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Old 21-05-2005, 14:44   #16
Senior Member+

Re: happy slapping

Will a´gree Cashy the punishment has to fit the crime.What i am saying is if i go past somebody and two people are having a go at each other then i will walk on by.If however there is a bunch having a go at one single person then i am gonna butt in
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 21-05-2005, 21:11   #17
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Re: happy slapping

Sparkologist, I couldn't agree with you more, these kids think they're untouchable, a taste of their own medicine and a bit of humiliation thrown in!
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Old 21-05-2005, 22:11   #18
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Thumbs up Re: happy slapping

Originally Posted by Mik Dickinson
Will a´gree Cashy the punishment has to fit the crime.What i am saying is if i go past somebody and two people are having a go at each other then i will walk on by.If however there is a bunch having a go at one single person then i am gonna butt in
i did that late 60s mik- 3 set on a guy down the street an i ran down to give him a lift,by the time i got there hed flattened all 3 an i played hell with him cos i was out of breath weve been mates ever since,saw him an his wife only last week an had a good laugh about it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 22-05-2005, 08:56   #19
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Re: happy slapping

this one is pretty recent

He said the best approach was to educate the perpetrators on the "impact of the crime" and deal with them through the courts.
if by educate they mean public flogging then i agree they should be educated

Last edited by chav1; 22-05-2005 at 09:00.
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Old 22-05-2005, 09:20   #20
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Re: happy slapping

There needs to be an urgent revision in the law to allow the under 16's to be punished. They are fairly untouchable at the moment and they know it. There also needs to be a ban on selling video phones or giving video phones as presents to teenagers. The ordinary mobile phone is not the problem here it's the ones with video/photograph facility.

If I ever found out that my 14 year old sister was involved in anything like this I would give her a good hiding and sod the consequences. I would probably have to queue up behind the rest
of the family in order to do it.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 22-05-2005, 12:34   #21
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Re: happy slapping

i no im a teenager but i wouldnt dream of happy slapping some one i got sent loads of videos through bluetooth on my phone of this happening to people not just people they dont know to teachers aswell i think its al gone a bit too far. But you shud no were theyve got it from !! from things like jak ass and stuff like that that shud be banned watchin some one hammering a piece of wood into there hand isnt setting a good example
x-X-x BaBy MeL x-X-x
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Old 22-05-2005, 12:58   #22
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Re: happy slapping

I watch Jackass but still don't have the urge to go and video myself beating random people up..

What they need to do is burn all chavs, and then there will be no more violent and down right stupid kids, only normal ones.. woo!
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Old 22-05-2005, 13:08   #23
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Re: happy slapping

in the uk we have a watershed of around 9pm i think it is before violent shows can be on tv or ones with bad language

this however dosnt seem to apply to cable tv like ntl or sky etc as i have often watched cable channels during the afternoon and early evening that contain stuff you wouldnty normaly see until after the watershed on normal tv

seems to be a lot of programs lately that rely on people eating other peoples sick ( dirty sanches ) or raw animals of various variety to get viewers ( fear factor)

i thought normal terestrial tv was safe until along came ime a celebrity get me here came along

its one thing to go swimming or crawling through leeches and maggots but is it realy needed that peope must be subjected to watching folk eat all sorts of live cratures or their body parts

ive got a pretty sick sense of humour but see no apparent value or comedy of things like this especialy when they appear while you are channel surfing at tea time

yes we do have a choice if to watch it or not but if these programs like jackass , dirty sanches and fear factor etc wernt allowed on tv or put on at a much later time they wouldnt be available for kids to copy cat in the first place

T.V is bringing up a lot of children these days as a lot of parents simply leave their kids in front of a TV set and as long as they are quiet they dont care what they watch

bad parenting and bad TV create bad kids is teh way i see it

Last edited by chav1; 22-05-2005 at 13:16.
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Old 22-05-2005, 14:47   #24
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Re: happy slapping

No i dont agree there burning all chavs its not just chavs that are doing it you cant just blame it on a certain group o people everyone is doing it im not a chav myself but i have lots of friends that are and they only wear the tn hats and rockport boots they dont go round smashing windows and recording happy slaps on their phone their not that sad
x-X-x BaBy MeL x-X-x
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Old 22-05-2005, 20:49   #25
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Re: happy slapping

I agree with Lettie as far as banning the video/camera mobiles, though a lot of teenagers probably use them as intended, I think again it comes down to discipline, bring back corporal punishment and teach these thugs some respect.
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Old 22-05-2005, 22:54   #26
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Re: happy slapping

Unfortunately in this country the do gooders seem to take the high ground-poor little souls who have come from a deprived background etc. If thats the case then what the hell are they doing with expensive mobile phones to wreak this havoc. The case of the sixteen year old girl last week on the news & in the Sunday paper today of a 36 yr old cancer sufferer who was also attacked seemingly because the effects of chemo had caused her hair loss & was taunted with the phrase slaphead.
On the other hand I see that Vodaphone is bringing out a basic mobile with no frills, just phone & text, no ability to download other things, no camera & with larger keys for ease of use. Wonder if basic will become the new chill out tool?
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Old 23-05-2005, 14:53   #27
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Re: happy slapping

but this isnt going to stop o2 and orange selling phones like this at the end of the day there makiing money thats all they want their not bothered about whats happening there bothered about their back pockets being full
x-X-x BaBy MeL x-X-x
PePsI mAx No SuGaR iM sWeEt EnOuGh

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