04-02-2012, 11:27
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HBC Budget 2012/13
I've just been looking at the report that went to Cabinet last Wednesday on the 2012/13 Budget.
What incredibly depressing reading it makes. Savings of over 2 million pounds required on top of the millions of pounds that have already needed to be found....a 25% further reduction in back office costs......massive reductions in running costs.....the list goes on.
What effect can this be having on staff morale? Staffing numbers 10 years ago were considered to be at minimum levels to provide a basic level of service, so goodness only knows what level of service is being provided now, let alone with a further 25% reduction.
The staff who are being forced out (many having given long and loyal service to HBC) receive no thanks.........
"A continuation of our established approach of limiting enhancements on early retirement"
And those who stay get paid the minimum wage possible.....
"a “Living Wage” for every employee, with the Council guaranteeing that it will pay the basic recognised amount to those who provide key services for the Council."
And all this at a time when public sector pensions are being reduced.
It used to be considered a privilege to work for the Council. Nowadays it seems, staff are expected to just be grateful they have a job! Which, in the current economic climate, is probably true.
I just find it all very depressing.

Last edited by gynn; 04-02-2012 at 11:32.