnessed a lot of racist banter on this forum and i have felt the need to challenge that so hence the issue of my race and religion arose but im not going to bother anymore some people just are too set in their ways
Sorry that you are not going to bother. Personally, I feel that allowing racism to go unchallenged is a serious mistake. If I were to sit on the sidelines, I would be tacitly condoning racism. Frankly, if we condone racism, then we are little better than the terrorists who blew up the London underground. The mentality that leads to that sort of action has its roots in a basic disrepect for people who are "different" - in other words, the roots are in racism.

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Old 24-01-2007, 15:02   #155
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
Sorry that you are not going to bother. Personally, I feel that allowing racism to go unchallenged is a serious mistake. If I were to sit on the sidelines, I would be tacitly condoning racism. Frankly, if we condone racism, then we are little better than the terrorists who blew up the London underground. The mentality that leads to that sort of action has its roots in a basic disrepect for people who are "different" - in other words, the roots are in racism.
im the only one who seems offended at the racism and when i challeng the racsits i am met with a barage of abuse. those people are not going to change as their hearts are heardened and i have to accept that.
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:15   #156
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Re: Happy New Mosque

think you are wrong with the phrase (a lot) spinner, whilst there are a few on here and any forum for that matter.i can say that with surety,as i have taken the trouble to meet many of the people who are regular posters, theres definatly a lot of jokers/wind-up merchants but thats completely differant to what you are thinking, its also what makes the site a bit of fun to me.willows correct theres more than you and mani who are asian members, mani has also met a few people on here so it may help you to PM. the guy for an opinon.anyway whatever you decide its up to you,no skin off my nose either way.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:21   #157
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Re: Happy New Mosque

If you think there's a lot of anti-muslim feeling on here you want to try coming from Burnley like me !!!
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:23   #158
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I get a bit like that when people ask me how many other wives my husband has - despite the fact that polygamy is illegal here.
Is it really any of their business?

I think that a personal question like that might well get a response from me something on the order of "Are you still seeing that your mistress/lover?" Or perhaps, "As he is very wise, far fewer than King Solomon!" This is especially useful if the person is just being deliberately insensitive or annoying. Milt Romney, who is Morman and, it appears, running for President answers "I’ve had only one. Ever wonder how many my Republican opponents have had?" As most of them have been divorced, it's a pretty solid answer.

If the "wives" question is asked by someone who is merely ignorant, then there is nothing personal in it and a bit of information should deal with it. I will admit, however, that it is often hard to tell whether someone is ignorant or is trying to annoy.

Before Eileen died, I had one wife for 27+ years. In my opinion, one wife is enough. On occasion, one is more than enough!

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Old 24-01-2007, 15:24   #159
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post
im the only one who seems offended at the racism and when i challeng the racsits i am met with a barage of abuse. those people are not going to change as their hearts are heardened and i have to accept that.

Don't big yourself up too much. There are a lot of people on here who are opposed to discrimination of all kinds, and that includes racism.
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:25   #160
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Spinner!! you keep saying there are a lot of racist in this forum. So if you are sooo p!ssed off about it why don't you name them and quote the posts.

You said you wasn't coming on this forum again after today!! so you're not losing anything.

If being a racist means having a opinion! then yes there are a lot of racist on this forum. But if being racist is verbally abusing someone for having a different religion and ethnic origin - then no I think you're wrong, this forum doesn't have racists.

Like Cashy said! there are a lot of jokers on this forum that will pull anyone's leg about anything given the chance ( Yes you know who you are) but there is having a jest and being down right abusive.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 24-01-2007, 15:34   #161

Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Church Boy View Post
church boy you might think that a little knownledge is too dangerous for my tiny mind, mmm very 1950s but at least im not a racist tormenting at the rise of other religions. you need to get a life and let that hate squeeze out of your pathetic mind and your name says a lot about you !self obsessed
Spinner,I have lived and worked most of my life here with people from all around the world,and their race has never been a problem with me, or mine to them.All of my neighbours are Asian and we get along great,So I don't appreciate being called racist.But when it comes to the issue of building places of worship,
I think it is very unfair that Christians are unable to build a decent Church for themselves and fear for their lives because of what they are in their own country.
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:34   #162
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post
tru chav i am sending you some good karma .
wait until you have 100 posts i dont get nothing until you do


i take I.O.U 's
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:35   #163
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post
im the only one who seems offended at the racism and when i challeng the racsits i am met with a barage of abuse. those people are not going to change as their hearts are heardened and i have to accept that.
I agree that it is almost impossible to change the heart of a racist. Can't change what they don't possess!

However, I do believe that it is very important for others, whose behavior may be influenced, to understand that racism is not acceptable. That's why I continue to challenge racist dolts. Also, it is a lot of fun to give them all the rope they need, then watch them swinging in the wind!

As far as the barrage of abuse is concerned, it's not as though it really does me any damage. I certainly do not give two cents for the good opinion of racists. Frankly, provoking them into a full display of their evil opinions may do more good to influence the "others" mentioned above than I could ever do on my own. I recall how the violence and vituperation that was directed at the civil rights workers in the 1960 did so much to discredit the racist's point of view, especially when compared with the non-violent tactics used by Dr. King and his followers. So, a bit of abuse it hardly troubling!

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Old 24-01-2007, 15:37   #164
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Re: Happy New Mosque

ime anti human

I hate every body

even myself
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Old 24-01-2007, 15:38   #165
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by chav1 View Post
wait until you have 100 posts i dont get nothing until you do


i take I.O.U 's
I just took care of the karma IOU. Enjoy, chav!

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