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Old 03-06-2008, 17:33   #31
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Re: How times have changed

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Can you count to 10?
I have a GCSE in math... i can count to 50
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 03-06-2008, 17:43   #32
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Re: How times have changed

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
Ive just googled slide rule because id never heard of it before.. can anyone explain how you use one?

wikipedia describes it as 'a mechanical analog computer' obviously not a computer in the same way as the thing i am using at the moment.

Dont ask me!!!
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Old 03-06-2008, 18:07   #33
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Re: How times have changed

I do understand what you are all saying, but at the end of the day, when you are thrown out into the world of actual work and contributing to the economy, working out various mathematical equations in your head are surfeit to requirements.

For instance, years ago, myself, whilst speaking to customers had to work out simple things like, a discount of 12 %, adding the VAT percentage at the time, and quite a lot of Pythagoras to calculate table sizes, and cloth they would need to fit tables, etc.

So much easier and saves precious time/money if you have a calculator in front of you to do these sums. Sure you get the drift. Can you imagine doing long division if you are sat in front of a customer or the clock ticking away on telephone charges ..

i.e. table size is 27" x 27"
27 x 27 = 27
x 27

729 x 2 = 729
x 2

Square root of 1,458 = (need log. table for this)

Then would have to work out the table cloth to go on top of this with say 15" drop, etc., 57" .. but need to stick to standard size, which would be 54" square .. oh yeh, these will have a point drop of (Pythagoras again ) corner to corner = 76". Average drop to floor is 30" so take away 38.18 from 76" = 37.82 divide by 2 = 18.91 from the floor !! And this is not an industry mathematically industry driven, so would be a nightmare for those that are. WAKE UP customer, you falling asleep .. LOL.

Oh, and next question is need to know in total how many 50 of these cloths are going to cost me plus any carriage (vat chargeable) !!

Thank goodness for calculators .. do not wish to go back to working all this out in me head, or on notepaper.
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Old 03-06-2008, 18:22   #34
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Re: How times have changed

bit of a wander , but I do think the older generation brought up before decimalization had a better grasp of basic math and mental arithmatic . One only needs to look at all the different systems we had to learn ........ and how many of each made up the other
measurement....inch, feet, yards, furlongs, miles
weight ........... ounces, pounds, stones,cwts , tons
money............1/2d,1d,3d,6d,shillings, two bobs, half-crowns, and £s

and I defy anyone to tell me how the "whitworth" system for nuts and bolts was arrived at
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Old 03-06-2008, 18:28   #35
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Re: How times have changed

The only thing I ever learnt in Thos Kennedy's maths class was:

Spring is sprung, the grass is riz
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The bird is on the wing
But that's absurd
The wing is on the bird
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Old 03-06-2008, 18:28   #36
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Re: How times have changed

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
and I defy anyone to tell me how the "whitworth" system for nuts and bolts was arrived at
Whitworth got his nuts caught in a mangle and thought it was a bolt of lightning...........He patented them............Yes or No
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Old 03-06-2008, 18:29   #37
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Re: How times have changed

and dont forget steeljack its now BSF and BSC - Whitworth was the inbetweener for the UNF and UNC .....

Now ive managed to confuse everyone....
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anyone want to argue
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