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View Poll Results: How long has he got?
Friday up til 12:00am 0 0%
Saturday up til 12:00am 3 37.50%
Sunday up til 12:00am 4 50.00%
Monday up til 12:00am 1 12.50%
Longer than 5 days 0 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 01-04-2005, 14:42   #16
I am Banned


Re: How long has he got?

If there is morality it shouldn't be all over the press n media anyway !!!! i agree he should be left in peace with his family n those close to him like everyone else has a right to.
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Accrington Web
Old 01-04-2005, 14:43   #17


Re: How long has he got?

I take it that I wasted my time writing this then..............Just in case it was missed it's the bit about dignity and grace in post five.

Bu**er, I forgot the quote.......

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Last edited by Doug; 01-04-2005 at 14:46.
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Old 01-04-2005, 14:46   #18
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Re: How long has he got?

Though I am no longer a practising Catholic I have to agree with Tealeaf, this thread is in extremely poor taste and will, no doubt, offend quite a few people.
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Old 01-04-2005, 15:38   #19
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Re: How long has he got?

I have to agree about the bad taste issue here. Discussing his condition is one thing, but having a poll to see when u think he will die is kinda twisted.
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Old 01-04-2005, 18:16   #20
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Re: How long has he got?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Am I the only one who is disgusted by the content of this thread? I am appalled that some one can even think of placing bets on the timing of the demise of the Holy Father, but then again its Jason and that's what we've come to expect from him. What is surprising is the replies..what has happened to good taste, morality and decorum?I despair.
I'm in full agreement with you Tealeaf.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Last edited by yerself; 01-04-2005 at 18:23.
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Old 01-04-2005, 20:40   #21
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I didnt mean to offend anyone!

Tealeaf: but then again its Jason and that's what we've come to expect from him.
Exactly what other things have i done on here Tealeaf? as i would like you to point them out to me,or is it you just dont like me?

I am not religious but didnt think about the roman catholics on here,i was hasty,but i didn't expect myself to come in for flak.The poll wasn't a good idea for some people,but some did express their opinion by voting.
If it is too sick,the moderators will remove it all,that is their job to decide what is appropriate for the site.

I'll think about it a bit longer in future.

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Old 01-04-2005, 20:59   #22
Senior Member+

Re: How long has he got?

Janet, teleaf i was reading through this and i totally agree with you both.the morality of having apoll is disgusting.I am not a Religous person but i do believe in god for certain personal reasons.
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 01-04-2005, 21:36   #23
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Re: How long has he got?

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Am I the only one who is disgusted by the content of this thread? I am appalled that some one can even think of placing bets on the timing of the demise of the Holy Father, but then again its Jason and that's what we've come to expect from him. What is surprising is the replies..what has happened to good taste, morality and decorum?I despair.
Like most others I absolutely agree with you tealeaf but........

Why did you take part in the poll?

Sunday up til 12:00am accystanmac, jason, Tealeaf
375.00%Monday up til 12:00am
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Old 01-04-2005, 21:43   #24
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Re: How long has he got?

Because he's an hypocrite!
Looks like not only me should be careful on what i post!!

I'm glad i made it a public poll now!......just goes to show you,you cant hide!!....and make yourself look stupid!!!

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Old 01-04-2005, 21:57   #25
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Re: How long has he got?

i,m catholic,likea-b no longer practising,but definately a beleiver,unlike some though not offended,just think some people have a differant take on life,without them meaning to be offensive,thats me think whatever.
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Old 01-04-2005, 22:05   #26
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Re: How long has he got?

Glad to see not everyone is against me.
We all have our own opinions,i have my take and people have theirs.
I dont think i deserved the slagging i got,but that is the mentality of some,lets all jump on the bandwagon.

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Old 01-04-2005, 22:11   #27
I am Banned


Re: How long has he got?

I think thats disgraceful Tealeaf of u, i actually felt bad cos of your comment n find that u have voted yourself n didnt have even the gall to hold yer hand up n yet then preach to the rest of us!!! Sorry thats worse than the critism u gave us, least some us are big enough admit to things right or wrong but to vote n then critize others for doing it ...... is very hipercrital n double standard
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Old 01-04-2005, 22:14   #28
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Re: How long has he got?

Originally Posted by accystanmac
If there is morality it shouldn't be all over the press n media anyway !!!! i agree he should be left in peace with his family n those close to him like everyone else has a right to.

I think the reason it is "all over the press" as you put it is that many Catholics feel that he is their family and want to know what is happening to him not out of morbid curiosity but because they care - much as you would ring up a hospital if a loved one was in there and ask how they were. Remember he doesn't have any close family in the sense of wife and children either. The whole Catholic church is his family. I believe he is also liked and respected by many others outside of the Catholic church and has seemed to be a much more approachable pope than some others in the past. When he passes away, which I hope will be a peaceful experience for him, he will be mourned by many.

Yes people have differing outlooks on things but I agree with Janet that this does seem a bit tasteless and tacky. Oh dear Tealeaf what made you vote?

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Old 01-04-2005, 22:25   #29
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Re: How long has he got?

Because he must be as sick as me,according to members on here.
He got involved and made himself look a d**k.

How can you preach to me and have a go at me when you voted................get your priorities right man!!!!!!!!!

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Old 01-04-2005, 22:27   #30
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Re: How long has he got?

I bet one or two more where going to vote but have been scared off now.

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