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07-04-2005, 15:26
Resident Waffler
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Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Well I suppose we all know about the £603million that went on the Millenium Dome but how about these:
£4million on tai chi lessons, massages and courses in interior design for Scottish drug addicts
£420,000 to Peruvian farmers to help them breed fatter guinea pigs to eat.
£360,000 to campaigners for the legalisation of brothels.
£340,000 to campaigners who are trying to prevent the deportation of failed asylum seekers (yes you did read that correctly)
and yet a further £235,000 to help asylum seekers who have been denied benefits. (you mean there are some?)
£170,000 to people distributing supplies to would be asylum seekers who have only got as far as Calais (excuse me but when I last saw Calais it was in France so why are our lottery funds going over there?)
This one is priceless
£220,000 to a Sheffield farm which is building luxury accomodation for pigs with underfloor heating, snout operated showers, curtains and toys.
And of course we must not forget the £50,000 for a Jamaican-born poet to return to her homeland for a year in search of inspiration; and the £40,000 for a clown to travel the world in search of the answer to that most serious of life's questions "What do clowns offer society?"
Are you laughing or crying?
07-04-2005, 15:31
I am Banned
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
richard branson prommised a stop to all that rubbish if he got the lottery and also said the lottery would be non proffitable
twice now he has lost the bid to run the lottery it just stinks of govenment corruption
our lottery is run by an american company for those who didnt know
07-04-2005, 15:41
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
This one is priceless
£220,000 to a Sheffield farm which is building luxury accomodation for pigs with underfloor heating, snout operated showers, curtains and toys.
Are you laughing or crying?
I wonder if the Sheffield council houses are as well equipped?
This list is disgusting, The comittee that makes these decisions should be held accountable and all charitable donations from the National Lottery should be publicised on a monthly or bi-monthly basis!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
07-04-2005, 15:52
Resident Waffler
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Somehow I think the public should have a say in where the money goes.
07-04-2005, 16:06
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
there is many things the public should have a say in!that list is disgraceful.the public only get a say in voting these clowns in,what run such things,its a catch22-if peole don't vote its apathy- when we vote look what were voting for!
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07-04-2005, 16:12
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Willow were did you find this info. from? It beggars belief  I thought the money was supposed to go to sports and arts?
07-04-2005, 16:15
I am Banned
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
i think the odds on gettng 3 numbers is 50 -1 yet we pnly get £10
personaly i think they should raise the prize money instesa dof giving money to these pathetic causes
07-04-2005, 16:22
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
When the lottery was set up it was supposed to be for good causes, but why should Hospice's, Special care baby unit, air Ambulance etc have to go cap in hand around pubs rattling tins when the lottery should in my view give these very worthy causes priority with this money.It's just wasted on rubbish! 
07-04-2005, 16:25
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Originally Posted by wayneyboy1942
When the lottery was set up it was supposed to be for good causes, but why should Hospice's, Special care baby unit, air Ambulance etc have to go cap in hand around pubs rattling tins when the lottery should in my view give these very worthy causes priority with this money.It's just wasted on rubbish! 
my sentiments entirely.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
07-04-2005, 17:21
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
The proceeds form the Florida Lottery go to education in the state http://www.flalottery.com/lottery/edu/edufund.html
I think its run by the same company that runs the UK one.

07-04-2005, 17:38
Accrington Web Mascot
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
C'mon folks - they could've given the money to our hospitals, hospices, schools, sports (it would be nice to win for a change!) but why should the pigs suffer on our behalf? (apparently they were living in accomodation as bad as pig sty's before). And let's face it Clowns are now an endangered species!
And why shouldn't all the drug addicts have free massages and tai chi - it's very stressful worrying where your next hit is coming from!
07-04-2005, 17:49
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Somehow I think the public should have a say in where the money goes.
I'm sorry Willow but we the general public are not clever enough to decide where this money should go after all we would not have the scope or vision to realise that we (the contributers to the lottery) need to pay Sir Winston Churchills relatives 17 million pounds to ensure that they keep his diaries in the family, (yes, working from memory that is the amazing sum that was paid by the lottery for some-one to keep what they already owned)!
We were stupid enough to think that when the lottery was first started up it would stop the need for such good causes as scanners & other medical equipment having to go cap in hand to get what should have been supplied by whatever government was in power.
Fortunatly there are people that can be put in control to show that far more important than relieving or curing suffering the money aught to go to the 'ARTS'.
for example the opera or ballet.
If football needed the amount of subsidey they get because it is 'low brow' then it would be left to rot.
Well I say let the arts float on their own profits, & let's get the funds from the lottery go to what the majority of people that contribute to it want which is the relief of peoples agonies.
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07-04-2005, 18:02
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
All i can say is, i'm glad i don't buy lottery tickets.
What's one more farce, when this country has so many.
07-04-2005, 18:08
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
Just done a quick google & found that I had overestimated it was only 12.5 million, phew isn't that a relief!
April 1995
£12.5m of lottery money is given to the Churchill family in exchange for Sir Winston Churchill's personal papers, causing huge controversy and much resentment that a former Prime Minister's papers weren't donated to the country for free.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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07-04-2005, 20:27
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Re: Have you ever wondered where the lottery money goes? Good causes, right?
If I remember rightly, when the lottery was set up it was specifically stated that it would not be used as a substitute for government funding.
If the NHS or education system is lacking in funds then we have a duty to make sure that the government makes up any shortfall without having to rely on funds from the lottery. If the government is using lottery funds to make up funding shortfalls, or is reducing funding thus forcing the lottery to pick up the bill, then it is acting unethically and possibly illegally.
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