22-09-2007, 16:50
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Re: Harry Potter is the devil in disguise !
I haven't read the last book or the article in the observer, so thanks, Clair Cal, for giving the ending away.
As for the Rev Kev, what can I say that hasn't already been said by members more eloquent than I? Well, haven't we heard it all before? Bigotry, even at second hand, is still bigotry. But, then, bigots, generally speaking, are not renowned for the originality of their thinking. I am astonished that anyone with even a modicum of sense would give the poisonous rantings of this clown any credence whatsoever. Which would seem to suggest that the people who staff our local organ lack any sense whatsoever; I am sure that this revelation comes as no surprise to anyone.
I think we should all send back our copies of The Observer to the editor along with a terse note suggesting that more reports from the same source will result in a fall in sales. That should "stop his tap"!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe