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Old 24-05-2005, 17:38   #1
God Member
yerself's Avatar

HBC Strikes Again

In a leaflet delivered to homes in the borough last week HBC stated admission would be free to the Accrington Carnival. Harold Hardman of Accrington Lions stated "This is going to cause us mega problems." Well done HBC. I wonder how much it cost the council tax payers of Hyndburn for the printing and distribution of these leaflets.
Full story here:
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Accrington Web
Old 24-05-2005, 18:27   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: HBC Strikes Again

havent bin to the carnaval for a few years,due to circumstance,but wasn,t aware they charged addmission these days.
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Old 24-05-2005, 21:50   #3
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Re: HBC Strikes Again

After the Lions have had to scrabble round for funding for the Carnival this year,it seems somewhat ironic that the Council then decide that it's free. Surely the profits form the Carnival come from entrance fees,etc etc,take the shortfall out of Britcliffe's fat wallet I say!
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