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General Chat General chat - common sense in here please. Decent serious discussions to be enjoyed by everyone!

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Old 25-05-2015, 00:37   #31
God Member

Re: How the mighty has fallen

one thing for sure is both AW and hyndburn chat have done a damn sight better than anything HBC has tried to do and hasnt cost the people of hyndburn a penny
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 25-05-2015, 07:31   #32
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

I have always used my real name on here.
I still think it is hypocritical for the folk who could have a row with themselves in an empty room, to go on an the ban the behaviour that they used on here when they set up something themselves....perhaps it just goes to show that running a forum or media site(or a part of it)isn't that easy.
I'm staying here...even if I have to talk to myself!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-05-2015, 08:25   #33
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
This is all very well for folks who have nowt better to do than gossip all day but for normal folks, I suspect it is just a passing phase.
Tell you what, I'm sick and tired of folk who don't like something, whether it be Facebook or Hyndburn Chat or Accyweb, and feel compelled to issue sneering putdowns. If you don't like it fine, nobody's forcing you to use it, but don't start insulting the folk who do enjoy it.
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Old 25-05-2015, 09:13   #34
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
I have now become a member of Hyndburn Chat, to see if I am missing anything, and I have quickly come to the conclusion that it is just a dis-jointed collection of day to day life. This is all very well for folks who have nowt better to do than gossip all day but for normal folks, I suspect it is just a passing phase. The only problem is, there is no means of reference to past events or comments.

Not entirely sure you can class Facebook as 'A passing phase'. Its as good as the person that works it. There are timelines, archives and history. You can search for people that went to the same school as you, worked at the same place as you, or find people that you met at an event years ago and have never met since. You can search companies, their histories and their related businesses, not just locally but around the world.

Maybe the limitation isnt with the platform but with knowledge of how it can be used?
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Old 25-05-2015, 09:34   #35
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
I have now become a member of Hyndburn Chat, to see if I am missing anything, and I have quickly come to the conclusion that it is just a dis-jointed collection of day to day life. This is all very well for folks who have nowt better to do than gossip all day but for normal folks, I suspect it is just a passing phase. The only problem is, there is no means of reference to past events or comments.
I aint overkeen on Facebook, never have been, but thats one of the biggest loads of arrogant crap i have seen on here, n ive seen plenty oer the years, I have been using facebook occasionally fer quite a few years, it keeps me in touch with old friends that aint from around here fer one thing, plus a few others, If your normal folk, then i'm quite relieved i aint.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-05-2015, 09:57   #36
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

You use what suits your purpose. It is as simple as that.
I have no quarrel with those who get good use out of some alternative would not do for us all to like the same things.
Horses for courses.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 25-05-2015, 22:19   #37

Re: How the mighty has fallen

Just been on the AO website

Accrington Observer - News, sports, weather and events for in and around Accrington

Shocked to see the Sports headline. STANLEY SET FOR RELEGATION SCRAP.

I wondered what it was all about. A post season re-allocation of points? Have the Football League found some evidence of wrongdoing down at the Crown Ground (or whatever they call it these days)?

No. The sports 'headline' has been there since 5th February.

A sign they have given up the ghost?
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Old 26-05-2015, 07:33   #38
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

I never said I didn't like Facebook, I was commenting about the fact that none of the useful content submitted was archived and that it is merely a glorified chatroom.
Perhaps one reason why many Accywebbers have moved over to Facebook is due to the nature of the replies from the stalwarts of Accyweb, as in this case. They may not agree with another person's point of view but it very quickly gets personal and insulting.
I have even experienced sarcasm in a PM from a mod, that is no way to administer a forum of any kind.
If members are afraid to comment because they are rounded on by other members, I don't blame them for leaving.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

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Hodgkinson, Clark, Baxter, Gardner, Spilman, Ward, Lofthouse, Fowler, Westwell
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Old 26-05-2015, 07:52   #39
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

You said fer normal folk, yeh suspect its just a passing phase, simple as, That to me is arrogant n insulting, if yeh dont like the fact i said so tough. if anyones afraid to comment to straight talk, they shouldn't be on the internet imho.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-05-2015, 08:27   #40
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

I am sorry if my comments have been over the top but there is a reason why I am so anti Social Media at the moment. We are in the middle of a large project and most of the work is being done by six individuals, in their own offices. The project is way behind schedule although the timescale was not considered tight. As project co-ordinator I am hearing numerous reasons why sections of the project are late. The main excuse is the lack of time yet the same individuals are spending a lot of their time Tweeting and posting on Facebook.

If they were on the phone chatting to people I would never know but to be posting on open social media, during working hours and then complaining they are short of time, I find annoying. There is a danger that we could not get paid for this job and lack of delivery would also affect my reputation for future projects.
It may seem hypocritical of me to be posting during working hours but my part of the project is completed, I am just waiting for others to complete the work they were hired to do.

There is nothing wrong with Social Media but it does seem to be running many people's lives.
There is a sunset every day in Morecambe but some are better than others.

Family History - Can you help to fill in the gaps? -
Hodgkinson, Clark, Baxter, Gardner, Spilman, Ward, Lofthouse, Fowler, Westwell
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Old 26-05-2015, 08:31   #41
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
This is all very well for folks who have nowt better to do than gossip all day but for normal folks, I suspect it is just a passing phase.
Yes, it does very quickly become personal and insulting, doesn't it?
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Old 26-05-2015, 08:37   #42
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

I am a member of a number of FB groups through which I am able to connect with ex-RAF personnel that I have served with who now are scattered all over UK and the world and with friends made during my 20 years of working overseas.
I am also a member of HC, which takes a few minutes to check and see if there is anything that takes my interest as with this site. If people are spending work time on things other than what they are paid for then you should not employ them, but if it is in their own time then that is their business - nobody has the right to criticise them for how they spend their time
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Old 26-05-2015, 16:11   #43
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
. We are in the middle of a large project and most of the work is being done by six individuals, in their own offices. The project is way behind schedule although the timescale was not considered tight. As project co-ordinator I am hearing numerous reasons why sections of the project are late. The main excuse is the lack of time yet the same individuals are spending a lot of their time Tweeting and posting on Facebook.

If they were on the phone chatting to people I would never know but to be posting on open social media, during working hours and then complaining they are short of time, I find annoying. There is a danger that we could not get paid for this job and lack of delivery would also affect my reputation for future projects.
You know they're doing it in company time, the project is well behind and you may not get paid for it!
But all you do is moan about it on Accyweb? Heavens, man, if I was your boss and I found out it would be your job on the line as well as theirs!
Never mind your reputation, worry about your job!
You're the co-ordinator, that means you're the boss, you're in charge, you're responsible!
Get that stick out.

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 26-05-2015 at 16:19.
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Old 26-05-2015, 16:38   #44

Smile Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by Morecambe Ex Pat View Post
There is a danger that we could not get paid for this job and lack of delivery would also affect my reputation for future projects.
It may seem hypocritical of me to be posting during working hours but my part of the project is completed, I am just waiting for others to complete the work they were hired to do.

There is nothing wrong with Social Media but it does seem to be running many people's lives.
Don't blame FB. If you have a deadline to meet on the project, its up to you to motivate the staff and establish a sense of team work that makes them WANT to complete the job on time. That will enhance your reputation for future projects. If "your part of the project is completed", should you not be getting in there helping those who might be struggling, rather than sitting back and posting on Accy Web?

I find FB terrific. It keeps me up to date with friends, past and present. You can use the filters to get rid of anything you DON'T want to see, and where else could I get an audience of hundreds to view my photographs (but only if they want to)?
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Old 26-05-2015, 18:45   #45
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Re: How the mighty has fallen

Originally Posted by hyndburner View Post
Don't blame FB. If you have a deadline to meet on the project, its up to you to motivate the staff and establish a sense of team work that makes them WANT to complete the job on time. That will enhance your reputation for future projects. If "your part of the project is completed", should you not be getting in there helping those who might be struggling, rather than sitting back and posting on Accy Web?

I find FB terrific. It keeps me up to date with friends, past and present. You can use the filters to get rid of anything you DON'T want to see, and where else could I get an audience of hundreds to view my photographs (but only if they want to)?
Got to admit, if you can't keep your team on track, whom should we suppose isn't the right man for the job?

we all go a touch diverse, be it talking about Eastenders around the coffee machine, (compulsory these days or else you're being sexist), but if you can't keep them working, well...
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