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28-02-2011, 14:22
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by Benipete
Some years ago I bought a new fridge and of course along with It came a list of Does and Dont's.Ican't remember them all but one was.Do Not Use The Open Fridge Door As A Stepladder When Painting Your Kitchen Ceiling.  :
What a bummer!!   
How stupid,everyone knows yeh use the oven. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
28-02-2011, 14:55
Beacon of light
Re: Health and Safety
I bought a hairdryer and it cautioned me not to immerse it in water...as if I would!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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28-02-2011, 17:27
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by cashman
Have to disagree Barrie the Factory Inspectorate were either Corrupt or Useless ! you decide which cap fits from this example- i worked at a large local company, when the Factory Inspector was gonna make a visit, at least 3/4 days before they rang the company and told em the purpose of the visit, so as yeh can imagine "Everything" in that section including employees, looked shipshape @ Bristol Fashion, explain please how yer arrive at worthwhile? 
Prestige Burnley were, to the best of my knowledge, given a "window" of when the inspection would occur - so for a few weeks we would have to make sure that all machine guards were fitted and other safety transgressions were stopped - usually the machine operators that removed the guards so that they could increase production (piece-work) - me, same old scruffy apprentice boiler suit   
28-02-2011, 17:30
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by cashman
Yeh got me beat wi that,to the best of my recollection the H.@S. at work act,was not introduced until 1972?? 
I can't remember encountering it before '76 - mind you I had been in the Outer Isles before that   
28-02-2011, 17:37
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by garinda
Yes, but while you were young, and gaining knowledge, and asked to do something dangerous, would you have told your boss to stick his job, as Jaysay suggested is the choice?
I doubt most would have the knowledge to make that decision, or the nerve.
Though much of it seems obvious, Health & Satety legislation was introduced for those who don't have 'mentors' watching their backs, and for the small minority of employers who don't rate the safety of those in their pay very highly.
Didn't really know what was dangerous (except when bombs were being found, rounds being fired fairly close and G-G missiles landing close by), if I felt i could do what was requested, I did it to the best of my availability. If i didn't think I could then I would say so and try and find an alternative solution - never got sacked from any job   
28-02-2011, 17:40
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
I remember the first page on h&s I had to read, it was from a loose leaf folder & I got a paper cut!
If I'd known then what I know now, that could have set me up for life.
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28-02-2011, 17:40
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by garinda
Yes, but while you were young, and gaining knowledge, and asked to do something dangerous, would you have told your boss to stick his job, as Jaysay suggested is the choice?
I doubt most would have the knowledge to make that decision, or the nerve.
Though much of it seems obvious, Health & Satety legislation was introduced for those who don't have 'mentors' watching their backs, and for the small minority of employers who don't rate the safety of those in their pay very highly.
Sorry G but should have also said - depends what age is accepted as young - the ages on the headstones around Arnhem seemed to have a majority who were early 20s and younger.
No H & S for them, is it supended during war?
28-02-2011, 18:34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Health and Safety
I remember during the 90's, I was Workshop Manager, The guy in charge of Production was sacked for fiddling, (elaborate invoices) our boss wasn't happy, (didn't get his share), brought in a brother-in-law that had spent most of his time as a Brickies labourerer as the supervisor, he introduced himself by announcing, "Health and safety is the last thing we need to worry about, get the stuff through the door, then bother".
I had several well trained & worried lads asking if this guy was, 'for real',
He didn't stay long.
Health & Safety has it's place, but just like Pee Cee, some folk can take it too far either way.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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28-02-2011, 18:46
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Re: Health and Safety
I can only assume plank and cripples are taboo these days then 
28-02-2011, 18:48
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by jaysay
I can only assume plank and cripples are taboo these days then 
Call yourself what you want, some of us will be kind enough to answer.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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28-02-2011, 19:34
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by Less
Call yourself what you want, some of us will be kind enough to answer.

And evidently take the P 
28-02-2011, 20:03
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by cashman
How stupid,everyone knows yeh use the oven. 
You're right, cashman, I knew that. Just a shame I forgot to turn the hob off.
On the front of a carton of milk in large letters-MILK.
On the side of the carton(in very small letters)-Allergy warning. Caution, this container contains milk.??
28-02-2011, 21:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
see same as our place, so still waiting fer explanation of worthwhile? as walkingman says the replacement fer the F.I. are still doing the same n that was in a small workplace a carehome.  the principle of Health @ Safety may be good, the reality is summat else, trouble is many are too naive or couldn't careless, so fer me a portion of the blame lies with the workers as well. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
28-02-2011, 22:26
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Re: Health and Safety
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
Sorry G but should have also said - depends what age is accepted as young - the ages on the headstones around Arnhem seemed to have a majority who were early 20s and younger.
No H & S for them, is it supended during war?
My grandfather was twenty two when he was killed in Normandy, leaving my nan pregnant with my mother. So yes I'm aware that young men, and women, suffer in times of war.
All I'm saying is that I disagree with Jaysay's rather naive assumption that people have a choice when asked to do some particular job, and that if they think it's dangerous, they should tell their boss to stick their job.
Sometimes life isn't that black and white.
Inexperience might mean you aren't able to make an informed decision, when asked to do something.
H & S legislation is there to (hopefully) ensure employers have a legal obligation, that the people who work for them have a safe as possible working environment.
I've posted earlier, much H & S seems daft, or just common sense, but there is a need for some legal requirement that employee safety is addressed.
If they'd had it in the nineteenth century, they'd have probably forced the mill owners to make sure the little mites who were employed to clean the moving looms, wore little hats, to lesson the chances of 'em being scalped.
Which they frequently were.

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