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02-03-2013, 08:47
Senior Member
Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
If you can tell me exactly where we are trying to duplicate what Peel Holdings wanted elsewhere in Rishton then do let me know.
Be specific.
Peel Holdings - shops, supermarkets, cafe etc... for free and in a much more accessible area that would benefit everyone
HBC canalside development - shops, supermarkets, cafe etc... 20k (which will probably only be a starting figure) to draw up a plan for an area that would only benefit a small percentage of people
Specific enough?
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
02-03-2013, 09:47
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by Guinness
Peel Holdings - shops, supermarkets, cafe etc... for free and in a much more accessible area that would benefit everyone
HBC canalside development - shops, supermarkets, cafe etc... 20k (which will probably only be a starting figure) to draw up a plan for an area that would only benefit a small percentage of people
Specific enough?
Rishton is becoming the new Oswaldtwisle, Guinness 
02-03-2013, 09:59
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Re: HBC at it again
I think we have to remember that is the Borough of Hyndburn and Accrington is no longer the capital of the borough.
I'm all for spending money in the outer reaches of the borough. The millions spent on turning Accrington in to a major refugee centre would be wasted and I'm not convinced it needs anymore money spent on it. Lets spend some money on the far reaches of the borough and see if they can attract what Accrington has got. It would be a dreadful loss to us in town if they all move out but hey ho, it's a price we have to pay 
02-03-2013, 09:59
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by BERNADETTE
Why not try investing some money in the town centre before it disappears for good, rather than chasing some hair brained development along the canal? As leaders of the council Labour are beconming a laughing stock, quite ready to dog the Conservatives when they were in power but doing beggar all to sort the problems of the failing town centre out.
I'm sure Clare Pritchard would be grateful to hear those words of encouragement.
The local press used to be the starting point for many debates on this forum and yet these days no one seems to pick up on anything before commenting. Clare and her team have been working tirelessly to get people in to the town centre by holding endless talks with the owners of the Arndale Centre for better rates. The new bus station is on the way, there will be more car parking spaces by the market, the flags in front of the market is being turned into an open-air market once again and there are modifications coming to the town hall to turn it into a proper venue for weddings and conferences.
The canal project was my idea because at the moment most of the old mills are demolished and the sites are vacant. It is pointless waiting until they're built on before thinking about how they should be built on. Common sense really, we either take the reins and get what's best for us or let the developers have it their way for maximum profits. Bungalows, shops, bars, things which there is a need for in the area. It's either that or poxy shoebox houses and flats, which would you choose?
I've never said that we're flawless but I venture that we're a damn sight better than our predecessors and I'm pleased to say that I don't get comments about being a laughing stock in Rishton, quite the reverse. We're seen more than previous Councillors used to be, it isn't just one man pulling all the strings and my residents are at least aware of what is going on in the village now.
Since May 2011 we have addressed problems in every single ward, not appearing to prioritise just the one the Leader of the Council happens to live in.
If you'd rather go back to that then you've got an annual vote.
02-03-2013, 10:03
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by lancsdave
I think we have to remember that is the Borough of Hyndburn and Accrington is no longer the capital of the borough.
I'm all for spending money in the outer reaches of the borough. The millions spent on turning Accrington in to a major refugee centre would be wasted and I'm not convinced it needs anymore money spent on it. Lets spend some money on the far reaches of the borough and see if they can attract what Accrington has got. It would be a dreadful loss to us in town if they all move out but hey ho, it's a price we have to pay 
What he said.
Just with a bigger dash of sarcasm

02-03-2013, 10:04
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by jaysay
Rishton is becoming the new Oswaldtwisle, Guinness 
In my dreams, John....
I've just got off my arse and done some legwork that's all.
02-03-2013, 10:10
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
What he said.
Just with a bigger dash of sarcasm

Oh eck, I'm slacking 
02-03-2013, 10:18
Coffin Dodger.
Re: HBC at it again
Ken wake up n smell the coffee, whilst talking to the Arndale owners about reasonable rates may help a bit, the major problem is getting people back down accy on a regular basis, thats fact! Many have been driven away by St Dorothys begging brigade n are hardly likely to return until that is sorted,in fact was only the other day Drinkers were in the Market Doorway annoying people, This was reported i know fer fact, But the Market Police were away on a coarse,  Approx 1 hr later, the regular police turned up, They didn't even confiscate the booze. Please explain to all us dimwits how stuff like this will attract people, no matter what the rates are? 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
02-03-2013, 10:28
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Re: HBC at it again
You could spend billions in Accrington but if it's not spent ridding the town of wasters then it's pointless. This will never happen because there is a constant denial the problem exists.
Going back to the original resurrection of the thread, is the idea something along along the lines of the Reedley Hallows marina thing at Burnley ?
02-03-2013, 10:41
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by cashman
Ken wake up n smell the coffee, whilst talking to the Arndale owners about reasonable rates may help a bit, the major problem is getting people back down accy on a regular basis, thats fact! Many have been driven away by St Dorothys begging brigade n are hardly likely to return until that is sorted,in fact was only the other day Drinkers were in the Market Doorway annoying people, This was reported i know fer fact, But the Market Police were away on a coarse,  Approx 1 hr later, the regular police turned up, They didn't even confiscate the booze. Please explain to all us dimwits how stuff like this will attract people, no matter what the rates are? 
Comments noted Cashy and I'll make sure that this is brought up with the Town Centre team. It's not something that I work on but if it needs addressing (which it clearly does) then I'm sure it can be looked at as part of ongoing works.
02-03-2013, 10:45
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by lancsdave
You could spend billions in Accrington but if it's not spent ridding the town of wasters then it's pointless. This will never happen because there is a constant denial the problem exists.
Going back to the original resurrection of the thread, is the idea something along along the lines of the Reedley Hallows marina thing at Burnley ?
Sort of, yes. The particular stretch of canal in Rishton is currently a unique opportunity where everything is demolished and no planning permission has been finalised. There is bags of potential here for a thriving commercial/residential development that could be self-sustaining in terms of maintenance.
Any actual development is probably years off but this should set the framework for what eventually ends up there.
02-03-2013, 10:45
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Bungalows, shops, bars, things which there is a need for in the area. It's either that or poxy shoebox houses and flats, which would you choose?
Just a thought, Ken.
I thought 'poxy shoebox houses and flats' were called 'low cost housing ' for first time buyers and young couples? And the Labour Party were all in favour of 'low cost housing' and not bungalows (with spare bedrooms) for rich old people.
As for shops and bars- do you really need more of them, haven't you enough empty ones available now? It's a long time since I was there but I can't imagine the canal side in Rishton will have much pulling power.
02-03-2013, 10:54
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Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
Just a thought, Ken.
I thought 'poxy shoebox houses and flats' were called 'low cost housing ' for first time buyers and young couples? And the Labour Party were all in favour of 'low cost housing' and not bungalows (with spare bedrooms) for rich old people.
As for shops and bars- do you really need more of them, haven't you enough empty ones available now? It's a long time since I was there but I can't imagine the canal side in Rishton will have much pulling power.
There is no shortage of planning applications for small houses packed together and in my view Hyndburn is the ultimate area for low cost starter homes - I live in a terrace and it is a fantastic house which has cost a fraction of something smaller but which would have been marketed as bigger. We are desperate for bungalows and housing for the elderly, I want to make this a condition of new development on this land.
In terms of shops, a small supermarket wouldn't go down too badly with residents from the research I've been doing and maintenance fees could be bundled in with any rents to ensure that the stretch of waterway was kept clean and tidy.
The document is way off being completed yet but I have high hopes that we can make something interesting for future developments that will actually improve the community rather than just sucking resources out of it.
02-03-2013, 11:05
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Re: HBC at it again
As another shop is due to close it appears that the talks with the owners of the Arndale aren't going to well. As for the new bus station, a complete waste of money IMHO, you are taking people away from the market and to an area where more and more shops are closing. You can bet your bottom dollar that more stalls will diappear from the market when the planned bus station emerges.
02-03-2013, 11:17
Senior Member
Re: HBC at it again
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
In terms of shops, a small supermarket wouldn't go down too badly with residents from the research I've been doing and maintenance fees could be bundled in with any rents to ensure that the stretch of waterway was kept clean and tidy.
You are quite keen on establishing the fact that Rishton is a 'village'...it has a thriving butchers, sandwich shop, a small independent supermarket, 2 chemists, a furniture shop, a computer shop, a carpet shop, a couple of takeaways, a restaurant, newsagents, post office, three pubs and three clubs....
The mind boggles that you think it needs more 
The only problem drinker is the one that doesn't stand his round
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