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Old 01-08-2006, 23:37   #31
white rabbits

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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

I remember some black stuff in a little tin ,it was called curumquick,it nearly blew your socks off,but on a cold day it kept your throat warm,something like fishermans friends do today..
And does anyone remember zambuck ointment,,,,,,,and gibbs toothpaste in a tin,,,red ,blue or green,so we all knew our own tin,,We thought we were posh when we upgraded to S,R in a tube
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Old 02-08-2006, 07:30   #32
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

My nan used to rub Zambuk on every ache and pain, she swore by it. My dad also used to put TCP on every spot, cut, wound and splinter. He used to make us gargle with it for sore throats sometimes, it tasted disgusting. We always smelled of TCP when we were kids, it was like the family perfume.
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Old 02-08-2006, 07:49   #33
Resting in Peace

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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

My gran allways made us drink a glass of PLJ very very strong lemon drink i used to hate the stuff.
but i used to love that orange drink you got off the nhs

Yes as a kid i got everything going too and it seamed like i got them one after another .
But when i got tonsillitis i got it very bad and needed to have them taken out quick i ended up having it done privately at mount st hospital preston thanks to my aunty who paid to have it done all i remember was i was in hospital for three days and having loads of ice cream after the op i was only about 6 at the time

Last edited by Mick; 02-08-2006 at 07:59.
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Old 02-08-2006, 08:54   #34
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Does no-one remember Rosehip Syrup? I wonder if they still make the stuff.
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Old 02-08-2006, 11:04   #35
white rabbits

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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Ohh yes i loved it,we had it on semmolina pudding at school.....yummy
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Old 02-08-2006, 14:12   #36
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Originally Posted by shillelagh
Worst of all though was milk of magnesia - i will not wish that on my worst enemy!! Hated that and still do today.
My mum used to give me Milk of Amnesia........but I forget how it tasted
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Old 02-08-2006, 14:36   #37
white rabbits

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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

like chalk....yuk
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Old 02-08-2006, 16:02   #38
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Aww come on GC, I use my best bad joke and you don't even get it. (Shady weeps quietly)
Giggity giggity gig-a-dee
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Old 02-08-2006, 16:11   #39
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Originally Posted by yerself
Does no-one remember Rosehip Syrup? I wonder if they still make the stuff.

I'm going to have a go at making some myself. I have a rose hedge full of hips - and a recipe!
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Old 02-08-2006, 17:29   #40
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

My Gran used bottles and bolttles of Radian B on her rheumatic old legs and that really stank! No matter what your ailment in our home;you got "pobs" to eat to make you feel better,anyone else know what I am talking about?
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 02-08-2006, 18:11   #41
Carole G's Avatar

Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

I too remember the Cod Liver Oil and the vick rubbed on the chest, vaseline under the nose, and the Suleo for the nits. Remember being clamped between my Mums knees while she dragged the fine tooth metal comb through my curly hair. But the worst thing I had to suffer was an old fashioned ENEMA!! That was the worst experience of my childhood!
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Old 02-08-2006, 19:00   #42

Thumbs up Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Originally Posted by West Ender
I'm going to have a go at making some myself. I have a rose hedge full of hips - and a recipe!
such a waste you could make some wine with them :-) hic yone
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Old 02-08-2006, 19:32   #43
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

I was a severe asthmatic when i was a child and was forced to wear a Libby body (a thermal lined/fleecy sleeveless vest) to keep the chills of me when i was a child. I also had to sleep at night with a nightlight candle on that burned away some smelly stuff to clear my chest. Smelled liked Vicks. Think it was called a ventilator or something like that.
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Old 02-08-2006, 20:31   #44
white rabbits

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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod
No matter what your ailment in our home;you got "pobs" to eat to make you feel better,anyone else know what I am talking about?
I do..they were made with milk or oxo,s,,,and the bread which was going a bit stale....every now and then my hubby fancies the oxo ones for a snack...yuk
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Old 02-08-2006, 20:36   #45
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Re: how sick were you when you were growing up?

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
I do..they were made with milk or oxo,s,,,and the bread which was going a bit stale....every now and then my hubby fancies the oxo ones for a snack...yuk

Ewwwwwwwwww and where did you find him then
Can remember once my late great aunt cooking an eel in milk in the oven , was forced to taste it ....... puke !
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