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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 19-07-2005, 05:35   #1
God Member
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Here it comes...

So the bending over even further backwards has, as predicted, begun.

The BBC News site carried this today…

Not only are we to provide the feckless malcontents from the Asian subcontinent with the opportunity to build a new life in a free, democratic and technologically advanced country, a free education, access to comprehensive healthcare and access to the social security system. No, we must now feed their innate sense of grievance and victimhood by skewing the playing field of work in their favour too, in the forlorn hope that they will abandon their medieval mindset and become fully integrated members of the host society.

If you were to invite a guest into your home, who then turned round and began to complain about and criticise the way you dress and the way you live, your morals and your beliefs, even to the extent of randomly murdering family members in an attempt to persuade you to change your ways, how would you react? I would hazard the guess that your reaction would not run along the lines of “We must do everything we can to make sure our guest feels more comfortable and welcome in our home.” Or “ Perhaps our guests would feel more comfortable if we moved out and found somewhere else to live.”
The thing about integration is that it is an activity carried out by the minority in order to ease social interaction with the majority, not the other way round. Its opposite is properly termed “Invasion”.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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