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Old 03-02-2009, 14:55   #46
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Another one that annoys me - there is an elderly lady on Milton St who has an elderly dog, neither of them can move very fast! The lady lets the dog out onto the street, he sets off for a walk on his own and by the time he gets to our house is too knackered to go anywhere else so takes a dump outside our back gate and then waddles home! Every single flippin' day!!!!!!!!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 03-02-2009, 15:01   #47
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

I agree with Neil - owning a dog should be made expensive in order to reduce dog numbers.
As for those who need an animal for companionship - companionship with people is a better option (it may demand that you behave better, but costs nothing)

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Old 03-02-2009, 15:15   #48

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Another one that annoys me - there is an elderly lady on Milton St who has an elderly dog, neither of them can move very fast! The lady lets the dog out onto the street, he sets off for a walk on his own and by the time he gets to our house is too knackered to go anywhere else so takes a dump outside our back gate and then waddles home! Every single flippin' day!!!!!!!!
Report it then.

That is a good reason why old people should not have dogs

Better still collect the piles and return them to the old dear.
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Old 03-02-2009, 15:32   #49
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Thirty years ago many people kept tortoises as pets, because they were cheap to purchase, and required no licence.

Since legislation was introduced in 1984, requiring a licence to sell them, thus pushing the purchase price up, the numbers being bred and kept as pets has fallen dramatically.

Legislation can work.
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Old 03-02-2009, 15:38   #50
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Another one that annoys me - there is an elderly lady on Milton St who has an elderly dog, neither of them can move very fast! The lady lets the dog out onto the street, he sets off for a walk on his own and by the time he gets to our house is too knackered to go anywhere else so takes a dump outside our back gate and then waddles home! Every single flippin' day!!!!!!!!
I think I know who you mean.

She always reminds me of Julie Walters in Two Soups.

I'd have it bagged up and ready to give it her, when she eventually gets to you. I don't know her, only to say hello to, but she seems a nice old dear, and I'd explain just how annoying her little pooch is.
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Old 03-02-2009, 15:42   #51

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

What we need is the chavster back. He would have had an innovative to deal with Gayle's problem.

The doggy poop problem that is.
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Old 03-02-2009, 15:49   #52
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Even when you try and work with the council it is still near impossible to get anything done about dog foul.

My drive is around 1/4mile along and a public footpath. Everyday people drive to the top or walk and then walk down my lane and let there dogs foul everywhere!!!!. The kind ones actually use a doggy bag and then place it on a tree or somthing. I paid for 2 dog bins. They got stolen and the dog warden just states he does not have time to be in our area.

I own 2 dogs, there working Labradors and earn more a year then some people on minimum wage. I always clean up after them, there always on leads in public places and actually have jobs!. Although Chavs are a problem, its the middle class population which seem to treat my property like an open toilet.

Rant over
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Old 03-02-2009, 15:58   #53

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by TJH View Post
Even when you try and work with the council it is still near impossible to get anything done about dog foul.
Don't give up, take the problem to your local councillor. You could even raise it as an issue at the next Area Council Meeting for your area. You should not have to put up with someone else's mess.
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Old 03-02-2009, 16:01   #54
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Don't give up, take the problem to your local councillor.

Just make sure you're wearing gloves when you take it to 'em.
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Old 03-02-2009, 16:07   #55

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Just make sure you're wearing gloves when you take it to 'em.
You joke but taking a bucket full of examples would certainly show how big a problem it is.

Once noted on the Area Council minutes they would be more likely to make sure the dog warden they employ does something about it.
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Old 03-02-2009, 16:44   #56
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

I have had 3 'on site' meetings with people from the council and the only productive thing to happen was that they gave me a large number of orange plastic sacks to clear up the rubbish. I get 2 full bags a week of household rubbish out of the trees and hedges a week. As for the dog foul. Just went out and counted 23 fresh piles within a 24hr period and this includes toilet roll which some owners use to prevent there little dogs fur becoming clogged with foul.

i somtimes walk down the field to Wilson Playing Fields, this is in summer around 6am, without fail you see the same people who have actually driven to the site allowing there dogs to foul on the fields!.

But the cherry on cake is when some human scum decide they will take a toilet stop in your garden or property. A Clayton running team did use to run past alot and when they had a big race i caught a dirty bas!ard fouling in my garden and everyweek somone fouls in the Grave yard at the top of my lane. So dogs are a problem but humans can be even worse!!!!!.
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Old 03-02-2009, 16:53   #57
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Cool Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
That is the idea yes.
How many ‘dog wardens’ would Accrington need? A small army I’ll be bound.
Originally Posted by Neil View Post
So they would be taken away and if not claimed put down. End of problem.
It’s not the dog’s fault that it was chucked out. So why should it be put down? In any case where would these ‘strays’ be kept until that fateful day?
Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If that is your opinion than thats ok by me. Do you have any better ideas on how to control the problems associated by poor dog ownership? Mainly fouling and dog attacks I was thinking about.
I do not have any ideas on how to control the tiny problem of poor dog ownership.

There are very few dog attacks on people. In fact there is more knife crime. But then why not chuck in an emotive point to try and enhance the argument. In fact dog fouling is caused by a tiny percentage of dogs. There is more human litter than dog mess.
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Old 03-02-2009, 16:55   #58
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Cool Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I agree with Neil - owning a dog should be made expensive in order to reduce dog numbers.
As for those who need an animal for companionship - companionship with people is a better option (it may demand that you behave better, but costs nothing)
People have the RIGHT to enjoy the companionship of a dog if that is their desire and no one not even you can deny them that right.
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Old 03-02-2009, 17:00   #59
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Another one that annoys me - there is an elderly lady on Milton St who has an elderly dog, neither of them can move very fast! The lady lets the dog out onto the street, he sets off for a walk on his own and by the time he gets to our house is too knackered to go anywhere else so takes a dump outside our back gate and then waddles home! Every single flippin' day!!!!!!!!
Pick it up (being careful to use rubber gloves), put it in a freezer bag with a note and then stick it through her letter box.
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Old 03-02-2009, 17:16   #60

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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
How many ‘dog wardens’ would Accrington need? A small army I’ll be bound.
Maybe 2 or 3, it would be hard to say until the new laws came in. They don't have to remove every illegal dog in a weekend. Once people started loosing their dogs others would soon realise they needed to register and licence them before they too fell foul of the law.
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