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Old 09-10-2008, 16:31   #31
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: How Many Ways Do You Think Your Money Has Been Sneakily Taken From You?

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
No. Being on my own 5 days of the week leaves me a lot of time and I sleep about 4 hours a day on average. Besides my brain just will not switch off. I don't believe I'm what you would call sensible either

I seem to be getting that itch, why? well it's your posts, on your own 5 days a week or, is there a little group of you? Just trying to get folk on accy web wound up, enough for you and the rest, (pretending to be one person), to suddenly start putting links to extra little points and suddenly we have BNP, (or something just as extreme), washing their propaganda in our little web site!
If wrong I apologise now, if right, please stop it we can annoy each other, we don't need whatever you are trying to build up to.

by the way, yes, I've seen you're a veggie with animals rights placed before human, we don't need that, we already tear each other apart.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 09-10-2008, 18:30   #32
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Re: How Many Ways Do You Think Your Money Has Been Sneakily Taken From You?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I seem to be getting that itch, why? well it's your posts, on your own 5 days a week or, is there a little group of you? Just trying to get folk on accy web wound up, enough for you and the rest, (pretending to be one person), to suddenly start putting links to extra little points and suddenly we have BNP, (or something just as extreme), washing their propaganda in our little web site!
If wrong I apologise now, if right, please stop it we can annoy each other, we don't need whatever you are trying to build up to.

by the way, yes, I've seen you're a veggie with animals rights placed before human, we don't need that, we already tear each other apart.

Apology accepted although I really don't understand why you would think I am more than one person, nor do I know what I have done to offend you. I believe I have the right to state my opinion just as much as the next person and I certainly don't have an affiliation with any political group. I have no wish to post links to anything for the simple reason I don't believe in pushing anyone into something I believe to be right for me. I didn't force my children to forgo meat whilst they were growing up, nor did I force them to believe in reincarnation/witchcraft and a more natural way of life.
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Old 10-10-2008, 22:56   #33
God Member

Re: How Many Ways Do You Think Your Money Has Been Sneakily Taken From You?

Originally Posted by polly View Post
Blackburn Council have found a whole new way of robbing me and every otherCouncil Tax payer of money: they have introduced free off street parkning on some streets and are going to expand this scheem on Saturdays in the run up to Xmas. this means that non council tax payers from outside the borough are going to be able to park for free and of course the estimated 50,000 pounds that the council will l9oose in revenue will have to be covered from elsewhere,, Guess who will foot the bill? Yes, those who live inside the borough and do not own cars and those who do own cars and do not shop in Blackbure (that is me)
Remember Robin Hood? He used to rob the rich to pay the poor, BwDC rob the poor and pay the rich!
personaly i dontthink any council has any right to charge for parking especialy on a street seen as we pay road tax i think its highway robbery that they can paint a dotted box and stick a payment machine atthe end of it then charge you to park on a road that you have already paid for the right to use with road tax and ensuring your caris both legal and insured

dontget me started on that other rip off scheme where the council charge you to park your car outside your own house and fine you shoud you forget to put your sticker in although some people actualy like it there shoudlnt be a charge for it
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 10-10-2008 at 22:58.
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Old 10-10-2008, 23:12   #34
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Re: How Many Ways Do You Think Your Money Has Been Sneakily Taken From You?

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
Apology accepted although I really don't understand why you would think I am more than one person, nor do I know what I have done to offend you. I believe I have the right to state my opinion just as much as the next person and I certainly don't have an affiliation with any political group. I have no wish to post links to anything for the simple reason I don't believe in pushing anyone into something I believe to be right for me. I didn't force my children to forgo meat whilst they were growing up, nor did I force them to believe in reincarnation/witchcraft and a more natural way of life.
Dont worry about it....I think it may be called having friends in high places or Nepotism.....So long been good to know ya.
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