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17-01-2010, 18:36
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by Eric
As usual, Juno Beach seems to have been forgotten 
Don't think anyone is denying the fact that the "old commomwealth" countries haven't done their 'bit' , probably in greater percentage numbers than the UK itself only to have H.Ms. Govt. turn round and kick them in the teeth .
18-01-2010, 03:51
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Re: How to lose allies ...
ok , had time to reflect on things , no way do I think we (the USofA) are the best thing since sliced bread, lots of things need fixing , but a lot fewer than many places in the world .
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
The Item posted by Mr.Steeljack to emphasise his position sadly relies heavily on past glories, I am not disputing your involvement in the war, but had pearl harbour not been attacked would America have been so willing to enter the fray ? they hadn't been prior to the event..
Have agree with you there , Pearl Harbour was the event that brought us into the war which had been up to that time a mainly European/North African (colonial) conflict . Much to our shame we were turning ships full of european refugees around and sending them back to Germany , why they weren't admitted to Canada (much nearer) or the UK I don't know , probably the same anti semitism that existed in the US at that time
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
In 1969 the British Army deployed to Northern Ireland to counter terrorism and this ran on through until 2007, during this time Americans (not all) collected for the IRA to buy arms & ammunition to kill British soldiers, even American weapons were supplied to the terrorists. Gerry Adams was invited over and celebrated as a celebrity!! incredulous. Where was the backup then against terrorism ?
no arguement from me on this one , but bear in mind members of HMs Govt. and members of the Royal family had no problems sitting down to wine and dine with the Kennedys and other members Irish Ameican lobby
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Bush Senior took the Americans into Iraq in 1991, on the clause of defending Kuwait from the evil Iraq dictator Saddam Husseien, who was it Steeljack who put Hussein in his position in the first place ? let me see, oh yes ! the Americans because they wanted him to fight against the Iranians in the 80's !!
Saddam and the Baath party had been in control long before Bush senior, seem to remember newsreels from the 50s when I was a kid of them hanging the King of Iraq in the streets of Baghdad, he was the one imposed on the Iraqis by the British by Gertude Bell , one of the grandsons of the sherif of Mecca going back to the days when the British promised the Arabs a homeland of their own if they help fight the Turks
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Back into Iraq in 2003 Bush Junior up until 2009 British troops have supported the Americans in there fight to stamp out WMD & terrorism, Bush asked Blair said yes, so where are they these WMD objects ? At least Iraq is over but unfortunately Afghanistsan is still going on, and young "British" lads are dying following the American dream, don't get me wrong I feel sorry for your loses as well, but again following your lead how many thousand of young Men do you have over there ? We are a small Island we can't afford to lose to many of our lads, but as long as you don't see what's happening around you, we will suffer more than you.
Have a bit of a problem with this one as do many American families ,without debating the pros and cons of the war, seems to me if the "european" allies want to be treated as equal partners they need to get up to the bar , the UK population is roughly 1/5 that of the US , so it seems logical that for every 50,000 troops the US has on the ground the UK should have at least 10,000
present numbers indicate the US has about 68,000 compared with the UKs 9000. No need for me to comment about the other Nato countries miserable contributions
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
On a lighter note, you have a Baseball "World series" how many other countries are involved and by the way we invented it ,it was called "Rounders" first mentioned in 1745 in England, first played in the States 1846.
ok no arguement from me on this one , but have to wonder why the English football league is called that when over 70% of the players are none UK born 
18-01-2010, 05:51
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Re: How to lose allies ...
my friend is a flagstone layer and when at work one day an american tourist stopped to talk to him and said that in america they had a machine that could lay flagstones acurate to 1 millionth of a tenth acuracy to which my mate replied " thats no good to me i need to be spot on "
in america bigger is better and it even goes to the extent of potatos been 4 x larger than UK grown pototoes but we dont need to grow them as big for our mouths 
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-01-2010, 08:44
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by accyman
my friend is a flagstone layer and when at work one day an american tourist stopped to talk to him and said that in america they had a machine that could lay flagstones acurate to 1 millionth of a tenth acuracy to which my mate replied " thats no good to me i need to be spot on "
in america bigger is better and it even goes to the extent of potatos been 4 x larger than UK grown pototoes but we dont need to grow them as big for our mouths 
A Texas rancher stopped at a Saskatchewan farm, and was chatting to the farmer. He asked him, "How much land do you farm"? The stubble jumper replied, "I farm three sections"? (about 2000 acres). The Texan said, "Hell, I can get in my truck and drive all day, and I'm still on my own land." The Saskatchewan farmer replied, "Yup, I had a truck like that once."
But seriously, the problem I see is post #4. Here, we are asked to accept not only the courage of the American soldier ... and American service personel are as brave, and as patriotic, and as dedicated as any ... but also, the altruism of American foreign policy. America doesn't have any foreign policy other than self-interest.
18-01-2010, 08:57
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Re: How to lose allies ...
americas is so paranoid about terrorism you cant get into teh country if you have drink driving offence and thats our alli lol
i dont condone drink driving but i woudlnt put somone convicted of it on a list of peopel likely to ram a jumbo jet into a sky scraper
well not unless they were flying the plane after a bottle of vodka
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-01-2010, 09:57
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by accyman
my friend is a flagstone layer and when at work one day an american tourist stopped to talk to him and said that in america they had a machine that could lay flagstones acurate to 1 millionth of a tenth acuracy to which my mate replied " thats no good to me i need to be spot on "
in america bigger is better and it even goes to the extent of potatos been 4 x larger than UK grown pototoes but we dont need to grow them as big for our mouths 
Reminds me of that Texan stood in the concourse at Heathrow Airport, he looks round and says here we are Heathrow airport, London, England, the arsehole of the world, just then a little cockney was walking past and said, passing through are we 
18-01-2010, 17:46
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: How to lose allies ...
In answer to the footy question, it was started back in 1888, consisted of 12 clubs all English. 
18-01-2010, 17:53
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: How to lose allies ...
The British Army, full time numbers as of 2009 stand at 106,000 approx this also includes LTR (Long term reserves),so we're a bit pushed for numbers considering all our other commitments.
18-01-2010, 17:58
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Re: How to lose allies ...
We could put more troops into afghanistan if only those damn yanks woudl stop shooting them it would help keep the numbers up
bit of give and take please america 
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-01-2010, 18:05
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Ooh and look another red DOT  I do seem to be ruffling somebodies feathers  all entitled to our opinions, but at least have the backbone to say who you are when you slag me down so I'll know to avoid you should we meet, because if you don't like my comments you'll probably not like me.
Also your spineless ways made me wrongly accuse as it happens a very pleasant bloke, so if you're a fella? grow some eh!
Lets see how far down this sinks me  
18-01-2010, 18:09
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Re: How to lose allies ...
i will give you some but at the moment it says i have given too much out in the last 24 hours
i guess im just too generous 
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-01-2010, 19:51
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by accyman
i will give you some but at the moment it says i have given too much out in the last 24 hours
i guess im just too generous 
Thanks for the offer Accyman, but it's not important.I'm certainly not worried about it, so other folk needn't worry either. I think my attitude is quite discernable from my posts  by the way what's the record minus Points anyones had ??
18-01-2010, 19:54
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
The British Army, full time numbers as of 2009 stand at 106,000 approx this also includes LTR (Long term reserves),so we're a bit pushed for numbers considering all our other commitments.
So, if one takes the numbers of troops available, the UK is making a very large commitment of resources to Afghanistan. This is a much more reliable and realistic way of looking at numbers on the ground. Total population figures are misleading gauges of the degree of commitment. Soldiers are produced only by rigorous and extended periods of training ... they don't leap into being on enlistment. Indeed much of the efforts of NATO troops in Afghanistan are directed at training Afghan troops and police. Canadian forces too are being stressed to the limit. Of the 139 Canadians kia in Afghanistan, most are experienced NCOs, the backbone of our army. Many of them are reservists, men and women with jobs and careers back home, who voluntarily put themselves in harm's way because they believe in what they are doing.
And I just heard on the news that we are commiting more resources to Haiti. (Canada, particularly Quebec, has a large number of Canadians of Haitian origin. Our Govenor General came from Haiti as an immigrant.) Two ships, HMCS Halifax and HMCS Ville de Quebec, carrying troops and supplies will soon arrive. DART (Disaster Assistance Respone Team) teams from Kingston have been flown out of Trenton with mobile hospitals and water purification plants. It might not seem like much, compared to what the US is doing; but in terms of our available resources, stretched to the limit in Afghanistan, it is all we can do. I know it's a wander mentioning Haiti; but that star crossed country needs as much help as those of us more fortunate can give.
18-01-2010, 19:55
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Thanks for the offer Accyman, but it's not important.I'm certainly not worried about it, so other folk needn't worry either. I think my attitude is quite discernable from my posts by the way what's the record minus Points anyones had ??
im not sure but i think mancie had a good effort but then people started getting used to his drunken ramblings and pitty karma was given out as its against accyweb policy to pick on the mentaly disturbed.
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
18-01-2010, 19:58
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Re: How to lose allies ...
Originally Posted by Eric
And I just heard on the news that we are commiting more resources to Haiti.
are they sending extra troops to protect the troops already there and teh aid workers from been attacked by teh ungreatfull sods which is happening at the moment ?
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
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