Originally Posted by BERNADETTE
All dogs are dangerous if unsupervised around children be they big or small breed. Just because owners deem dogs safe it doesn't mean they are!!
my dogs arent dangerous in the slightest, and I say that cos I know they arent..and would I trust them around other small kids - yes we do, if we didnt we wouldnt take them to the local park where there are always lots of little kids playing, and shock horror we let them off the lead too so they can have a run about next to little kids and shock horror again they poo on the grass but being the responsible dog owners that we are we do always pick up the poo,infact I have more often than not picked up other dogs poos that are near the one my dog has done and put that in the bin too..however there are dogs in the park at times that worry me when they run to me with teeth showing and growling, but then the owner runs up saying sorry how it slipped its lead, that to me is more worrying that the owner let it happen to a dog with an aggresive attitude in a public place.. at times I have more nappy/poo bags in my pockets than cash at times!
my 18 month old little best mate in the world now sits and cuddles both our dogs, lies on the floor with them and now trys to sit on them cos he thinks they are horses

would I leave them alone in the room with him? no because thats bad parenting as you should never leave a child alone in a room regardless, nothing to do with not trusting my dogs as they would rather sleep as they are lazy you see.
ANY PARENT who leaves their kid alone in a room deserves a boot up the backside in my opnion.
it is clearly obvious we have a anti dog brigade on here which isnt a bad thing as we are all entitled to opinions but to say to ban them from towns and cities is
barking mad..clearly a case of brain not engaging mouth/hand.
in all seriousness - logistically how would you manage this?
would you simply round them all up and what?...dump them somewhere?
would you give the owners a timescale to get rid of said pets?
would you tell the owners to leave with said pets if they said no? where would you put them as it would be your responsability?
what about guide dogs? where would all the blind people go? you couldnt have one rule for one etc..
would crufts become an underworld organisation? or would you ban that too?
I await my fate from the anti dog brigade..