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Old 15-03-2006, 00:26   #1
God Member
harwood red's Avatar

Question How many???

What do you reckon the percentage of new members who thread in introduce yourself actually post anymore??

What percentage just join to make a few posts just to get into our wicked arcade??

Sad at this time of night I know to be thinking this, but as I usually go through accy web by using the new posts button I often find myself faced with a whole page of threads with people just welcoming new members (me included) only for us never to see them post ever again!!! or very few anyway.

Do you think that to get in the arcade it should be raised to more than 5 posts before they can get in?? If so how many?? Maybe if they had to post more to get in there they might find how much they enjoy it and stick around more.

Thoughts please.......

saddo signing off

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Accrington Web
Old 15-03-2006, 00:57   #2

Re: How many???

Hi harwood red
Just been looking at your post, i notice that nothing is ever removed even after its been on for a couple of years,is it possible that people get fed up seeing the same old posts so dont bother any more
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Old 15-03-2006, 01:00   #3
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Re: How many???

I wouldn't agree that its the same old posts. You only get the really old posts if you go delving that far back. There are always new threads being started and some are kept going for quite a few days. There are only a few like word thread, link the song etc that are old timers that crop up on a daily basis!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 15-03-2006, 01:17   #4
God Member

Re: How many???

I was thinking this earlier HR i was going through an old thread and looking who people are and most of them have 30 posts maximum. although your lucky in a way cos most people that join ours don't even get as far as postin in welcome. I don't think they join for the arcade, i think they just join on a whim and find they have no real interest in the forum. Thing is do you carry on welcoming people, hoping your welcome will help them fit and they'll post or do you ignore them. Personally I welcomed your welcome, i thought what a friendly site.
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Old 15-03-2006, 02:16   #5
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Re: How many???

I don't know about the rest of the forum but in the Stanley forum we get a few fans from the opposing team coming on every week, we have some good banter with them and usually remember them when we play the return fixture...that said, there will be new people joining from 20-odd teams when (should say IF) Stanley get promoted into the League.
Anyway, my point is the Stanley forums seem to be the only place where most of the newbies actually stick around!
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Old 15-03-2006, 09:47   #6
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Re: How many???

You right red – I think the post for getting into the arcade should be raised up to at least 1000, or maybe 2500, and everybody should go through a rigid identity check. Also, a scanning of the people who post should be compulsory just in case they have concealed any secret weapons. Everybody should be segregated into group ages young, middle aged and old. With satellite aerial demographic photos taken of everybody’s house (or houses).
A psychological profile report (I’m on a roll now) can help reveal the behaviour background of a person to assets whether they are allegeable for the arcade. This can include past and current behaviours and preferences i.e. consumer activities, shopping histories, court records, internet search, blogs, (especially) social networking services (in the pub), newsgroups, opinions expressed in chat rooms, forum. Plus there would be a necessity to take written and verbal tests of lengthy questions and answers. Psychological profiling can help estimate personal traits and special talents, especially for arcade champions – and tyranny shall RULE!!!!

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Old 15-03-2006, 11:46   #7
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Re: How many???

I try to say hello to people in the introduction thread, mainly because I remember being pleased when people did it to me when I joined.

It does cross my mind if they are just upping their posts by posting there, so they can go into the arcade never to be seen again.

It doesn't really matter though, because hopefully one of them might be a total obsessive game player, and give Harwood Red and Mantrabooks a run for their money in the number of titles held table.
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Old 15-03-2006, 12:23   #8
white rabbits

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Re: How many???

Originally Posted by mantrabooks
You right red – I think the post for getting into the arcade should be raised up to at least 1000, or maybe 2500, and everybody should go through a rigid identity check. Also, a scanning of the people who post should be compulsory just in case they have concealed any secret weapons. Everybody should be segregated into group ages young, middle aged and old. With satellite aerial demographic photos taken of everybody’s house (or houses).
A psychological profile report (I’m on a roll now) can help reveal the behaviour background of a person to assets whether they are allegeable for the arcade. This can include past and current behaviours and preferences i.e. consumer activities, shopping histories, court records, internet search, blogs, (especially) social networking services (in the pub), newsgroups, opinions expressed in chat rooms, forum. Plus there would be a necessity to take written and verbal tests of lengthy questions and answers. Psychological profiling can help estimate personal traits and special talents, especially for arcade champions – and tyranny shall RULE!!!!
i think i detect a bit of sarcasem mantrabrooks
.................................................. ...........................
it is true though that a lot of people vanish into thin air after 5 posts.....
it dosent bother me if they just go into the arcade,,,i am hooked myself,
but it would be nice if they posted more, even if it was only tripe like i post,,,. .HAPPY POSTING EVERYONE....
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Old 15-03-2006, 12:27   #9
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harwood red's Avatar

Re: How many???

when I said about should we raise the amounts of posts to get in the arcade it was nothing to do with stopping people getting in there so I could keep my crowns!!! It was more about if they had to post more than 5, say 50 for example they might find they enjoy the banter and contribute more. Rather than just posting 5 times, going into the arcade never to be seen on the forum ever again.

Arcade aside, many new members don't seem to even get past the introduce yourself thread... wonder why??

Mantrabooks....WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN ON????

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 15-03-2006, 12:33   #10
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: How many???

I think originally Roy set it at 5 sensible, posts before entry into the arcade was allowed to discourage people from joining just to use the arcade, after all the first few posts that you do to break the ice are the most difficult!
However if he was to set the figure any higher than that instead of the moderators chasing around deleting five threads of,
and sometimes quite abusive threads, when some people think they can beat the system, (unfortunately for them their threads are not only deleted but it usually means an immediate ban!).

I don't think it helps when long standing members come to newbies assistance with such advice as this:-

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 15-03-2006 at 12:35.
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Old 15-03-2006, 12:40   #11
Resting in Peace

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Re: How many???

Yes i totally agree with you Less a lot of people come on to play the games and find out they have to post 5 times so they just post junk or spam
I think posting in the introduction section should not count to your post count like anything goes.
and remarks like that in the link is not helping this.
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Old 15-03-2006, 13:23   #12
Resident Waffler

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Re: How many???

That sounds very sensible Mick. After all, a "Hi hello" isn't really much of a contribution is it? I feel a bit repetitive saying hello to newbies too. I do try to do it because it's nice to be made to feel welcome but I agree that it would be better if that section didn't count towards post counts and ackers etc.

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Old 15-03-2006, 14:25   #13
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Tinkerbelle's Avatar

Re: How many???

It's always nice to welcome the newbies and quite a few of them post back in their own intro thread to say it was nice to receive such a friendly welcome.

I try to welcome each newbie but as I'm on here quite regularly I always check the introduction posts as soon as I log on, it saves me having to welcome a back log of them ..... which I have to say can be a slight aggravation when 20/24 new posts are in the introduction threads, like the other evening.
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Old 15-03-2006, 15:50   #14
white rabbits

grannyclaret's Avatar

Re: How many???

i always try to say hello to each and every one, i would not like to think i left one out...
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Old 15-03-2006, 15:59   #15

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Re: How many???

Originally Posted by mick
and remarks like that in the link is not helping this.
Not that i would ever suggest to a moderator what to do mick but, why not just edit the above post and remove the post that the link refers too instead of saying it does not help?
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