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27-02-2005, 18:06
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Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Hi all;my daughter's cat has gone AWOL;last night from the Peel Park area.It's a female called Mooney,she is long haired and black all over.She is wearing a pink glittery collar with a bell and her details on.Please keep an eye out for us,she was a birthday present and will be missed terribly.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
27-02-2005, 19:36
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Panic over;the cat has returned,very cold and hungry!!!!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
27-02-2005, 19:41
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
Panic over;the cat has returned,very cold and hungry!!!!
At last a success story of a lost pet on here  ! Good to hear she's back Lindsay
27-02-2005, 19:48
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
What I want to know is where the hell has she been for 15 hours??? Anyone know a good cat whisperer? Honestly,pets are just a trial,if she had turned up 20 minutes earlier I wouldn't have had to tell Kelsey and she would be non the wiser but Oh no! Blummen contrary beasts!!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
27-02-2005, 20:30
Beacon of light
Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
I am so pleased to hear that your pet returned home......I had a similar experience about 10 days ago......I have a big Maine Coon cat, he is used to being in the house and never stays out for more than an hour. We had the builders in and they came to the kitchen for some water and the cat legged it and was gone for over 12 hours.
I was absolutely distraught.....more so because that day I had had to have one of my other cats put to sleep. Kleenex must have put an overtime shift on just to cope with me!!!!
27-02-2005, 21:47
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Glad to here it's back Lindsey. Margaret, I was going to ask one of those stupid questions but thought better of it. I am interested so I leave this for any about to ask:
The Coon Cat
One of the oldest natural breeds in North America, the Maine Coon is generally regarded as a native of the state of Maine (the Maine Coon is the official Maine State Cat). A native American longhaired cat the Maine Coon was recognized as a specific breed in Maine where they were held in high regard for their mousing talents. Through nature's own breeding program, this breed has developed into a sturdy cat ideally suited to the harsh winters and varied seasons of the region. 
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
27-02-2005, 21:55
Beacon of light
Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
They are very large cats.....long coated, but they need much less grooming than other long coated breeds.
He is a rescued cat......not fond of the outdoors and with absolutely no road sense.
My Maine Coon is called MONTY.
Oh, yes and they are thought to have come about by a wild cat and a racoon mating....personally I can't see it. They have large paws and tufted ears. My cat has no tail...... but that is as a result of a fight with a dog.
27-02-2005, 21:58
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
They are very large cats.....long coated, but they need much less grooming than other long coated breeds.
He is a rescued cat......not fond of the outdoors and with absolutely no road sense.
My Maine Coon is called MONTY.
Oh, yes and they are thought to have come about by a wild cat and a racoon mating....personally I can't see it. They have large paws and tufted ears. My cat has no tail...... but that is as a result of a fight with a dog.
Got any pictures Margaret?
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
27-02-2005, 22:01
Beacon of light
Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
I have got some pics, but (and I don't like to admit this) I haven't got a clue how to put them on the site......there, I've admitted it now.
27-02-2005, 22:02
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
I had to ask a girl to help me get mine up, so I wouldn't worry Margaret. Are they on your Computer?
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
Last edited by Doug; 27-02-2005 at 22:03.
27-02-2005, 22:04
Beacon of light
Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
I think they may be on a Cd somewhere.......
27-02-2005, 22:08
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I think they may be on a Cd somewhere.......
It would be nice to see them. Their was a thread about pets some where.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
27-02-2005, 22:09
Beacon of light
Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Or they may even be on one of my flash drives.......I have so many pictures it would be impractical to keep them all on the machine.......I will go away for a minute and have a look.
27-02-2005, 22:11
Beacon of light
Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
I saw some instructions somewhere about how to download pictures, but I didn't have time to digest it properly.
When I find the pics I will try to post them to this thread.....so watch this space.
27-02-2005, 22:15
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Re: Help!!! Lost pet!!!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I saw some instructions somewhere about how to download pictures, but I didn't have time to digest it properly.
When I find the pics I will try to post them to this thread.....so watch this space.
Thanks Margaret, that would be very welcome. It was Willow who helped me but I'm sure Mick or Len will offer their assistance. Maybe we could have a Pet Album in the Gallery.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
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