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Old 05-02-2011, 18:20   #16
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Let's have a look at the relevant part of the policy, which can be viewed in full at:-

"Care must be taken when using any personal websites, blogs or social networking to ensure that your personal use and your official capacity as a Councillor do not merge. If you do not make the distinction clear, your personal website and any views it contains, could be viewed by
others as an extension of your official duties as a Councillor and therefore indirectly the collective views of the Council. When using such sites you should consider whether you are acting in your capacity as a councillor or not. If you give the impression that you are (for example, by referring to information you received in your capacity as a councillor), then you will be subject to the Council’s code of conduct. You should also avoid criticising named individuals online, as the laws of libel will apply to what you say."

All sounds like common sense to me. The internet is another arm of the media, like the newspapers, radio and TV. It doesn't gag councillors, merely reminds them of their responsibilities in how they behave as representatives of the Council. Broadly speaking, and leaving aside the odd personal dig at the beloved Leader, that's how they have always behaved on this site!
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Old 05-02-2011, 18:23   #17
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Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
I am sorry if I gave the wrong impression in my post but I was not saying that councillors were employed by HBC - just pointing out that most companies have similar policies for what purposes their IT equipment can be used for and most ban use of certain sites on their computers.

The councillors are definitely the people's representatives.
Therefore the Councillors can use any means at their disposal to communicate to their subjects?
Without fear or favour?
Or, is this another thing at our medal wielding head of the boroughs discretion? Similar to closing toilets on a whim?

No wonder people don't vote, he is used as the stranglehold on everything!
You want votes?
Stop this megalomaniac, encourage the sensible Tories to join with you, let's lose this loser.
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Old 05-02-2011, 18:25   #18
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
You should also avoid criticising named individuals online, as the laws of libel will apply to what you say."

Looks like there is going to have to be an overuse of the word 'allegedly"
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Old 05-02-2011, 18:42   #19
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Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Looks like there is going to have to be an overuse of the word 'allegedly"
Or PB will from now on have to be in code,
May I suggest BP?

Oh, heck no they have better lawyers.
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Old 05-02-2011, 18:56   #20
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Won't be long before they try passing a rule where nobody can speak in Hyndburn without council permission. At least most of the conservative councillors are well practised at it
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:07   #21
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
Let's have a look at the relevant part of the policy, which can be viewed in full at:-

"Care must be taken when using any personal websites, blogs or social networking to ensure that your personal use and your official capacity as a Councillor do not merge. If you do not make the distinction clear, your personal website and any views it contains, could be viewed by
others as an extension of your official duties as a Councillor and therefore indirectly the collective views of the Council. When using such sites you should consider whether you are acting in your capacity as a councillor or not. If you give the impression that you are (for example, by referring to information you received in your capacity as a councillor), then you will be subject to the Council’s code of conduct. You should also avoid criticising named individuals online, as the laws of libel will apply to what you say."

All sounds like common sense to me. The internet is another arm of the media, like the newspapers, radio and TV. It doesn't gag councillors, merely reminds them of their responsibilities in how they behave as representatives of the Council. Broadly speaking, and leaving aside the odd personal dig at the beloved Leader, that's how they have always behaved on this site!
Most of the councillors who post on here, do so as ordinary citizens, speaking their own mind.

The only person who's posted on here, who drew attention to his status as an elected offical in the borough, was TheLeadersOffice HBC, otherwise know as one Peter Britcliffe.

His post have referred to council business.

Me thinks someone should perhaps pracitice what they're preaching.

If this is just an attempt to gag opposing views, it won't work.

I'll happily post verbatim what any councillor happens to tell me, if it's in the public interest, and I won't break any rules doing it, forum, or legal.
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:15   #22
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Looks like there is going to have to be an overuse of the word 'allegedly"

I might have used humour on here, but have never posted one thing about any politican that would stand up in court as being libelelous.

Dressing up as Betsey Trotwood, in Lancashire's damp climate, will result in a wet muff.
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:21   #23
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Won't be long before they try passing a rule where nobody can speak in Hyndburn without council permission. At least most of the conservative councillors are well practised at it
So much for a new era of transparency and openess in politics.

Most politicians who post on here make it very clear which hat they're wearing.

This just seems yet more evidence of megalomanical control.

The thought police will be drafted in next.
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:23   #24
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
thankfully its only called a guide ken.

hope you tell them to stick it up their backsides.

the way this council is getting i wouldnt dare use one of tehir in house computers for fear of ithaving a key logger on the system
That's quite different, which I accept.

We get a message every time we log in on an HBC machine that e-mails are liable to be read by an in-house third party should they so wish and no correspondence should be classed as 'private'. That I can deal with, it's supposed to be for official council use after all.

If anything gets said about censuring Facebook or Blogspot then I think there may be a few councillors who aren't terribly happy about it and some considerably damaging press for The Leader.
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:34   #25
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Most of the councillors who post on here, do so as ordinary citizens, speaking their own mind.

The only person who's posted on here, who drew attention to his status as an elected offical in the borough, was TheLeadersOffice HBC, otherwise know as one Peter Britcliffe.

His post have referred to council business.

Me thinks someone should perhaps pracitice what they're preaching.

If this is just an attempt to gag opposing views, it won't work.

I'll happily post verbatim what any councillor happens to tell me, if it's in the public interest, and I won't break any rules doing it, forum, or legal.
I always did have a problem of an office being a member on here, is an office not an inanimate object
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:36   #26
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
That's quite different, which I accept.

We get a message every time we log in on an HBC machine that e-mails are liable to be read by an in-house third party should they so wish and no correspondence should be classed as 'private'. That I can deal with, it's supposed to be for official council use after all.

If anything gets said about censuring Facebook or Blogspot then I think there may be a few councillors who aren't terribly happy about it and some considerably damaging press for The Leader.
Obviously the answer is use your own computer Ken, and say stuff it, just a thought
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Old 05-02-2011, 19:41   #27
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I always did have a problem of an office being a member on here, is an office not an inanimate object
So odd were the posts, written in the third person, getting decimal points and commas mixed up when giving numbers, it was only thanks to people like you, that we knew who it really was, and not some off the wall comedic hacker.

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Old 05-02-2011, 20:27   #28

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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Neil - if you read my link I would be interested to see what you think of the report.
For you my un named maybe or maybe not a councillor fellow AccyWebber, it would be a pleasure to read and comment back

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
The thing that concerns me is that they may be trying to censor how I interact on Facebook - which certainly has nothing to do with my role as a councillor. I do have lots of links to Labour Party and Union info but this is in a private capacity.
I know a few people who have got themselves in the deep dodo at work for things they posted on facebook. Often things about other work colleagues, insulting management or the company etc. Its a bit like the modern equivalent of doing something stupid at the staff Christmas party and getting sacked the day after for it.
Most large companies have staff who read local/national press and now websites looking for things that could affect the good name of the company. The Council is again a bit different as your image does not really affect your ability to do your business.
If I worked for a bread manuafacturer for example and posted on my facebook status about the flour stores being full of rats I could seriously affect my company if it was picked up by the newspapers.

Most companies have rules about doing things out of work that may have a negative impact on work. Not sure what I think about Councillors because you are not really employed by the Council as such and many Councillors appear to think the way forward is by insulting the opposition at every possible occasion.
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Old 05-02-2011, 20:32   #29
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
...many Councillors appear to think the way forward is by insulting the opposition at every possible occasion.
Yes, I remember that shocking story in the press.

I think we have a thread about the 'Silly cow' incident.

In fairness though, those outrageous incidents are few and far between, at least on here.

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Old 05-02-2011, 20:39   #30
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Re: HBC Blogging and Social Networking - Banned?

I can't belive that this pile of tripe has gone on for 2 pages, (knowing my luck this will be the start of Page 3, (tit's out less)),

There surely is no way anyone can stop a councillor addressing his/her constituents?
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