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Old 02-02-2009, 18:27   #31
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
erm.... slightly off topic but what happens if a guide/helper dog fouls in a public place?

does the dog have to pick it up itself

Well one would like to think that a nice caring member of society would help out....
But I don't think so....
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Old 02-02-2009, 18:46   #32
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

As far as I know guide dog owners are exempt from fines.

Saying that I can't remember ever seeing a guide dog fouling the pavement. Possibly part of their rigorous training in the first place, to do it in their own back yard? Regular eating pattern and regular doodoo pattern.

It seems these days so many dog owners take their dogs out mainly to do their business, rather than for exercise, because they don't want to clean up after them at home.
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Old 02-02-2009, 19:15   #33
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

The simple solution to dog mess is to adopt the following steps:

1) Any dog found wondering on it's own should be taken to the nearest police station where it should be immeadiatly put down. A reward could possibly be given to the person delivering the said pooch.

2) Any owner turning up at the cop shop enquiring about Rover being missing should be arrested at once and charged with the criminal offence of canine maltreatment.

3) Any owner allowing their dog to crap in the street should be immeadiatly arrested by a constable or dutiful citizen, fined a minimum amount of £5000pds and/or six months sweeping the streets.

4) Ditto for cats.

These measures will soon sort out the problem.
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Old 02-02-2009, 20:10   #34
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
The simple solution to dog mess is to adopt the following steps:

1) Any dog found wondering on it's own should be taken to the nearest police station where it should be immeadiatly put down. A reward could possibly be given to the person delivering the said pooch.

2) Any owner turning up at the cop shop enquiring about Rover being missing should be arrested at once and charged with the criminal offence of canine maltreatment.

3) Any owner allowing their dog to crap in the street should be immeadiatly arrested by a constable or dutiful citizen, fined a minimum amount of £5000pds and/or six months sweeping the streets.

4) Ditto for cats.

These measures will soon sort out the problem.
seems like tealeaf n i are singing from the same hymn sheet.
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Old 02-02-2009, 20:31   #35
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Some dogs can easily be trained to empty thier bladder and bowel on command, and in a certain place, this may be the answer to the guide dogs not fouling the street, tealeaf, ya close, but a bit harsh, Neil, cracking idea.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 02-02-2009, 23:10   #36
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Since the responsible owners already spend a fortune in caring for their dogs well, perhaps the reintroduction of a licence, and taking responsibility for registering, chipping etc., might dissuade the irresponsible from owning dogs, and everyone will be happy, because the decent owners, like yourself, won't all be tarred with the same brush,
Here here Rindi i know first hand how much being a responsible dog owner costs im all for making chipping compulsary all mine are KC registered i just wish that someone would seem fit to introduce a new dog license or some kind of register.I do think and this is my own opinion that if so called pet owners didnt breed from from their dogs and stopped selling to unsuitable people part of the problem would cease.also i think its time the powers that be clamped down on all the puppy mills out there along with the BYB.if you are going to breed from your dog you should have to hold a licence,see ive a huge problem with people who breed from their dogs without a care of what their temperaments are like of the other dog.just cos someone thinks they own a nice dog doesnt mean the dog is of breed standard and good enough to breed from.
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Old 03-02-2009, 10:28   #37
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Surprised Garinda hasn't queried the varying prices in different areas .. dog pooh, dog pooh just the same wherever, except might be a better diet in some LOL. (sorry, I couldn't resist this one either )

Don't think you will see pension age with remarks like that K.S.H.

I still think the cost of Neil's suggestions would over-ride the benefits here.
Would certainly need more than one dog warden in Hyndburn to test all the dollops.

When it came in, there would be people on benefits/pensioners, who already owned a dog and could not afford these new charges, to make some sort of claim for an allowance to allow them to keep them .. otherwise, would they have to have their animal put down ? More expense.

Even so, this would be prejudice against low income families from keeping a dog as the costs would be prohibitive.
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Old 03-02-2009, 10:31   #38
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
The simple solution to dog mess is to adopt the following steps:

1) Any dog found wondering on it's own should be taken to the nearest police station where it should be immeadiatly put down. A reward could possibly be given to the person delivering the said pooch.

2) Any owner turning up at the cop shop enquiring about Rover being missing should be arrested at once and charged with the criminal offence of canine maltreatment.

3) Any owner allowing their dog to crap in the street should be immeadiatly arrested by a constable or dutiful citizen, fined a minimum amount of £5000pds and/or six months sweeping the streets.

4) Ditto for cats.

These measures will soon sort out the problem.
We can take it that your not a Dog or Cat lover then Tealeaf
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Old 03-02-2009, 13:46   #39
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Thumbs down Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Before this government introduces yet another law it should make sure that it is willing and able to enforce it rigorously – otherwise what is the point.

The law abiding will buy a license but those who are not will not. Thus it would be up to the ‘dog warden’ to find those who are not licensed.

Imagine the scene – there you are walking your dog when the ‘dog warden’ appears with “is that dog licensed?” whips out his scanner device and scans the dog.

Unscrupulous dog owners who are not prepared to pay the license or can’t afford to will just chuck the dog out onto the streets. They do it now when that ‘cute’ puppy isn’t quite so cute anymore or hasn’t been trained properly.

Then there are the millions of pensioners many of whom have a dog as a companion, particularly if they are single.

Sorry Neil but licensing dogs is a crackpot idea that will produce more problems than it solves.
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Old 03-02-2009, 14:00   #40

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Imagine the scene – there you are walking your dog when the ‘dog warden’ appears with “is that dog licensed?” whips out his scanner device and scans the dog.
That is the idea yes.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Unscrupulous dog owners who are not prepared to pay the license or can’t afford to will just chuck the dog out onto the streets. They do it now when that ‘cute’ puppy isn’t quite so cute anymore or hasn’t been trained properly.
So they would be taken away and if not claimed put down. End of problem.

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Sorry Neil but licensing dogs is a crackpot idea that will produce more problems than it solves.
If that is your opinion than thats ok by me. Do you have any better ideas on how to control the problems associated by poor dog ownership? Mainly fouling and dog attacks I was thinking about.
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Old 03-02-2009, 14:07   #41
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

While I don't disagree with licensing dogs (or perhaps the owners) I think the suggested sum of £50 is waaayyy over the top, so far that i's just not going to happen.

People will still keep dogs, responsible ones will buy a license (thats likely the same ones that do pick up the doggy poo) and the others will just not bother.
With either the license or the doggy poo.

And there is no point saying dog wardens will take the dogs away, that just wont happen to them all either, only a few.

Some people just don't give a toss, about either keeping to government rules or in keeping our streets clean no matter what suggestions or ideas you have, you cant change it because they never will.

This is NOT an argument against your suggestions, just an opinion.
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Old 03-02-2009, 14:17   #42

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by mattylad View Post
While I don't disagree with licensing dogs (or perhaps the owners) I think the suggested sum of £50 is waaayyy over the top, so far that i's just not going to happen.
That is cheap, I was going to say £100. £50 is less than £1 a week.

Don't forget those that don't pay would have the dog taken away and a fine for having an unlicensed dog.

What fine shall we set £1000 or maybe £2000? What do you think?

While we are at it lets make it a fixed fine per dog not one of those woolly up to £1000 type where they really only get charge £50 by some soft arsed magistrate.
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Old 03-02-2009, 14:24   #43
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Don't forget those that don't pay would have the dog taken away and a fine for having an unlicensed dog.
Thats exactly it though, because no they will not.
They will not get caught, they will not pay any license fee.
IF the authorities were to get onto them they will just abandon the animal
then later on get another.

Heck, next you'll be suggesting that they might need to have a TV license too
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Old 03-02-2009, 14:29   #44

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by mattylad View Post
Thats exactly it though, because no they will not.
They will not get caught, they will not pay any license fee.
IF the authorities were to get onto them they will just abandon the animal
then later on get another.
The types of owners you are on about are probably the ones that let it wonder the streets anyway. These are the ones we want taking away.
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Old 03-02-2009, 14:30   #45

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

I have just found this info about a new Hyndburn by law regarding dogs.

Notice of Making Dog Control Order 2008
Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that on the 16th December 2008 Hyndburn Borough Council made The Borough of Hyndburn Dog Control (Dogs on Leads) Order 2008 (No1) ("the Order") under section 55 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005.

The effect of the Order is to make it an offence for any person who is in charge of a dog to fail to keep the dog on a lead on land known as Accrington Cemetery, Burnley Road, Accrington, Dill Hall Cemetery, Dill Hall Lane, Church, Accrington and Great Harwood Cemetery, Blackburn Road, Great Harwood.
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