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Old 28-12-2007, 11:02   #16
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
panther's Avatar

Re: How could any do this?

there will probably be a load more stray dogs on the streets in the new year, people buying animals when they can even look after themselves properly never mind a dog/ what do they do when they realise they 'cant cope'??......dump it!!.........very sad
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
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Accrington Web
Old 28-12-2007, 11:07   #17
Senior Member

Re: How could any do this?

Originally Posted by kathleen_firth View Post
wow aleks has a heart
onli jokin
Dont be so stupid!
Used to be known as Aleks, Tadah and Silvermain.
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Old 28-12-2007, 17:12   #18
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Re: How could any do this?

i was onli jokin lol :P
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 28-12-2007, 18:19   #19
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Re: How could any do this?

We took in a kitten that had been abandoned in a back yard, and although its all grown up now its still a bit odd and not the kind of cat most people have as a pet. It gets very scared and is only really secure with coming up to people in the bathroom or when theyre asleep. It's an odd cat but I love it just as much as my other 3, and I think its a shame that someone could just abandon a little kitten in a backyard like that.
Unfortunatly it happens all the time, and you just have to hope that people will take them into their homes so they have a second chance at being loved.
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Old 28-12-2007, 18:26   #20
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Re: How could any do this?

Cats have personalities as people do. My cat is very timid despite being pampered and loved since I got him at age 6 weeks from another cat lover.(he is now aged 14)

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Old 28-12-2007, 18:29   #21
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Re: How could any do this?

my cat was mad! she used to wander around with underpants on her head!she would go into the dryer and only take undies.. lol she used to lie on the floor when my lad was reading and attack the page everytime he turned it....I miss my cats...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 28-12-2007, 18:52   #22
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Re: How could any do this?

We have 2 cats and one of them is very timid and shy with strangers. She runs and hides if anyone comes to the door but she has never been ill teated. We've had her since she was a kitten. It's just her personality. The other one is mad as a bucket of whelks. I sometimes wonder if he thinks he's a dog.

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Old 28-12-2007, 18:58   #23
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Re: How could any do this?

I had 2 cats, both with different personalities, both tom's, the bold one used to play and fight with the dog (a rottie bitch), the shy one wouldn't go near her, the shy one disappeared for 3 weeks, when he eventually surfaced again, I had pulled up at a job, and the cat jumped out from the wheelarch of my van, with all the fur above the wheelarch, the poor sod must have climbed in, got scared and just stayed there untill he felt brave enough to come out.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 28-12-2007, 19:02   #24
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Re: How could any do this?

Its not just the cats personality, its like a feral cat. Its pretty much incontinent (is that hte right word for not being able to control its bladder?) and pretty much just has issues.
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