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30-09-2011, 10:33
Resting in Peace
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Earlier in this thread there was a link to planning consent which doesn't work now.
I recall it stipulated restriction of times of day when work and deliveries could happen.
I was wakened before 7.30am with the tipper lorries and the loud clanging noise their tail gates make as they slam open and shut - (and the bleeping reversing noises) - it wasn't until 7.30 that I got up after deciding that going back to sleep wasn't an option.
There are styl saws operating again today - groan 
It's here, Margaret. Probably the link went when they started putting plans on their site. Page 5 re. times. Sometimes takes time to load, so be patient.
30-09-2011, 10:36
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
Thanks Kate - I have a slow connection today - I will look when it downloads eventually.
As an amusing anecdote to this saga -
There is a woman who daily walks a pack of bull terriers up here.
She is known locally as 'pit bull Ann'.
For the past 2 weeks, gravel, and now soil, has been shifted from the pavilion site, where it has been unloaded, up to the top of the field, via the narrow allotment tracks.
Recently one of the two large dumper trucks met this 'lady' with dogs on a return trip down the track.
She refused to move aside and the truck had to reverse back onto the field.
Result - two signs have been erected on the verge near the site entrance -
Last edited by MargaretR; 30-09-2011 at 10:39.
30-09-2011, 11:13
Re: Heyes playing fields.
The sign should say "Beware, some pedestrians are stupid enough to stand in front of dumper trucks"
If I had been the dumper driver I would have got out and walked off for a brew 
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30-09-2011, 18:12
Resting in Peace
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Thanks Kate - I have a slow connection today - I will look when it downloads eventually.
As an amusing anecdote to this saga -
There is a woman who daily walks a pack of bull terriers up here.
She is known locally as 'pit bull Ann'.
For the past 2 weeks, gravel, and now soil, has been shifted from the pavilion site, where it has been unloaded, up to the top of the field, via the narrow allotment tracks.
Recently one of the two large dumper trucks met this 'lady' with dogs on a return trip down the track.
She refused to move aside and the truck had to reverse back onto the field.
Result - two signs have been erected on the verge near the site entrance -
Didn't know you had dogs Margaret 
20-10-2011, 11:35
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
The road to the allotment car park has been blocked without notice. 
If you planned to visit your allotment today - you can't. The car park is chock-a-block with contractors vehicles in any case. One of them needed to leave and used the footpath (see thumbnail 2).
A jackhammer is digging a trench across the road.
20-10-2011, 19:29
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
They have left space for one car to pass now, via metal sheets across the trench
which make three loud clangs every time one does
..whoops I said metal - hope pixies don't see this 
20-10-2011, 19:43
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
which make three loud clangs every time one does
..whoops I said metal - hope pixies don't see this 
Well if they do you won't be getting 3 loud clangs, there'll be just one loud bang. 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
20-10-2011, 20:15
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
If these loud bangs continue, Margaret, you might get an earthquake. Still, you should get some cheap gas out of it.
21-10-2011, 09:23
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
The word 'heys' is of ancient origin and simply means 'fields', usually of the type used for pasture. Thus it seems to me that the Heys pub was so named simply because it was in an area long called th'heys because, when other land had gone for industrial or housing use,it was kept as green belt.
21-10-2011, 09:28
Resting in Peace
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Re: Hayes playing fields.
Originally Posted by Bob Dobson
The word 'heys' is of ancient origin and simply means 'fields', usually of the type used for pasture. Thus it seems to me that the Heys pub was so named simply because it was in an area long called this because, when other land had gone for industrial or housing use,it was kept as green belt.
I can remember when there were no houses what-so-ever on the land behind the heys Bob, development only started in around 1973 prior to that the land was mostly allotments
21-10-2011, 10:01
Resting in Peace
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Re: Hayes playing fields.
Originally Posted by jaysay
I can remember when there were no houses what-so-ever on the land behind the heys Bob, development only started in around 1973 prior to that the land was mostly allotments
I thought It used to be a land fill site many years ago. 

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21-10-2011, 10:05
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Re: Hayes playing fields.
Originally Posted by Benipete
I thought It used to be a land fill site many years ago. 
Never - I recall walking the track through the allotments to get to Threebrooks mill on RoeGreave Rd.(in late 40s)
There was a tip in Ossy - at Whiteash.
21-10-2011, 10:06
Resting in Peace
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Re: Hayes playing fields.
Originally Posted by Benipete
I thought It used to be a land fill site many years ago. 
I can remember walking along a path with allotments on both sides Beni, down as fare as the bridge leading to the Farm, Town Bent, there was a red brick pump house there too, can't remember anything about a landfill except the private one at the end of Roe Greave Road/Rhoden Road
30-10-2011, 12:06
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
You may recall I mentioned that they had twice dug a trench along the grass verge.
They dug it again for the THIRD time several days ago.
Today they are filling it again.
I wouldn't have bothered mentioning it except that it is Sunday, the only day we should expect some peace up here in accordance with the planning permission.
I have just observed the need to move my car because the track came off their vehicle directly opposite my car and they were blocking the road whilst trying to get the track back on.
This is (supposed to be) the one day of the week when I can park at my door without heavy equipment and deliveries passing.
OK - rant over - planning permission breached which isn't OK
Last edited by MargaretR; 30-10-2011 at 12:12.
31-10-2011, 12:08
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Re: Heyes playing fields.
The car park gate posts were installed before the car park surface was prepared and tarmaced -that's logical.
Tarmac was applied friday and this morning, so the fencing firm have arrived to fit the gates.
I don't (Victor Meldrew) believe it!!!!!!
The gates don't fit the space between the posts, so the fencing men have dug up the newly laid tarmac, and the gravel beneath it, to move a post to match the width of the gate.
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