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Old 31-01-2010, 10:20   #16
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

If you think it does you good, then it does do you good.
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Old 31-01-2010, 10:31   #17
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
and the answer to your question Spuggie, is No it doesn't.
Remedies are relatively cheap, it is the time taken by the homeopath that costs the money......a consultation will on average last one and a half hours....then of course the homeopath has to go away and analyse the findings, seek out the appropriate remedy, and then prescribe it.
It won't be like a visit to your GP(an average time consultation is just 7 minutes) where he/she is writing you a prescription as you sit down.
I stand correct Margaret.

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Old 31-01-2010, 10:38   #18
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
I have seen it work on some people, although I haven't used it myself.

Unfortunately too many people here have closed minds.
.....and I really don't care to argue with you....pointless excercise.

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Old 31-01-2010, 11:45   #19
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
I have seen it work on some people, although I haven't used it myself.

Unfortunately too many people here have closed minds.
.....and I really don't care to argue with you....pointless excercise.
I hate taking pills of any kind though I have to as of recently for my own good. I have to be pretty ill to take anything whether it be for flu infection or pain. Would rather mother nature and my body sort out the problem. I am not closed of mind just have a diferent ethos towards illness.

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Old 31-01-2010, 11:54   #20
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

It doesn't sound very serious, but Parkinson's disease also affects your throat. It makes eating difficult, as well as loss of volume when speaking. It also gives you severe indigestion.

Sometimes the pain is so acute it wakes you up, and no prescribed medicines give any long time relief.

Five years of taking prescribed medicines, and this was no better...until I was prescribed a homeopathic remedy, by Accy Web's Nicola68.

I only took the remedy for a couple of months, and the agony I put up with for five years has ended. I don't even take anything now, and the difference it has made to the quality of my life has been immense.

If people don't agree with it, fair enough, though taking an 'overdose' suggest their problem is mental, rather than physical, but I have seen the physical benefits of homeopathic remedies, and know as fact the benefits that can be produced.
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Old 31-01-2010, 12:08   #21
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
It doesn't sound very serious, but Parkinson's disease also affects your throat. It makes eating difficult, as well as loss of volume when speaking. It also gives you severe indigestion.

Sometimes the pain is so acute it wakes you up, and no prescribed medicines give any long time relief.

Five years of taking prescribed medicines, and this was no better...until I was prescribed a homeopathic remedy, by Accy Web's Nicola68.

I only took the remedy for a couple of months, and the agony I put up with for five years has ended. I don't even take anything now, and the difference it has made to the quality of my life has been immense.

If people don't agree with it, fair enough, though taking an 'overdose' suggest their problem is mental, rather than physical, but I have seen the physical benefits of homeopathic remedies, and know as fact the benefits that can be produced.

Well a positive point for this kind of therepy.

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Old 31-01-2010, 12:20   #22
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Nicola is my daughter and I know that she has worked very hard to attain her degree in this subject(she will graduate later this year).
During her course she has studied the following subjects to degree standard : Anatomy and Physiology Disease and Diagnosis PathophysiologyContinuing Professional Development.
So to have people who know only what they have read in the popular press, denounce her as a 'quack' and the subject as 'quackery', is offensive to me.

I think it is up to individuals to take responsibility for their own health and well being.
If you do not wish to avail yourself of homeopathic remedies then that is fine by me, but to stop those who DO wish to use this means of ensuring their own well being is unjust.
Most people who use homeopathy will have researched the subject and sought out a registered homeopath(that is someone who registers with the Society of Homeopaths). someone who has to prove that they have continued to develop in their chosen field, to have their registration validated.
You are more at risk from a hurried GP than you are from a registered Homeopath.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Neil; 31-01-2010 at 14:39.
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Old 31-01-2010, 12:25   #23
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

I suppose most of you have read the story in the newspapers this week about a GP locum who was flown over from Germany to provide cover for a Gp's Practice...people died at his hands, and one man had ten times the dose of diamorphine given to him in error because the GP confused the dose of Pethidine with the dose of Morphine.....yet all of you will have no qualms in consulting a GP in the future...or indeed questioning the practise of that GP(whether he is up to date in professional practice issues).
When did you last read of a homeopath killing someone?

I have said all I wish to say on this subject, and will post no more to this thread.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-01-2010, 12:52   #24
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

I believe there is a place in modern medicine for Homeopathy, when you think about the ancient cultures, how could they survive over all that time without decent understanding of the medical benefits of plants & roots minerals & so forth ? They could hardly nip off to the corner shop & pick up some Beechams powders & Paracetamol now could they ?

properly balanced & also in conjunction with standard medical treatments there is a place in modern society for these treatments. In reality as long as it helps the patient & aids in their recovery why should we fight against it ?

But before calling all practitioners of this form of treatment into disrepute, the established methods aren't all singing & dancing either: Wherever people are there will be others willing to take advantage of their fears & gullibility, for me I believe the expression "Pots & Kettles" springs to mind.
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Old 31-01-2010, 13:01   #25
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

reading this reminded me of when my 13 year old got stung by nettles and how he looked at me like i was some sort of loony when i said grab a dot leaf and rub it on where he was stung and how after i had applied the dotleaf i was regarded as some kind of miracle worker that put jesus to shame lol.I couldnt believe how after all the years of him playing out with his friends none of them had learned this vital information that any child who played out exploring should have in their memory banks.I asked if had ever been stung before and he said yes but his mum used to just stick savlon on yet if he had only looked 2 or 3 feet away from the nettles he woudl have seen a quick cure right infront of him because dotleafs always grow near nettles.

then my new found power went to my head and i started showing him how to run nettles through your hand without getting stung lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 31-01-2010, 13:30   #26
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

If we think about it there are natural "helpful" extracts added to some foods for our own good.

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Old 31-01-2010, 13:44   #27
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Accyman - they are dock leaves.

Many 'modern' medicines are derived from research into the qualities of herbal remedies.
Old fashioned aspirin is a good example of that.
Unfortunately they synthesise the chemical elements involved, which can produce an adverse reaction as a side effect, and cause another medical problem, which needs yet another drug. So the downward spiral into being a prescription drug junkie happens.

By the term 'junkie' I mean the state where your life depends on taking them.
I was almost at that stage, but made a determined effort to find my way out --glad I did.

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Old 31-01-2010, 13:46   #28
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
If we think about it there are natural "helpful" extracts added to some foods for our own good.
Exactly, Sunshine Vitamin D I believe, why do you think people feel so low in Winter time ? what do the Docs recommend Sunshine (you can't buy that at the Chemist !) Orange Juice Vitamin C readily available in its natural form (no tablet required) Milk = Calcium pure from the Cow, the list is endless when you think about it, so please do
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Old 31-01-2010, 14:21   #29
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Was thinking of plant extracts and friendly bacteria that are in foods. These have been found to be good for us and no pharmies best in sight.

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Old 31-01-2010, 14:31   #30
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Re: Homeopathy Sceptics

Homeopathy and Nutrition Therapy are different subjects.
We have wandered off topic a bit.
I have not websearched homeopathy, but my basic understanding of the principle is that the water retains the vibrational imprint of the substance that was originally added before it undergoes extremes of dilution.
That imprint of the illness causing substance, triggers the body's natural defence mechanism to overcome the illness.
That is how it is known as 'treating like with like'

If I am wrong, I rely on our homeopathy graduate to correct me.

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