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Old 22-10-2010, 23:26   #46
God Member

Re: Hospital appointments

I owe my life to the NHS surgeons,nurses,doctors and staff who saved my life only a few years ago.. at the same time I've come across some bad staff and recently had an op that went wrong with bad results..I'll live with it .. now if I had paid for that op to a private health care company I would have made a claim against them the very next day..and there is the real "claim culture"... I've paid my taxes and national insurance but it's not your average working man or women who make these claims... it's the already well off.
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Old 22-10-2010, 23:34   #47
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
Your'e correct in saying that we do still have some wonderful staff employed within the NHS, however their "shining lights" are being ever more dimmed by the needs of management & efficiency over Care. Patients by & large now are treated as numbers not as people, and that isn't progress is it!
I've never experienced less CARE now than at any stage than i can remember within the NHS almost every other person i speak to who has experienced hospital residence recently, has had some detrimental experience, which is mainly based around the level of care & understanding they have received! If loved ones went into hospital, we always used to say" well your in the best place now"..i'm afraid these days i wouldn't probably express that opinion.
I can honestly say now, that it really would worry me, having to be admitted to one of our local hospitals!..I know that it could happen one day soon..and i'll be honest..the thought frightens me...based purely on what i've seen!

Best Regards - Taggy
Agreed, and over the last thirteen years there's never been as much money pumped into the N.H.S., and yet the service can be very lacking in certain areas, regardless of the vast amount of waste, when it comes to resources.

Something stinks, and it's not just the packing in my wound.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-10-2010, 23:45   #48
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
So can you tell us more about your experience of the treatment in other countries that "far exceeds what we provide here"?
Well yes actually i can, although some of this may have been based around the generousity of a particular individual!..Some years ago we took our Son to America for treatment not available here at the time...he's Brain Injured, with complex problems!...During our visit he had an accident, and broke a bone in his foot, we rang the local hospital who sent an ambulance round within 15 mins, within 5 mins of admittance he was seen by a nurse, and had an x - ray within 10 mins. Now obviously we had private insurance to cover these initial problems, which may have helped speed this situation...but even with private insurance in UK i couldn't imagine things happening so quickly!

The Medics explained that his problems & broken bone were really as a result of his long term brain damage, which we knew really, but they offered to perform operations & provide physio free of charge, to help him out for 3 or 4 weeks, they explained that for the surgery to be successful however, he would need to undergo several weeks of Physio once he returned to the UK...we contacted his Doctors in UK to explain this but surprise surprise, they said that they would probably not be able to supply the physio he needed when he got back home!..Seeing as we couldn't afford weeks/possibly months of this treatment privately upon return, we had to decide it wasn't worth putting him through the trauma of the operation!

I've also got several stories of superb medical treatment that friends of mine have had in Spain, that excede what we would expect here, but i cant really be bothred going into those now!

Best Regards - Taggy

Last edited by Taggy; 22-10-2010 at 23:48.
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Old 22-10-2010, 23:47   #49
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Re: Hospital appointments

i remember when the tories were last in power hospitals were crumbling and in so much disrepair there was damp and leaking roofs.when labour came in i never seen so many new hospitals,they had to invest or the nhs would have collapsed because it was so underfunded ander the last tory goverment.people have short memories.
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Old 22-10-2010, 23:47   #50
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
it's not your average working man or women who make these claims... it's the already well off.
What ? how do you work that one out ? You're having a laugh aren't you ? I come from Liverpool & believe me talking to people it's the everyday Man/Woman on the street making claims mate, anything for a quick Buck ! Just get onto Google give in "Man/Woman sues ???????" Council/Shop/whatever you like & have a look see just exactly whose claiming, no mate can't agree with you on that score.
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Old 22-10-2010, 23:49   #51
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
still say the nhs is still one of the best in the word dittothe penpushers were probably for all legalities of the claim culture where thers blaim theres a claim.
Will agree with your first point to an extent, our NHS Service is the best if you keep pushing. But why should we have to fight for treatment that WE have paid into??? Penpushers, I think we all agree on, there are far to many From personal experience I would say the person with the most reason to claim is unlikely to but yet the "blame for claim" culture grows What a sad state this country is in!!!!!
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Old 23-10-2010, 00:18   #52
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
What ? how do you work that one out ? You're having a laugh aren't you ? I come from Liverpool & believe me talking to people it's the everyday Man/Woman on the street making claims mate, anything for a quick Buck ! Just get onto Google give in "Man/Woman sues ???????" Council/Shop/whatever you like & have a look see just exactly whose claiming, no mate can't agree with you on that score.
So now Google has taken over from the Daily Mail...I'd bet the highest percentage of claims made are those not on a "no win no fee" arrangement..but people can afford to spend thousands on lawyers when claiming compensation.. most can't.. so do we go back to the middle ages?...this government would like that idea and have already started the proccess.
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Old 23-10-2010, 00:30   #53
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Penpushers, I think we all agree on, there are far to many
I'm reliably informed that locally the N.H.S. employ people to monitor sites like this, to make sure staff aren't critical, or worse, whistle blowers, regarding the running of the health care system.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-10-2010, 00:36   #54
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Re: Hospital appointments

The trouble with this debate is that people will have personal experiences of hospitals and so views will differ of course,from good to bad. so far i am lucky enough not to have stayed in hospitals but a lot of folks really have had to call on the nhs in times of great need.from what ive gathered the staff seem to do a good job with the time/finance they have and if they falter its because of pressure.

when in hospital my dad fell out bed and broke his hip and none of them even knew ? ? i still think they didnt even know how or when it happened..not good
lack of supervision i think.i.e. not enough nurses on at night ?

equip them and give them time ,that might be the aint going to change now is it.not with the 'cuts'..opps sorry BE no cuts to NHS or education ,yea i'll bet you bloody liberal liars,WE'LL SEE HEY !!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by spignific; 23-10-2010 at 00:44.
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Old 23-10-2010, 00:37   #55
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
So now Google has taken over from the Daily Mail
Mancie, I get my news on-line from various papers, when you've read several of them & juggled them round you come up with a more accurate overall view, as to google it was just a pointer so you can see what I'm on about.

As to whether or not it's a "No win, no Fee" or someone running through the Courts with an expensive lawyer is really of no concern to me, all I see is people from all walks of life trying to turn a fast Buck for their own benefit regardless of the damage it causes to whomever they are claiming from.

In the case of public bodies Councils/NHS/Schools the only people they're really screwing over is themselves & others like them in the long run because of their own personal greed ! Great for them but then because of their actions the Councils/NHS/Schools are now short of those funds, so less funds, less spending, no local improvements ...... sad but true.
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Old 23-10-2010, 00:55   #56
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I'm reliably informed that locally the N.H.S. employ people to monitor sites like this, to make sure staff aren't critical, or worse, whistle blowers, regarding the running of the health care system.
Whilst I take your points on board G, I also think OUR voices should be heard. For the most part My/Our dealings with the NHS were positive, but I do feel that any lines of communication should be kept open, be it be via phone, internet or god forbid "snail mail" If our N.H.S. relies on sites like "ours" for feed back I personally despair of how things are heading!!!!!
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Old 23-10-2010, 00:57   #57
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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Mancie, I get my news on-line from various papers, when you've read several of them & juggled them round you come up with a more accurate overall view, as to google it was just a pointer so you can see what I'm on about.

As to whether or not it's a "No win, no Fee" or someone running through the Courts with an expensive lawyer is really of no concern to me, all I see is people from all walks of life trying to turn a fast Buck for their own benefit regardless of the damage it causes to whomever they are claiming from.

In the case of public bodies Councils/NHS/Schools the only people they're really screwing over is themselves & others like them in the long run because of their own personal greed ! Great for them but then because of their actions the Councils/NHS/Schools are now short of those funds, so less funds, less spending, no local improvements ...... sad but true.
Yes claims against the NHS/councils and such are not good for any community seems to be the fashion that any claims made from ordinary people are reported as scroungers out to make a few quid.. but if some dustbin wagon smashed your car to bits would you claim or just take it for the community?
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Old 23-10-2010, 08:48   #58

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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
Your'e correct in saying that we do still have some wonderful staff employed within the NHS, however their "shining lights" are being ever more dimmed by the needs of management & efficiency over Care.
I think the NHS is like any other Government department, it does not have to make money and they have no idea how to run a business. I blame the culture from the top to the bottom.

Its silly things like why does my GP close at lunchtime. They have 2 or 3 receptionists so they should stay open all day so people can make appointments and collect prescriptions etc in there lunch break.
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Old 23-10-2010, 08:48   #59

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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
when labour came in i never seen so many new hospitals,they had to invest or the nhs would have collapsed because it was so underfunded ander the last tory goverment.people have short memories.
Where did the money come from because it is obvious now we spent money we did not have. BRH was not built by the Government and we are paying dearly for it now as has been explained on this forum many times.
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Old 23-10-2010, 08:54   #60

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Re: Hospital appointments

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Yes claims against the NHS/councils and such are not good for any community seems to be the fashion that any claims made from ordinary people are reported as scroungers out to make a few quid.. but if some dustbin wagon smashed your car to bits would you claim or just take it for the community?
I am expecting my car back this morning that the recycling wagon hit a couple of weeks ago. If I had not actually seen the driver hit it he would have just driven away and pretended he did not see it, even though he had a man watching at both sides who also saw it happen. Great service from the Council or what, hit and run dustbin men. A van on the street has been damaged buy the recycling wagon a few times and they never stop.
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