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Old 18-07-2006, 13:53   #16
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Ice cubes in me undercrackers
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Old 18-07-2006, 13:53   #17
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Japanese Beetles...? I have enough with those big buzzard moths....they always pick on me to dive you think they can smell the fear?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 18-07-2006, 13:54   #18
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Ice cubes in me undercrackers
That will ensure a healthy sperm count.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 18-07-2006, 14:50   #19
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

I have come inside to cool off, I have been gardening all day. I must have drunk at least 2-3 litres of fluid so far today, and haven't peed since first thing this morning...

I am a mere grease spot sat on my sofa as I type this. I still have a substantial amount to do outside in the garden, but I don't want to burn so I will do the rest this evening..
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 18-07-2006, 15:01   #20
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

speaking of cool here is some summer advise from america
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Old 18-07-2006, 18:36   #21
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Got one of these little fans obtained from Marks and Spencer (sorry M & S)
last year, doesn't seem to be making a lot of difference.. when ya' turn it off, seem to be hotter somehow.

Was reading a link to the internet home MSN page today, lots of the usual hints, one was take a frozen bottle of water to bed with you wrapped in a towel, but just wondering how to obtain this feat.

If I put a glass bottle or plastic bottle in the freezer, will it not crack ?

Do you think they mean in your hot water bottle ? Puzzled. Although sounds like a great idea, cuddling up to a block of cold ice in a long torpedo-like casing.
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Old 18-07-2006, 18:41   #22


Re: How are you all staying cool?

Two fans going one in front, one behind, lots of Holstein pils as I’m on a diet and none of it is helping. It’s hot as hell up here and no sign of it going cooler.

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Old 18-07-2006, 19:03   #23
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Originally Posted by katex
If I put a glass bottle or plastic bottle in the freezer, will it not crack ?

Do you think they mean in your hot water bottle ? Puzzled. Although sounds like a great idea, cuddling up to a block of cold ice
get a plastic bottle, fill in about 3/4 of the way up then stand it in the freezer without the lid on that means when the ice expands it goes upwards then put lid back on after.....i do this with any drinks if im going out for the day and dont have a cool box..freeze them the night before then when u want them they have melted slighty and you have a nice cool drink
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Old 18-07-2006, 19:27   #24
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

yes what john said, don't use glass kate it could explode.
You could fill a pop bottle so that its level with the spout when laid flat.

I'm using factor stay indoors and hide till the sun goes down. I hate it. luckily I can sit around in boxers because its a first floor flat.
needs a nice thunderstorm about now to end the day off and cool us down for the night.
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Old 18-07-2006, 19:30   #25
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

I bought some flat cooler things from the pound shop (where else?) last year.......they are really for the inside of cooler bags but I wrap one of those in a pillow case and take that to bed with is put at the bottom of the bed and I cool my hocks on it periodically during the night.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 18-07-2006, 19:35   #26
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Originally Posted by John_Timmins
get a plastic bottle, fill in about 3/4 of the way up then stand it in the freezer without the lid on that means when the ice expands it goes upwards then put lid back on after.....i do this with any drinks if im going out for the day and dont have a cool box..freeze them the night before then when u want them they have melted slighty and you have a nice cool drink
Oh yeh, of course, was never any good at Physics, think I might try this one, trouble is my freezer not big enoug to stand anything up .. are drawers, so would it make any difference then if it were laid down 3/4 full with the lid on ? Well, could perhaps tilt it a little, then wouldn't run out .. yes, think this may be the answer, watya' think ?>>>>> off to find bottle.
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Old 18-07-2006, 19:36   #27
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

I drink water all day (but I do when it's not so hot, too) and wear very light, loose clothing. In the house, upstairs it's windows open, curtains closed. Also, if you have a hatch into your loft, leave it open. Heat rises and it will dissipate a little into the roof space. Downstairs, French windows opened wide (makes a 6' opening) and kitchen door propped open so there's a nice cool through draught.

I use SPF 12 when out and about, 15 if I'm sunbathing, and loads of Vaseline Intensive Care after showers and baths, incidentally it's a cheap and very effective "after sun" lotion for those who get a bit sore. I don't burn because I am always quite tanned, spending a lot of my time here outdoors, all year round (mad gardening woman), and I go to Malta quite a lot so I'm not covered up all Winter. I always use sun-cream, here and abroad, even when it's not all that hot.

I certainly don't have skin like leather and I've been catching the sun for well over 50 years.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 18-07-2006, 19:37   #28


Re: How are you all staying cool?

Set a Fan up and take a spray bottle filled with Ice water to bed with you. When your too warm spray the water on a fine mist setting in to the air so it catches the airstream of the fan.

No fan, No problem. Spray Ice cold water in to the air above you and let it fall back on to you. short lasting but effective.

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Old 18-07-2006, 19:41   #29
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

West ender, it is obvious you have looked after your skin well with the moisturiser after your bouts in the sun...and you may be one of those lucky people who are not susceptible to the well worn leather look.......I hope you didn't take offence, for no offence was meant.

I used to work with someone who used sunbeds constantly and she definitely had leather look skin....not attractive at all.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 18-07-2006, 19:44   #30
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Re: How are you all staying cool?

Instead of freezing water, stick a bottle of vodka in teh freezer, then when ready for bed, wrap it in teh towel. Vodka won't freeze but will hold its temperature down to -20 quite easily

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