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Old 06-10-2008, 14:45   #16
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
The persons used for assesments are not specialists. even general practitioners but someone who likes to meet targets. Anorexia can lead to other medical problems that prevent that person being of any use that and the energy levels are less than that of a tesco value zinc carbon battery.

I realise the assessors are not specialists and that's why I say it should be a specialist. At the very least the claimants doctor/surgeon/consultant will know what is really going on with the claimants health and should be consulted by the assessor. I know most people want to make their symptons sound worse than they are and if they can get away with it, they will.
I used Anorexia as an example because I know the person suffering with it and I can tell you she is nowhere near death through starvation, nor does she have any medical complications that could arise. What she does have is Lazyitis. She knows she can get virtually anything from the government by claiming Anorexia and she will starve herself to do it. That is not right. I call that abusing the system and would like to see it stopped
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Old 06-10-2008, 14:47   #17
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
I realise the assessors are not specialists and that's why I say it should be a specialist. At the very least the claimants doctor/surgeon/consultant will know what is really going on with the claimants health and should be consulted by the assessor. I know most people want to make their symptons sound worse than they are and if they can get away with it, they will.
I used Anorexia as an example because I know the person suffering with it and I can tell you she is nowhere near death through starvation, nor does she have any medical complications that could arise. What she does have is Lazyitis. She knows she can get virtually anything from the government by claiming Anorexia and she will starve herself to do it. That is not right. I call that abusing the system and would like to see it stopped
Easy answer would be to do away with all benefits then and revert to the survival of the fittest mantra.

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Old 06-10-2008, 14:52   #18
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
Easy answer would be to do away with all benefits then and revert to the survival of the fittest mantra.
Hardly fair on the genuine claimants. What would happen to the oldest/youngest generations, many of whom are incapable of reverting to the law of the jungle.

Last edited by mothernature; 06-10-2008 at 14:55.
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Old 06-10-2008, 15:32   #19
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
And aren't there a lot of people using depression as an excuse.?
Oh, aren't there just.

This one really annoys me and it's no wonder genuine people are reluctant to talk about their depression for fear of getting lumped in with all these malingerers.

The reason people go for depression is that it's very hard to dis-prove and can last a long time......people can be off with depression for years.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 06-10-2008, 19:03   #20
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
Hardly fair on the genuine claimants. What would happen to the oldest/youngest generations, many of whom are incapable of reverting to the law of the jungle.
There is the point it was for the needy but as the system can be played by some then they will be payed though they are capable. So the question I put forth is "why is it harder for genuine claims to be made than in the mind of some bogus ones?"

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Old 06-10-2008, 19:12   #21
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
There is the point it was for the needy but as the system can be played by some then they will be payed though they are capable. So the question I put forth is "why is it harder for genuine claims to be made than in the mind of some bogus ones?"
if you could answer that un spug, you would get my vote fer P.M.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 06-10-2008, 19:33   #22
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
if you could answer that un spug, you would get my vote fer P.M.
Would never take the PM job as I am to "politically incorrect" for it. Mind you could buy several banks with the cash I could make from it.

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Old 06-10-2008, 19:41   #23
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Anyone claiming DLA because of alcoholism should be made to go into rehab, no benefits to be paid until they have come out - clean. They should then be found employment and, should they fall off the wagon and lose the job for that reason, be unable to claim any benefit.

It's harsh, yes, but why should they have special treatment? To say "I can do any job as long as I have a drink" is an intolerable excuse. Acoholism is an addiction but so is smoking. Smokers, of whom I used to be one, don't have the luxury of claiming DLA because they can't work without a smoke. They are told, "It's tough - get on with it."

I have lots of sympathy with alcoholics who try to get their lives back on track. I have none for the workshy.
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Old 06-10-2008, 20:58   #24
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Has it been made too easy to get benefits? Will loopholes be closed? Answering these will be a start.

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Old 07-10-2008, 09:27   #25
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Anyone claiming DLA because of alcoholism should be made to go into rehab, no benefits to be paid until they have come out - clean. They should then be found employment and, should they fall off the wagon and lose the job for that reason, be unable to claim any benefit.
That would be my solution too.

I just have one question though - are there really jobs available for all these unemployed people? Especially at times like this.

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Old 07-10-2008, 10:42   #26

Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

i think people should take a few minutes to consider what is going on here, as soon as someone mentions people claiming benefits the "ive worked all my life" brigade get on their soap boxes and start vilifying people who for the most part have also worked hard for many years, but now find themselves in unfortunate circumstances, mostly not of their own making. have you any idea as to how humiliating this can be to the vast majority of honest claimants?
this country is on the brink of a financial catastrophy, and it will without doubt mean for many of these misinformed people a prolonged period of unemployment, claiming benefits to which they are fully entitled, it may help them to understand though just what its all about.
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Old 07-10-2008, 11:22   #27
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Oh, aren't there just.

This one really annoys me and it's no wonder genuine people are reluctant to talk about their depression for fear of getting lumped in with all these malingerers.

The reason people go for depression is that it's very hard to dis-prove and can last a long time......people can be off with depression for years.

just because someone is depressed or on anti depressants doesnt always mean they claim sick pay(from the social), i have been on anti depressants for over 2 years, i still only claim income support, i hadnt even given sick pay a thought, i'm still waiting to see the advisor at the job centre about going back to work, in my opinion its better to go back to work than stay stuck in moping around if your depressed

its ok H i know you werent getting at anyone in particular x
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 07-10-2008, 11:39   #28
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
There is the point it was for the needy but as the system can be played by some then they will be payed though they are capable. So the question I put forth is "why is it harder for genuine claims to be made than in the mind of some bogus ones?"

As I see it, the bogus claimants know how to use the system, whereas someone new to claiming is acting off the advice of the DWP advisors.
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Old 07-10-2008, 11:51   #29
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by mothernature View Post
As I see it, the bogus claimants know how to use the system, whereas someone new to claiming is acting off the advice of the DWP advisors.

The advice from the advisor's is not always correct either as i have had the misfortune to encounter in the past. I could not screw the system as I have spent most of my time in work and would in a way just be robbing myself.

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Old 07-10-2008, 13:51   #30
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
The advice from the advisor's is not always correct either as i have had the misfortune to encounter in the past. I could not screw the system as I have spent most of my time in work and would in a way just be robbing myself.

Oh you are so right there. They also give conflicting advice. Talk about the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing.
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