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Old 22-03-2007, 14:23   #31
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

I know, it gave us quite a chuckle.
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Old 22-03-2007, 16:44   #32
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

I agree with others, women shouldn't have to pay to have a pee if men don't, and there should be facilities for dads to spend a penny if they have a pram with them.

I'm suprised there isn't more of an out cry over this inequality.

The local authorities would be bending over backwards if it were a relgious or cultural problem to sort it out.
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Old 22-03-2007, 16:53   #33
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Annie and I were shocked to see all the pay bathrooms over there. They are very rare here in the States. Annie had to really go but refused to allow me to pay for it. "Dad, I'm not gonna pay to go to the bathroom!" So, what makes her stubborn/pround the English in her or the wee bit of German!


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Old 22-03-2007, 16:59   #34
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Lucky bastards ... In the City of Kingston (pop. 120,000) there is only one public bog! And in the stores they hide them: special architects are hired to do this ... ever try taking a leak outside at -35 degrees!!!!!!!!
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Old 22-03-2007, 17:01   #35
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Looks like Ladies we are expected to use the funnel technique to avoid being charged
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Old 22-03-2007, 18:23   #36
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Cant believe we have a thread about weeing for free or not. Who cares?
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Old 22-03-2007, 18:27   #37

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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

I am surprise no one has posted a picture of a shewee yet
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Old 22-03-2007, 19:12   #38
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

mcdonalds has baby changing facilities but they are in teh disabled toilets which usualy require a special key to get in to although most places leave them unlocked
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Old 22-03-2007, 19:16   #39
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
So, what makes her stubborn/pround the English in her or the wee bit of German!

Well the wee bit of German would make her want to pay. It's common in mainland Europe to pay to use the loo even in the shopping places.
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Old 22-03-2007, 20:15   #40
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

I've been in a bit of a dither in some foreign places where they don't actually charge as such but there's a person sitting there at the entrance with a little dish of money, or sometimes not as the case may be. Do I put money in the dish or if there isn't a dish do I give them money, do I do so on the way in or on the way out, as a sort of thank you tip?

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Old 22-03-2007, 20:19   #41
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I've been in a bit of a dither in some foreign places where they don't actually charge as such but there's a person sitting there at the entrance with a little dish of money, or sometimes not as the case may be. Do I put money in the dish or if there isn't a dish do I give them money, do I do so on the way in or on the way out, as a sort of thank you tip?
Next time you go try walking out without 'tipping', then you will know how compulsory it is
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Old 22-03-2007, 20:21   #42
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

In some public toilets in Spain (well, it used to be so some 10 years ago) they have some old dear doling out the toilet paper.....if you don't pay you don't get any loo roll.
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Old 22-03-2007, 21:08   #43
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Yep and she's usually pretty stingy with it too! Moral of the story - always make sure you have a supply of tissues in your bag/pocket.

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Old 22-03-2007, 21:15   #44
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

yes, Willow you are right about stingy.......I once asked for some more paper.......and the old dear pointed to the dish........she wanted more money.
Now I ALWAYS have tissues in my bag or may pocket.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 22-03-2007, 21:40   #45
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Re: Here's an inequality which needs to be addressed

Originally Posted by entwisi View Post
there is also very little consideration of fathers with pushchairs. Its a nightmare finding somewhere I can go for a wee when I have Siobhan with me.

We want to WEE!
This was one of Chris's bugbears - why are they all Mother and Baby rooms - where could he go when the babies needed changing.

He also hated Mothercare as well - don't father's care too?

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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