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Old 01-08-2006, 23:23   #46
Senior Member+
g jones's Avatar

Re: Headlines in tonights Telegraph

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Would consolidation on such a scale work even without Blackburn? Sometimes the bigger it is the more beauracratic and unwielding it becomes. Sometimes something this size just creates desk jobs to try and solve a problem and therefore sets a trend to such a point its top heavy and will topple.
I think your absolutely right. All LCC staff will have to transfer to Blackburn. Blackburn will require (I guess) a 10 year contract+ with Hyndburn to guarantee they can pay the wages. Hyndburn will be locked into Blackburn. Blackburn will be 'The Company'. Their Council (and elected members) will decide how 'their company' operates as they are the ones guaranteeing the wages (Who will employ headteachers for eg and on what grounds and what salary scale). Blackburn employees will be answerable to Blackburn line managers, not anyone from Hyndburn. Which Council will headteachers answer to (Moorhead race issues)? What happens if Blackburn (as they do with Capita) decide to use resources even further beyond Hyndburn's control. Who will have a say then? Lets say Blackburn employ a company who unbeknowingly employ illegal immigrants in Hyndburn or there are other serious moral issues??

Hyndburn will require many more solicitors than they have to draw up watertight contracts for service delivery in Hyndburn. To ensure the Company contracted (Blackburn Council) actually delivers in Hyndburn, then we will have to employ monitoring officers (Imagine a Care Home scandal with this set up - who would be to blame?). Solicitors and accountants will be involved to deal with contract disputes. Once a contract has been set, it is very inflexible and Councils end up paying more in order to add in things they didn't see orignally (instead of now where ringing the works dept and asking with one phone call to put it right).

And when residents complain to their ward councillor, expect to be told, sorry the contracts been signed, nothing we can do about it this year (or worse the next 3, 4 or 5 years).

Last edited by g jones; 01-08-2006 at 23:31.
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Accrington Web
Old 02-08-2006, 01:25   #47
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Re: Headlines in tonights Telegraph

my two cents .......follow the money , check out the folks in favor and their cronies (lodge and golfing buddies) and see who owns what and who has options for future purchase of land in areas of possible future development
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Old 18-09-2006, 20:50   #48
I am Banned

Unhappy Re: Headlines in tonights Telegraph

Blackburn tried to gain control over what is now Hyndburn back in the 1970's, during local government reorganisation a bloke called Motershead was running Blackburn then, just like britcliffe runs Hyndburn now. At that time Blackburns debts were runing at over £700 per head, man women and child, they built that giant heap of a town hall on the strength of their wishful take over, it remained half empty for years, now the little tin pot empire builders have managed to fill it, with made up jobs. The people of Oswaldtwistle threatened to barricade the road to Blackburn. The only good thing about Blackburn is the road out of the place.
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Old 18-09-2006, 20:53   #49
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Re: Headlines in tonights Telegraph

or the signs to accy
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Old 18-09-2006, 21:02   #50
Resting in peace
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Re: Headlines in tonights Telegraph

If Peter decides that is the road we all take, rightly or wrongly, we will
take it, the rewards of polling day apathy.
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Old 25-09-2006, 11:11   #51
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Re: Headlines in tonights Telegraph

Originally Posted by Retlaw
Blackburn tried to gain control over what is now Hyndburn back in the 1970's, during local government reorganisation a bloke called Motershead was running Blackburn then, just like britcliffe runs Hyndburn now. At that time Blackburns debts were runing at over £700 per head, man women and child, they built that giant heap of a town hall on the strength of their wishful take over, it remained half empty for years, now the little tin pot empire builders have managed to fill it, with made up jobs. The people of Oswaldtwistle threatened to barricade the road to Blackburn. The only good thing about Blackburn is the road out of the place.
I agree with all you have said. The thought of the implications of this 'contractual agreement' with Blackburn is frightening - to say the least.

I have also always thought the only good thing to come out of Blackburn was the road out. I try to avoid going anywhere near the place.
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