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Old 23-01-2007, 14:40   #106
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
well im sorry if it brasses any ****** off but is this voluntry? does the child want to visit the mosque? cos if not i,d be sending a letter back to the school telling em to get stuffed if my child didn,t want to go.
He hasn't said he doesn't want to go, you know what kids are like! they don't really have a opinion at that age on things like this. Oh believe me if he didn't want to go I would take him out of school for the afternoon while the others go.

I'm not a religious person myself and I am a NON believer. I didn't christen my children because I think religion is a personal choice, and who am I to choose the religion of my children.I have all the more respect for people that get into later life then decide which religion they want to be, because they can identify with something in that religion, not just because that's what they were baptized when they were babies, and because there parents wanted them to follow that religion. If I had my children christened it would have just been for other people's benifits ( and of course the p!ss up afterwards)

I was Baptised CofE when I was 6 month's old. Who decided for me that I wanted to be baptized CofE?? my parents.

IMO religion is just dictatorship. People dictating what you should and shouldn't be doing. I don't need a OLD BOOK to tell me how I should be living my life. I have never murdered anyone, got in trouble with the police. I was married before I had my children. I work for a living and I'm just a ordinary person living my ordinary life. It's called having good morals and I don't need a book to teach me them.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 23-01-2007, 14:43   #107
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Well as far as I'm aware the school aren't doing very much in the way of it's own religion at the moment. That was my point, the children of this school have visited the mosque approx 3 times in a 12 month period - where as they haven't step foot in their own school church for 2 years.. I might be wrong but something isn't quite right here is it.
If there isn't much going on in your church, that is something you should be taking up with the church leadership.

When in darkness or in doubt, visit Oswaldtwistle!
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Old 23-01-2007, 15:04   #108
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Re: Happy New Mosque

IMO religion is just dictatorship. People dictating what you should and shouldn't be doing. I don't need a OLD BOOK to tell me how I should be living my life. I have never murdered anyone, got in trouble with the police. I was married before I had my children. I work for a living and I'm just a ordinary person living my ordinary life. It's called having good morals and I don't need a book to teach me them.[/quote]

Ditto for all of the above, thats exactly the opinion i have as regards religion.
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Old 23-01-2007, 15:04   #109
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Billcat View Post
If there isn't much going on in your church, that is something you should be taking up with the church leadership.
What's needed at slnk's church is a 'vicar' cast in the mould of Ian Paisley he'd soon get things back on track, yes I aggree he is a little extreme in his views, but he woundn't half put the wind up the local Mulla. He mighn't even convert him
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Old 23-01-2007, 15:19   #110
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Re: Happy New Mosque

No Steeljack, but when they resort to killing the doctors who carry out the abortions that is beyond fanaticism.

Where'd me quote go?

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Old 23-01-2007, 15:28   #111
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Slinky, what do they do when they visit the mosque? Is it just an educational trip or is it for some form of worship?

Despite Springhill Primary being majority muslim I have never come across them taking children to any mosque for purposes of worship - in fact I presume that girls wouldn't be permitted in that instance anyway.

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Old 23-01-2007, 15:38   #112
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Slinky, what do they do when they visit the mosque? Is it just an educational trip or is it for some form of worship?
They enter the about that religion, talk about what they believe in, they show how they pray.

Despite Springhill Primary being majority muslim I have never come across them taking children to any mosque for purposes of worship - in fact I presume that girls wouldn't be permitted in that instance anyway.
Why do you think girls wouldn't be permitted??
Girls are fine to etner the mosque until they have had their first period, only then are they not permitted to attend mosque.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 23-01-2007, 15:41   #113

Re: Happy New Mosque

If you go back to Egypt,The Muslim's hardly tolerate the Christians, Who were there 'long before.
Their Church's are ramshackled tin shed's because they will not allow them to build any.
Special decree is needed from the King,But is never Granted.This religion has no soul.
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Old 23-01-2007, 16:21   #114
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by slinky View Post
Why do you think girls wouldn't be permitted??
Girls are fine to etner the mosque until they have had their first period, only then are they not permitted to attend mosque.

I was going off the signs on the mosques in Tunisia which said only muslim men could attend prayer. I was allowed in as a non-muslim and a woman (with head covered) to have a look round but not at prayer times.

Are you saying that pre-pubescent girls attend prayers/worship in the mosques here? I never knew that. You see, you have learned more than I have, which can't be a bad thing can it?

I went with a Springhill trip to a synagigue where they talked about the religion and what they do there, showed some of their artefacts and sacred scrolls an stuff. The majority of children who went were muslims.

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Old 23-01-2007, 16:36   #115
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post

Are you saying that pre-pubescent girls attend prayers/worship in the mosques here? I never knew that. You see, you have learned more than I have, which can't be a bad thing can it?

Yes Pre-pubescent girls are allowed in. And saying that i have learnt more than you have?? Hmmm I did religious education as part of my GSCE's at school. I am well informed about different cultures and religions. But I'm not religious in anyway shape or form. I don't believe and that is my preference. But that doesn't mean I don't listen and am interested in other religions.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 23-01-2007, 23:30   #116
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Angry Re: Happy New Mosque

[quote=Church Boy;373153]If you go back to Egypt,The Muslim's hardly tolerate the Christians, Who were there 'long before.
Their Church's are ramshackled tin shed's because they will not allow them to build any.
Special decree is needed from the King,But is never Granted.This religion has no soul.[/quote
you are an uneducated idiot and bigot!!! youve no idea that muslims and christians lived alongside very happily in the medieval periods in fact the christians used to prefer living under the rule of the caliphate only in recent modern times conflict has been invented by capitalist zionist greed . you are such are a narrow minded twisted bigot and you should expand your world beyond the world of electronic media . bye the way your not fat andy are you? you sound so like him
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Old 24-01-2007, 00:12   #117
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by Church Boy View Post
If you go back to Egypt,The Muslim's hardly tolerate the Christians, Who were there 'long before.
Their Church's are ramshackled tin shed's because they will not allow them to build any.
Special decree is needed from the King,But is never Granted.This religion has no soul.[/quote
you are an uneducated idiot and bigot!!! youve no idea that muslims and christians lived alongside very happily in the medieval periods in fact the christians used to prefer living under the rule of the caliphate only in recent modern times conflict has been invented by capitalist zionist greed . you are such are a narrow minded twisted bigot and you should expand your world beyond the world of electronic media . bye the way your not fat andy are you? you sound so like him
So your call for religious tolerance comes about by being anti-Semitic?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 24-01-2007, 00:31   #118
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by spinner View Post

So your call for religious tolerance comes about by being anti-Semitic?
zionism has no links with the semitic race or religion it is related entirely to capitalism.( it all started in eastern europe and has no links with the semitic peoples even though zionist organisations have managed to merge it with the idea of judaism) ive nothing against the jewish people in fact there are many who agree with me. i have abook which explains this and if i find it i will give you the name and auther. im off to bed now garinda night night
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Old 24-01-2007, 00:43   #119
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Re: Happy New Mosque

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
zionism has no links with the semitic race or religion it is related entirely to capitalism.( it all started in eastern europe and has no links with the semitic peoples even though zionist organisations have managed to merge it with the idea of judaism) ive nothing against the jewish people in fact there are many who agree with me. i have abook which explains this and if i find it i will give you the name and auther. im off to bed now garinda night night
FFS, anti-Semitic, and stupid.

Don't use phrases if you don't understand them, or it's origins. The use of the phrase 'Zionist greed' shows your ignorance.

Here is one link about Zionism, and it's relationship to Israel. Don't take my word for it though, there are hundreds of sites defining Zionism.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 24-01-2007, 00:51   #120
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Re: Happy New Mosque

hello Spinner. you have/read a book that explains everything? most people have read books that "explain" everything...just a few examples.. the bible,the koran,the cabal,jehova,karl marx,tesco club card scheme...all claim to explain everthing
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