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Old 11-10-2006, 19:29   #1
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Holiday Dilemma

Just got back from holiday in Turkey a couple of weeks back.Anyway one night sat outside a rather busy bar i swear blind i saw Janice Battersby a couple of yards in front of us,having a right old knees up.The missus hummed & ahhed but voted against it being her.Anyway i'd forgot all about this near encounter until catching her on Corrie tonight,and she did look tanned,relaxed & her usually gobby self & glad to be back on the machines at Underworld so she can save for her next all inclusive.Can anyone confirm Janices holiday arrangments for October.I rang Baldwin,but his mobiles switched off.Am i confusing fact with fiction? Do i need another holiday?
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Old 11-10-2006, 22:44   #2
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

She might have been sneaking into Cilla's, to use the sunbed,...... and Les.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-10-2006, 03:46   #3
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

Originally Posted by garinda
She might have been sneaking into Cilla's, to use the sunbed,...... and Les.
Sorry,iseemed to go off into cuckoo land.I meant to ask has anyone else ever had an encounter with someone famous or well known,whilst on their holidays.
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Old 12-10-2006, 04:50   #4
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

Prince Charles, while on holiday in Cornwall this year. Went on a trip to Dartmoor, and wondered what everyone was stood in the street waiting for. Was rather peeved coz wanted to get into the visitors centre, and couldn't because he was going in there, and obviously the "visitors" had been hand picked. Got fed up waiting and was having a heated debate with my ex about the fact that I thought the Royal family was an anachronism, was overheard and manoeuvred to the back of the crowd. So much for free speech. Sneaked my way back to the front and sat on the kerb, with detective looking daggers at me. If they were going to move me again they would have had to carry me. Finally got in the visitors centre another hour later, then decided to go for some tea, but couldnt get in the place we wanted coz he was there too. Not a very good day that.
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Old 12-10-2006, 06:40   #5
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

Maxwell, I was at school with Vicky Entwistle. I met quite a few of the old corrie bods and a good few comedians as well when I worked in the pub game. TBH I can take or leave 'celebs' some are nice people I would enjoy a drink and natter with, others are a right royal PITA.

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Old 12-10-2006, 06:49   #6
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

I was similarly frustrated by a film crew a few years ago in Whitby. We'd parked near the Co-op and walked across the bridge to another shop or two. When we tried to get back the bridge was open so we couldn't cross. A pirate ship was coming up river. then going down river, then coming up river again, the going down river............... whilst being filmed. They can never get it right first time can they?

Time was going on and we knew our carpark ticket would be running out. There were crowds of people building up either side of the bridge and we tried to get to the front in the hope of dashing across as soon as it opened when we were approached by a big lump of a guy who said, "If you'll just be a little more patient Mr. Hoskins will sign autographs as soon as we've finished fiming this scene" Autographs? We just wanted to get back to our flippin car!!!!

The film was apparently called "Captain Jack" but we never did hear of it coming out in the cinema. Maybe they changed the star and the location and renamed it "Pirates of the Caribbean"!

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Old 12-10-2006, 08:15   #7
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

I met the sequined darling of British fashion, Julien Macdonald, whilst on holiday.

It was just before Christmas in Gran Canaria in the mid nineties. This little Welsh bloke was staying at the same complex as me, but we'd never spoken other than to say hello. One night I was having dinner with two Americans, and the little Welsh bloke was on the next table in a restaurant.

Over brandies, after dinner we got chatting.

Me- 'So what do you do Julien?'

Him (In a thick Welsh accent. Think Ruth Maddoc.)-'I make frocks, I do'.

Me (Thinking by now he must have a market stall at Camden Market.)-'Oh, I'm in fashion, where do you sell them?'

Him- 'Mainly in Harrods, Browns and Harvey Nichols.'

Me- 'Are you that Julien Macdonald who has just designed the clothes for the Spice Girl's farewell tour, and that knicker showing jobby for Kelly Brook?'

Him- 'I am.'

Me (Laughing)- 'Way to go Taffy.'

Him- 'You up for clubbing?'

Me- 'Way to go Taffy.'

We've been friends ever since, and through knowing him was the reason I pole danced with Kate Moss, let Naomi Campbell get in a fight for a cab for us to share, and other sordid backstage stories too rude to print.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 12-10-2006, 08:23   #8
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

I also met British painter David Hockney (my hero) in the Armani shop in Milan.

He was doing the sets for Rakes Progress at La Scala.

He took me out for tea.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 12-10-2006, 11:52   #9
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

have come across a good few in me time, vera duckworth, sean connery,ronnie knight,dave dee, all in spain,they were all ok,except sean connery who for my money is pig-ignorant.
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Old 12-10-2006, 14:25   #10
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

We have met loads of stars on cruise ships,,,,most are very nice and mingle with everyone, if you meet them on deck or in the bars,,,
The most friendly one of all was Jimmy Cricket who just had you in stiches day and night,,,he had a joke for everyone and it was not put on at all.....
Not a full brick
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Old 12-10-2006, 16:18   #11
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

Famous people are just ordinary human beings who happen to have become well known for one reason or another. Unless it's people like Mark Thatcher who become famous for being the rather irritating son of a famous mother.

When I was a young lass and spent summer hols at "Aunty Madge's" in Morecambe I met a lot of the performers who were at the Winter Gardens. Most of them were totally charming and delightful, with just the occasional pain in the bum who thought they were superior to us lesser mortals.

One of the nicest people was Leonard Franklyn, father of Schh, you know who, William Franklyn. One of the most pompous was Dennis Ramsden - both with the Brian Rix company.

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Old 13-10-2006, 00:55   #12
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

Eamon Holmes - getting insulted on a flight from liverpool to Belfast.

John Barnes & Phil Thompson on a flight from manchester to Belfast

Eric Morecambe when i was a kid and my mum made me go up to him to get his autograph!
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Old 13-10-2006, 06:21   #13
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Holiday Dilemma

What you must remember is that all these famous people you see on holiday have gone for a rest from their mundane lives.

So Please, do not go running after them asking silly questions, just saunter over casually and ask them in your most pleasant voice, "would you like my autograph?", this would be such a surprising change for them and might even be the highlight of their holiday.
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