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23-07-2005, 00:53
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Heightened Tensions
Many of our members live in mixed race or multi-cultural areas. Can anyone tell me if there is any evidence of heightened tensions since the London Bombings? I exclude London and Leeds at this moment. Many commentators are assuming that tension is increasing in our communities, something I have not witnessed either here or when I’ve been in Accrington or Burnley recently. What I mean by this is local acts of violence, vandalism or racial orientated graffiti. I have always found people to be open and welcoming when I’ve been over? Is that changing at all?
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
23-07-2005, 01:01
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Heightened Tensions
i have certainly not witnessed heightend tension in our area which is multi-racial,the asians i have spoken to are as appalled as me at the devastation,what i have heard down the market is a couple of people talking about civil war,i treated those remarks with the contempt they deserved,but you get ill put the world to rights(barrack room lawers etc) in every eventuality.
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23-07-2005, 01:03
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Re: Heightened Tensions
My friend told me of some graffiti on an asian shop in altham "support the terrorist's shop here".......
Not seen it for myself...but he does not tell porkys..
23-07-2005, 01:05
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Re: Heightened Tensions
Originally Posted by Doug
Many of our members live in mixed race or multi-cultural areas. Can anyone tell me if there is any evidence of heightened tensions since the London Bombings? I exclude London and Leeds at this moment. Many commentators are assuming that tension is increasing in our communities, something I have not witnessed either here or when I’ve been in Accrington or Burnley recently. What I mean by this is local acts of violence, vandalism or racial orientated graffiti. I have always found people to be open and welcoming when I’ve been over? Is that changing at all?
just come out on a sat night.............lol
23-07-2005, 01:10
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Re: Heightened Tensions
Very true Cashman, and something some of us are perhaps already guilty of. All the more reason to talk and share experiences rather than condemn everyone by tarring them with the same brush. This doesn’t change my opinion on what occurring in the city or the authorities’ response to the threat. But I do believe that we should keep the doors open for those we share our neighbourhoods with.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
23-07-2005, 01:22
land of hope and glory
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Re: Heightened Tensions
Originally Posted by Doug
Very true Cashman, and something some of us are perhaps already guilty of. All the more reason to talk and share experiences rather than condemn everyone by tarring them with the same brush. This doesn’t change my opinion on what occurring in the city or the authorities’ response to the threat. But I do believe that we should keep the doors open for those we share our neighbourhoods with.
load of boll....ks why should we keep our doors open ? do you not think we have enougth allready? we are not a bottomless pit we are little england run from abroad!
23-07-2005, 01:26
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Re: Heightened Tensions
You think so Staggers, you surprise me, and I always thought you were more conservative. I wasn’t saying let any more in, just that we should try and live with those that are already here.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
23-07-2005, 01:28
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Re: Heightened Tensions
In terms of immigration I would wholeheartedly agree with you, and that goes for the Europeans as well.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
23-07-2005, 02:49
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Re: Heightened Tensions
to be honest
i'm not goin on nite's out untill all this has blown over. it takes just one drunken idiot to spoil the nite - of which there seems to be many at the moment around accy and bburn
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23-07-2005, 07:05
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Re: Heightened Tensions
I know a number of people through work and socially who are presumably from different backgrounds to me and to be honest I've never asked what their religion is, just as they've never asked me. It seems unfortunate that once again this subject is being discussed when we should be spending our energies on getting on.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
23-07-2005, 09:29
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Re: Heightened Tensions
Thats all well and good, yes keep the door open, BUT, this has got to be a two way thing. We may try to integrate these people into our communities but is that what they want. They on the whole seem to want to form their own communities and follow their own ways and rituals. I AM NOT MEANING RELIGION. They have to open the doors as well and allow integration. Stop turning to thier own language when it suits them and playing the race card at the drop of a hat. We cannot do that as we are the ones who areput at a disadvantage. Yesterday my wife and I were in Helmshore. In front of us was a silver BMW driven by an asian guy. The registered no. on the car was T 18 OMB he had rearranged the plate to read T1 8OMB ......... Openly driving around I honestly hope that at this sad and very sensitive time the car is scratched from end to end and as deep and destructively as possible.
23-07-2005, 10:41
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Re: Heightened Tensions
Fireman I accept what your saying and I understand that we are the one’s disadvantage when it comes down to it. Like someone said in another post if we make our intentions clear we get be criticise and the do gooders can’t complain.
Gayle. Don’t you think that talking about it might just open eyes and avoid further mistrust? I didn’t ask what peoples religions were, I ask if there where any sign’s of local acts of violence, vandalism or racial orientated graffiti. I thought that by sharing experiences we might do some good for our own communities. Understand that these people won’t be going anywhere so the sooner we understand each other the quicker we will resolve some of these issues. Just avoiding the issue and getting on won’t hack it……………..
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
23-07-2005, 12:23
Beacon of light
Re: Heightened Tensions
The shop with the racially motivated graffiti is here in Clayton-le-moors.
23-07-2005, 13:45
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Re: Heightened Tensions
Some brainless moron has put through the windows of a shop on Blackburn road. Though I'm not entirely sure it was racially motivated as this happens regularly anyway.
23-07-2005, 18:43
Accy Red
Re: Heightened Tensions
A quick question if you where on a bus or train and the only seat available was next to an asian with a rucksack would you take the seat?
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