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Old 23-01-2007, 01:29   #91
Foreign Correspondent

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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Yeah, Mike's a little over the top. However, Islam does not appear to be a very tolerant religion.
Actually, Islam can be very tolerant indeed. It is a basic value of the religion. Unfortunately, in almost any religion there can be found some extremists who think that they have the God-given right to decide what everyone should be doing. (As Monty Python so wisely observed, "No one expects the Spanish Inquistion!")

Here is an interesting link:

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Old 23-01-2007, 01:34   #92
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Well , a lot of folks do think abortion is murder, and I wouldn't call them fanatics or ignorant
If they kill doctors or nurses, they are clearly fanatics.

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Old 23-01-2007, 01:37   #93
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Re: Happy New Mosque

My little boy came home today from school with a letter. It says they are visiting the local mosque next week. The letter stated


Your child will be visiting the local mosque next week. We will be walking to and from the mosque from school. Please could you ensure that your child is wearing warm coat as the weather as been cold recently ( YEAH NO SH!T).

And please could you send your child with a hat or scarf to cover their head with while in the mosque for religious purposes.

HMMMMMMM well I won't tell you what Ginger said because this thread would be moved to the over 18's section.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 23-01-2007, 01:54   #94
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
And please could you send your child with a hat or scarf to cover their head with while in the mosque for religious purposes.

HMMMMMMM well I won't tell you what Ginger said because this thread would be moved to the over 18's section.
What's wrong with being respectful when visiting someone's place of worship? Nothing - indeed, it is the proper thing to do! It teaches us to respect others, which is a value that the world could use a lot more of. When I visit a Jewish friend's temple for a service, I always show respect by wearing a yarmulke. When visiting a mosque, I gladly remove my shoes. When I visit the wonderful cathedrals in the UK, I am careful to be respectful of any church I enter, especially if there is a service in progress. It is the respectful and courteous thing to do.

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Old 23-01-2007, 02:00   #95
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
My little boy came home today from school with a letter. It says they are visiting the local mosque next week. The letter stated


Your child will be visiting the local mosque next week. We will be walking to and from the mosque from school. Please could you ensure that your child is wearing warm coat as the weather as been cold recently ( YEAH NO SH!T).

And please could you send your child with a hat or scarf to cover their head with while in the mosque for religious purposes.

HMMMMMMM well I won't tell you what Ginger said because this thread would be moved to the over 18's section.
just out of curiosity , do the non christian children who attend Church schools go to Christmas and Harvest festivals held in the attached churchs ? or is that classed as proslytising
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Old 23-01-2007, 02:03   #96
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
What's wrong with being respectful when visiting someone's place of worship? Nothing - indeed, it is the proper thing to do! It teaches us to respect others, which is a value that the world could use a lot more of. When I visit a Jewish friend's temple for a service, I always show respect by wearing a yarmulke. When visiting a mosque, I gladly remove my shoes. When I visit the wonderful cathedrals in the UK, I am careful to be respectful of any church I enter, especially if there is a service in progress. It is the respectful and courteous thing to do.
There you go!!! visiting these places is YOUR choice......

I mean EXCUSE me I think I may have sent my child to a Church of England school. I'm not racist or against any religion! BUT do we as parents and the children have a right to say if we wish our children to enter a mosque??

Because if we have a choice.....I don't actually remember signing anything to say I agree to my child taking part in this.

You as a adult Billcat had the choice.

I actually Find my children's school which IS church of England is actually catering more and more for Muslim faiths than for church of England pupils.

The St.Peters church which is part of my childrens school has been under renovation for month's now!! my children are NOT attending a church at the moment because of this!!!

Yet I am finding the amount of trips to the mosques are getting more and more!!!!! WHY?? that isn't my childrens religion
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 23-01-2007, 02:05   #97
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
just out of curiosity , do the non christian children who attend Church schools go to Christmas and Harvest festivals held in the attached churchs ? or is that classed as proslytising
Well it would be nice if my children could go to a festival or harvest or even a nativity play in their own church....BUT like I just pointed out!!! the church has been a no go area for the past 2 years nativity for the children.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 23-01-2007, 03:35   #98
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
You as a adult Billcat had the choice.

Yet I am finding the amount of trips to the mosques are getting more and more!!!!! WHY?? that isn't my childrens religion
Bad assumption, slinky. I have the choice now, true. BUT - when I was younger, I did not have that choice. It was part of my education and, frankly, it was pretty interesting! I also was invited many times to celebrate the Jewish sabbath as the home of friends and attended B'Nai Brith Temple for various holidays and the Bar Mitzvahs of my childhood buddies - and my friends were invited to our celebrations. My parents and my friends' parents thought that knowing about the other guys' religion was a good idea.

Also went to Russian Orthodox Easter services, discussed the Bible with other friends who claim a literal belief, went to midnight Mass with Catholic friends, attended the reconsecraton of a Tibetan temple here in NJ (done by the Dalai Lama), served as best man as wedding ceremonies in both Catholic and Presbyterian ceremonies, helped work on the restoration of the Friends (Quaker) Meeting House, discussed Mormon beliefs with other friends, and learned a lot along the way. As religion plays an important role in society, knowing a bit about it has been useful and interesting. Apart from my fundamentalist Christian friends, never felt that anyone was trying to get me to sign up for their beliefs.

Probably the most important part of that education was that if I expected to receive respect, then I had better be prepared to start the ball rolling by showing respect.

As far as your kids visiting a mosque, I am sure that if it is done properly, they'll learn a lot about the religion of others in their community.

Now a question - if your church is unable to do the Christmas nativity play, why don't you ask your pastor if arrangements can be made the local children to particpate in another parish's celebration? Just had another thought...when I was about five years old, we had a major fire in my church. While our church was being rebuilt, B'nai Brith welcomed us to use their temple for our services. Perhaps there is some other local house of worship which might be willing to let your congregation use their building for the nativity?

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Old 23-01-2007, 13:31   #99
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
Now a question - if your church is unable to do the Christmas nativity play, why don't you ask your pastor if arrangements can be made the local children to particpate in another parish's celebration? Just had another thought...when I was about five years old, we had a major fire in my church. While our church was being rebuilt, B'nai Brith welcomed us to use their temple for our services. Perhaps there is some other local house of worship which might be willing to let your congregation use their building for the nativity?
Well as far as I'm aware the school aren't doing very much in the way of it's own religion at the moment. That was my point, the children of this school have visited the mosque approx 3 times in a 12 month period - where as they haven't step foot in their own school church for 2 years.. I might be wrong but something isn't quite right here is it.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 23-01-2007, 13:56   #100
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Well as far as I'm aware the school aren't doing very much in the way of it's own religion at the moment. That was my point, the children of this school have visited the mosque approx 3 times in a 12 month period - where as they haven't step foot in their own school church for 2 years.. I might be wrong but something isn't quite right here is it.
It's because the schools in areas like ours where you have a lot of Asians, the PC Brigade and Head Teachers owe their jobs to the School Goveners and the like, and if you notice the Asians are pretty active in this department, whilst we Gentiles are a bit apathetic and let someone else do it, what we need to do is get more involved at this level ,where school policy is decided, and get our schools back, or our kids will be praying 5 times a day at school.
This is my own personal opinion if it offends anyone ,tough luck.

Last edited by Ianto.W.; 23-01-2007 at 14:03.
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Old 23-01-2007, 14:02   #101
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Ianto.W. View Post
It's because the schools in areas like ours where you have a lot of Asians, the pc brigade and head teachers owe there jobs to the school governers and the like, and if you notice the asians are pretty active in this department, whilst we gentiles are a bit apathetic and let someone else do it, what we need to do is get more involved at this level ,where school policy is decided, and get our schools back or our kids will be praying 5 times a day at school.
This is my own personal opinion if it offends anyone ,tough luck.
Couldn't have put it better myself's getting beyond a joke now.

They asked parents to send their child to school on the day with something to wrap around their heads!! well I have a spare T-towel course I do.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 23-01-2007, 14:18   #102
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Re: Happy New Mosque

slinky, They asked parents to send their child to school on the day with something to wrap around their heads!! well I have a spare T-towel course I do.
Before these people who want to run the show now, came here they had nowt of the sort, or schools to send their kids to.
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Old 23-01-2007, 14:19   #103
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Hey Slinks...if by any chance you're thinking of going blonde, ask your little nipper to check out the mosque and see if there is any hydrogen peroxide going cheap.
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Old 23-01-2007, 14:23   #104
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Hey Slinks...if by any chance you're thinking of going blonde, ask your little nipper to check out the mosque and see if there is any hydrogen peroxide going cheap.
LMAO!!! now why would I want to go blonde??? lol......I have a few moments though

But I like your way of thinking would save a few quid I suppose.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 23-01-2007, 14:28   #105
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Re: Happy New Mosque

well im sorry if it brasses any ****** off but is this voluntry? does the child want to visit the mosque? cos if not i,d be sending a letter back to the school telling em to get stuffed if my child didn,t want to go.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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