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Old 10-09-2007, 18:48   #31
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

We pretty much let Nature take its course. Since we live in the woods, this works very well. We grow no vegetables. Plants go into pots. We do have some grass down near the road. When we put in the seeds 28 years ago, we said, "Good luck," because we had no intention of coddling them. Therefore, they grew hardy. We have green grass all year round. I think benign neglect works! Our neighbors, who have watered, fertilized and tended their lawns always have brown grass during the heat of summer and often during the winter, depending upon what type of grass seed or sod they installed. I once planted some daff bulbs and they pop up like clockwork every Spring.

Hey, Brian, glad to hear the possum babies are doing well.
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Old 10-09-2007, 19:57   #32
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Thanks for the site jambutty. As my chewing tobacco was such a huge hit at the May Meet, maybe I can find a way to make my owb creation of that to!

As for the possums, I realize now why they have such large litters. They have very little smarts at least as young. Have found these little guys wandering throughout the open yard ignoring the dangers of hawks, snakes, dogs, guineas etc. I believe at least 3 of them have found a nice home in on of my woodpiles and they scurry under at my approach.

To keep them from over wandering, I have brought all kinds of fruit and veges to the vincinity of the pile and that seems to have kept them safer.


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Old 11-09-2007, 12:04   #33
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Well i've got my back garden mowed half of the front garden and a bust lawn mower and bust strimmer to prove it. I knew i shouldnt have let him loose with it. He's put a new plug on the strimmer - he stood on the old one and bent the pin so thats working again but still waiting for him to mend the lawn mower. Also there is one lucky frog up here. He was mowing the back garden and he thought he saw something move but wasnt right sure. Carried on going and filled the box up. Went to empty it and a frog jumped out!!! Anyway he's gone down town now will be back later and finish the garden off. Oh and he did all this yesterday while i was still in bed - i was conked out from the new tablets that the consultant gave me - they knocked me out and didnt come round fully till 8pm last night!!!! Sorry Bernie if i wasnt with it yesterday.
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anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:26   #34
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

my brothers a gardener, he tends to keep on top of my garden
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 11-09-2007, 17:55   #35
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
my brothers a gardener, he tends to keep on top of my garden
But what do you mean by "garden" flashy? I believe most Americans hear the word garden and we think vegetables. I believe we purposely say "flower garden" or lanscaping to specify those items. I believe you guys say garden to include all that, or don't you?


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Old 11-09-2007, 17:58   #36
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
my brothers a gardener, he tends to keep on top of my garden
But what do you mean by "garden" flashy. I hear garden and I think vegetables. I believe we specifically say "flower garden" and or landscaping for each of those. I believe you guys kinda lump 'em all into "garden" or don't you?


Sorry for the duplicate. Said the first didn't go through. I can't figure how to just delete this one!

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Old 11-09-2007, 18:23   #37
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Cool Re: How has your gardens grown?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
But what do you mean by "garden" flashy. I hear garden and I think vegetables. I believe we specifically say "flower garden" and or landscaping for each of those. I believe you guys kinda lump 'em all into "garden" or don't you?


Sorry for the duplicate. Said the first didn't go through. I can't figure how to just delete this one!
A garden means the land surrounding the house where you live either front or back or even side in some cases. What is grown in it is irrelevant. It is still a garden with the only distinction being front or back.

Some people work an ‘allotment’, which is a piece of land hired from the local authority where the tenant will grow predominantly vegetables.

The latest score from my wilderness is slugs and snails NIL – me 34 and not a single leaf touched by the varmints.
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Old 11-09-2007, 18:26   #38
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Brian, i have grass and tree's and thats it but......... next year i WILL be trying to grow my own veggies
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 12-09-2007, 17:51   #39
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
But what do you mean by "garden" flashy? I believe most Americans hear the word garden and we think vegetables. I believe we purposely say "flower garden" or lanscaping to specify those items. I believe you guys say garden to include all that, or don't you?

In this part of Canada, "yard" seems to be the catchall word for "garden." I haven't set aside space for veggies for a while now ... just lawn, my maple trees, the sunflowers against the fence (treats for the squirrels), and morning glories ... no idea how they got there ... but it is a nice relaxing place, wonderful on a warm summer, or fall evening, esp as my bats and purple martins keep eat most of the moskies.
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Old 12-09-2007, 18:17   #40
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Re: How has your gardens grown?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
But what do you mean by "garden" flashy? I believe most Americans hear the word garden and we think vegetables. I believe we purposely say "flower garden" or lanscaping to specify those items. I believe you guys say garden to include all that, or don't you?

heres my take on Yard or Garden , depends what language you are using .
English or American English

English ...Garden , unpaved area either at front, side or back of house containing plants, flowers/trees/vegetables
English ...Yard , enclosed area usually by walls or buildings, surface either paved or cobbled

American English... Garden , formal area of a park usually planted with flowers , ( a rose garden)
American English ....Yard , unpaved area either at front, side or back of house containing plants, flowers/trees/vegetables

Brian , think of it this way , the White House lawn is Americas backyard and the Rose garden is the posh/formal bit.

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