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Old 12-12-2007, 03:28   #1
Resting in Peace
Ber999T's Avatar

Angry Having seen single persons billet think someone needs a BIG KICK IN THE BACKSIDE

BBC NEWS | UK | MoD paying for 8,000 empty homes

Lad is in single person billet and it is run down and not to pleasant and we now find that money being used to keep empty places GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!

He has just had to endjure 6 months of living hell in tents with bombs and shells raining on them to come back to this level of Accommodation and then this story comes up!!

Hope someone high up jumps on this and KICKS A** BIG TIME

Last edited by Ber999T; 12-12-2007 at 03:31. Reason: proof read it and not included some info
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Accrington Web
Old 12-12-2007, 07:23   #2
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Re: Having seen single persons billet think someone needs a BIG KICK IN THE BACKSIDE

Something not quite right about that article.
The MOD rents the properties from Annington Homes who bought them from the government. The MOD rents them even though 8,000 of them are unoccupied and some of the unoccupied homes have 'been judged to be in too poor a state to house tenants'? So if they are not fit to live in why the heck is the MOD paying out rent for them?

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