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Old 19-01-2007, 06:31   #76
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by mani View Post
alas i havent

all my family have bar me - i'm the black *non-racist* sheep of the family

a few of my mates have or are there now

jsut out of curiosity how can your family stop you ?

cant you just buy a ticket and go on your own ?
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Old 19-01-2007, 08:21   #77
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Re: Happy New Mosque

I think he meant 'bar' as in 'with the exception of' not 'bar' as in 'banned me from doing so'

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Old 22-01-2007, 11:04   #78
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Re: Happy New Mosque

another synagogue of satan in lancs! islam is not a religion, its a cult, started by a man riding on the back of a torah derived angel
called gabriel... which is hypocritical really isnt it, when you consider that
to practise christianity in islam is punishable by be-heading, yet they can do what they like here. by catering to the whims of islam you are digging the graves of your offspring. when you consider the history of islam from
the destruction of the holy sepulcre, the building of the "dome" over yahweh,s (the christian god) temple, the derogatory writings of the koran
which portrays god as evil, to the genicidal behaviour of its leader once given authority and power, it is completely safe to assume that it is not a good thing. sure, i want to live in peace too, but ive done a lot of research into this, thanks to the people who beheaded me, the same people who given the opportunity would behead you too, and i can only
conclude that: Evolution is the god of creation ..... democracy is Hypocracy... and religion is full of fraudulent prophets and teachings.
There will never ever be peace on earth while islam
exists, enoch powell was more of a prophet than that blasphemer of christ, if you take the
time and trouble to read the koran you will conclude the same...
here is a small clip of info i bet you never knew and wont find in the papers, is it any
wonder they dont want you to know the truth?
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Having destroyed the "religion" of Islam in Mecca, Muhammad created the political doctrine of "submission" in Medina. He became a pirate, dictator, and terrorist leader. He used Qur’anic scripture to justify some of the most horrific behavior imaginable: pedophilia, incest, rape, torture, assassinations, thievery, mass murder, and terror - all in an unbridled orgy of sex, power, and money. Again, this summation simply reflects the portrayal documented in the Islamic Sunnah and confirmed in the Qur’an.
When he was fifty, Muhammad married a six-year-old child. Then he stole his son’s wife. After forcing young girls to watch his men execute their fathers, Muhammad raped them. He tortured his victims to make sure no booty escaped his grasp. He committed mass murder, slaughtering Jews in genocidal rage. In ten years, he ordered a score of assassinations and conducted seventy-five terrorist raids. He used the sword to force Arabs into submission and used the slave trade to finance Islam. He was more interested in collecting girls and taxes than anything else. He ruled through fear. And his god condoned it all.
Qur’anic revelation. It says, in essence, "My god is better than your god because my god didn't need to rest." But that’s a problem. The "Gods" are supposed to be the same. And the Bible tells us that only one spirit thought he was better than Yahweh - the fallen angel LUCIFER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
.....The worst thing the pope could have done was to apologise for telling the truth, it will
cost the world very dearly for giving in to tyrants demands..........
for those who are more inquisitive, heres a link to the real agenda of islam........
> <

Take note i am expressing an opinion (without oppression) which is derived
from the >truth< of knowledge and facts that cannot be denied, therefore i make no apologies to anyone who cant hack it.........
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Old 22-01-2007, 11:28   #79
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Re: Happy New Mosque

You've been beheaded and yet you still manage to post on AccyWeb

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Old 22-01-2007, 11:50   #80
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Re: Happy New Mosque

the real michael revels the sort of uninformed hateful malarkey that, when used by either side, just makes the situation far, far worse.

A strong suggeston to the real michael - spend a lot more time editing yhour posts. That last one is a real mess, logically, factually and gramatically!

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Old 22-01-2007, 12:00   #81
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Another load of twaddle from St. Michael's...still he does make exceedingly good undies.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-01-2007, 12:28   #82
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Re: Happy New Mosque

It's good for a laugh though - I mean no-one could take him seriously could they now we know he hasn't got a head.

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Old 22-01-2007, 12:56   #83
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Re: Happy New Mosque

I was going to print it for the 'crack' but my new Lexmark all in one printer etc, warned me to order five cartridges of ink before even attempting, apparantly it must have been here before Allah.
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Old 22-01-2007, 13:03   #84
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
You've been beheaded and yet you still manage to post on AccyWeb
Was thinking that myself.
Everything is OK
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Old 22-01-2007, 22:19   #85
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Yeah, Mike's a little over the top. However, Islam does not appear to be a very tolerant religion. Yes, I know there are lots of very decent Muslims who have moved beyond its founding and tenets. Even so, there's some odd behavior. An in-law of mine is dating a Muslim. I haven't met him yet but I hear that he's a very nice guy. In-law's grandfather is in the hospital at the moment - but it's a Catholic hospital and they have some, (gasp), crucifixes on the walls. So, Najib won't go in there to visit gramps. Like he's a vampire or something? I have doubts that this relationship is going to work out.
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Old 22-01-2007, 22:35   #86
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Re: Happy New Mosque

bullseyebarb, Najib won't go in there to visit gramps. Like he's a vampire or something? I have doubts that this relationship is going to work out.
One sure way to find out 'barb' check Najibs teeth out.
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Old 22-01-2007, 22:39   #87

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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
it's a Catholic hospital and they have some, (gasp), crucifixes on the walls. So, Najib won't go in there to visit gramps. Like he's a vampire or something? I have doubts that this relationship is going to work out.
I wonder if that works for town's
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Old 22-01-2007, 22:44   #88
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Yeah, Mike's a little over the top. However, Islam does not appear to be a very tolerant religion. Yes, I know there are lots of very decent Muslims who have moved beyond its founding and tenets. Even so, there's some odd behavior. An in-law of mine is dating a Muslim. I haven't met him yet but I hear that he's a very nice guy. In-law's grandfather is in the hospital at the moment - but it's a Catholic hospital and they have some, (gasp), crucifixes on the walls. So, Najib won't go in there to visit gramps. Like he's a vampire or something? I have doubts that this relationship is going to work out.
Seems strange , our local emergency room at St.Rose Hospital has no problem with the local Afghani and other Muslim boy racers who turn up every weekend after wrapping their high performance cars around lamp posts. there have been no reports of any of them demanding to be taken to County General in Oakland and having to wait in line with the gang bangers
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Old 22-01-2007, 23:34   #89
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Yeah, Mike's a little over the top. However, Islam does not appear to be a very tolerant religion. Yes, I know there are lots of very decent Muslims who have moved beyond its founding and tenets. Even so, there's some odd behavior. An in-law of mine is dating a Muslim. I haven't met him yet but I hear that he's a very nice guy. In-law's grandfather is in the hospital at the moment - but it's a Catholic hospital and they have some, (gasp), crucifixes on the walls. So, Najib won't go in there to visit gramps. Like he's a vampire or something? I have doubts that this relationship is going to work out.
There are also ignorant and potentially dangerous fanatics in very religion. Christians who think killing doctors and nurses who work in abortion clinics is justified, for example.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-01-2007, 00:11   #90
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
There are also ignorant and potentially dangerous fanatics in very religion. Christians who think killing doctors and nurses who work in abortion clinics is justified, for example.
Well , a lot of folks do think abortion is murder, and I wouldn't call them fanatics or ignorant
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