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Old 02-02-2009, 08:28   #1

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How could we deal with doggy issues?

We have had a few dog related threads recently. Dog dirt, attacks on kids etc.
So what can we do to resolve these problems?
I think most people will agree that most dog problems are caused by irresponsible dog owners.

DNA testing of dogs was mentioned in another thread.
This might sound daft and expensive but it could work.

Here are my initial thoughts, anyone have any better ideas?

All dogs have to be licensed, DNA tested and ID chipped - this would of course be at the expense of the dog owner.

License cost could be say £50 per year. Money goes to local authority to help with doggy costs like maintain doggy ID database and fund dog wardens / dog bin emptying etc.

Random checks by dog wardens on dogs to check for chips. Any unchipped would be taken away and if not claimed within 7 days would be put down. The claiming owner would of course be fined and have to pay for registration, DNA testing and chipping.

Dog dirt found in public places could be tested and the regestered owner fined. Repeat offenders could have dog taken from them.

Any dog bite/attack victims could be swabbed for doggy DNA and the responsible dog and owner delt with accordingly.

What do you think?
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:50   #2
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

all dog owners USED to have to have a license for a dog, what happened to that?
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:58   #3
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

think some sensible ideas there , but would say the animal control dept.( local dog-catcher) should be self financing and separate from the rates , why should non-dog owners be responsible for paying fees to control a problem not of their making. Okay its another department of bureaucracy within the Borough council , but if dog licenses went to the local administrative area (where do Dog License fees go now ? used to be you bought them at the post Office and the money went to London) dog and other animal license fees could be set to reflect the local areas problem .

just my thoughts
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:59   #4
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

I think the dog licence should be reintroduced.

Though it may see the number of people owning other pets increase, which don't require a licence.

The chavs might start breeding fighting cats, to pose around town with.
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:03   #5
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I think the dog licence should be reintroduced.

Though it may see the number of people owning other pets increase, which don't require a licence.

The chavs might start breeding fighting cats, to pose around town with.
ok , that answers my question , dog licenses have been abolished
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:09   #6
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
ok , that answers my question , dog licenses have been abolished
They were abolished in 1987.

I think the price of one wasn't enough to cover the administration needed for having them.

They cost at the time they were abolished was 37.5 pence.
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:34   #7
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

sounds ok, think the cost would be prohibitive though.can,t see licences funding it with what would be involved. the cheapest way fer me,would be to target offenders n bounce em when caught. if the fine fer dogs crapping was severe enough, i reckon the message would soon come across. other matters should also be increased in severity. n we own a dog.
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:36   #8
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

attachment showing dog license fees in my local area , each city/town has a different fee
East Bay SPCA
interesting to note the difference between spayed/neutered dogs and 'whole' dogs
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:37   #9
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
They were abolished in 1987.

I think the price of one wasn't enough to cover the administration needed for having them.

They cost at the time they were abolished was 37.5 pence.
Is it only that long since Rindi, thought it was before that. My parents always had a dog, well from when I was about 12 year old, I know they had a licence for the first dog they had but can't remember after that, but in any case the fee was way to low 37.5 pence. I agree with a lot of what Neil says especially the fee of £50
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:47   #10
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

the Germans seem to know how to deal with the problem ...
German town plans dog DNA database to stop fouling - Telegraph
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:53   #11
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
the Germans seem to know how to deal with the problem ...
German town plans dog DNA database to stop fouling - Telegraph
ideas good, but its only voluntary so the scummys just won't register.
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Old 02-02-2009, 09:55   #12
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

We have discussed this problem before
Neil's proposals are sound.

Are there any other extreme anti dog persons like me who would ban them from towns and cities?

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Old 02-02-2009, 10:06   #13
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Are there any other extreme anti dog persons like me who would ban them from towns and cities?
NO, not me ....just responsible ownership/guardianship
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Old 02-02-2009, 10:36   #14
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
We have discussed this problem before
Neil's proposals are sound.

Are there any other extreme anti dog persons like me who would ban them from towns and cities?

Yes I am with you : apart from guide and helper dogs
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Old 02-02-2009, 10:47   #15
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Re: How could we deal with doggy issues?

erm.... slightly off topic but what happens if a guide/helper dog fouls in a public place?

does the dog have to pick it up itself
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