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Old 07-10-2008, 15:54   #31
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
just because someone is depressed or on anti depressants doesnt always mean they claim sick pay(from the social), i have been on anti depressants for over 2 years, i still only claim income support, i hadnt even given sick pay a thought, i'm still waiting to see the advisor at the job centre about going back to work, in my opinion its better to go back to work than stay stuck in moping around if your depressed

its ok H i know you werent getting at anyone in particular x

No, I wasn't getting at anyone on here and certainly not you.

Like I said, I feel sorry for genuine depression sufferers as it is a horrible thing to suffer from.

As it is hard to prove and can last a long time it is a very popular illness of choice with those who fancy several months at home. You can't say you've got a broken leg if you haven't but you can easily cite depression.

I've known a few who've done really annoys me.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 07-10-2008, 17:09   #32
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

i know what you mean H, its like people who say they suffer from agoraphobia(i know some genuinely do, i dont mean those), there is just no way of proving it so they get away with it, now THAT pee's me off
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Old 07-10-2008, 17:35   #33
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

I know somebody who was on benefits of one kind or another for over 20 years, untill he suddenly lost the sight in one eye due to a hospital blunder, he got over a hundred thousand for it, prior to this, he always worked (on the side) and always claimed benefits for, unemployment, sickness, alcohlism, depression, psychosis, you name it, every time he was reported or caught, he just signed for a new benefit, when he got his 'windfall', he bought the house the tax payer paid rent for (17 years) for a song, it is worth 90,000 plus.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 07-10-2008, 21:27   #34
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Cool Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Once upon a time long term claimants of sickness benefits were called in to see the “Social Security” doctor. The office was based on Northgate in Blackburn adjacent to Mercers.

After about three months of being on the sick you got a letter telling you to attend at a particular time and day. This was not negotiable. If you didn’t attend you got struck off the sick. Those who attended then had to demonstrate to the doctor that they still suffered from what put them on the sick.

That certainly sorted out the scroungers.
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Old 07-10-2008, 21:49   #35
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

When Warrington Tax Office, where I worked for over 20 years, moved to a new building in the town centre it shared premises, for a couple of years, with the DSS Tribunals who had a room on the ground floor. Claimants on long-term sick had to attend for assessment.

I was on the top floor, quite high up, and I watched, on several occasions, claimants walking happily from a car park 2 streets away. As soon as they thought they were "in view" from the Tribunals office the limp would start and by the time they reached the steps up to the front door they were barely able to drag themselves along.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 07-10-2008, 22:28   #36
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

I’ve no time for those that abuse our Benefit system.

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Anyone claiming DLA because of alcoholism should be made to go into rehab, no benefits to be paid until they have come out - clean. They should then be found employment and, should they fall off the wagon and lose the job for that reason, be unable to claim any benefit.

Some folk actually take to “drinking themselves silly” literally, for differing reasons. Dementia can be alcohol induced. As can death.

The dead ones the state/tax payers don’t have to keep. What about those with other illnesses which are alcohol induced. Should their benefits be cut, possibly punishing the whole family.

Each case has to be judged on its own merits, more thoroughly than seems to be at present.
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 07-10-2008, 23:16   #37
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Unfortunately as with anything else it is the genuine claimants who lose out and quite often start to feel guilty about claiming. Doctors must be taken to task for just handing sick notes out willy nilly, then just maybe people who are genuinely ill will get the benfits they are entitled to!!!
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Old 07-10-2008, 23:28   #38
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Unfortunately as with anything else it is the genuine claimants who lose out and quite often start to feel guilty about claiming. Doctors must be taken to task for just handing sick notes out willy nilly, then just maybe people who are genuinely ill will get the benfits they are entitled to!!!
its always been the genuine that suffer, thats never changed n probably never will, reason i say this is simple, there is no real political will, to sort the scroungers, bump em all its the easiest. just like in motoring, different thing i know, but same end result.
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Old 08-10-2008, 08:51   #39
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

An old man went to the social security office to sign up. He had stood in the line for a very long time until it was finally his turn. The lady behind the counter ask him for identification. He went to get his wallet out of his back pocket and relized he had left it at home. The lady told him that was alright he could just show her his chest hairs and if they were grey she knew he was old enough for social security. After everything was done there he went home and told his wife how his day went. He told her that he had forgotten his wallet at home and the lady at the social security office just ask him to pull down the front of his shirt and she could tell he was old enough. After listening to his story his wife told him if he had dropped his pants he probably could have gotten disability too.

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Old 08-10-2008, 09:15   #40
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Once upon a time long term claimants of sickness benefits were called in to see the “Social Security” doctor. The office was based on Northgate in Blackburn adjacent to Mercers.

After about three months of being on the sick you got a letter telling you to attend at a particular time and day. This was not negotiable. If you didn’t attend you got struck off the sick. Those who attended then had to demonstrate to the doctor that they still suffered from what put them on the sick.

That certainly sorted out the scroungers.
It was actually 26 weeks JB, I went twice, but I went to Bury, on the second occasion I saw the same doctor I saw on the first occasion. He looked at my notes and looked up at me and said "I've seen you before haven't I" I said he had, the last time I came. He just said then "Why are they wasting my time, your time, and their money keep sending you to see me, you aren't going to get better, you are only going to go worse, how true those words were, unfortunately
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Old 08-10-2008, 09:55   #41
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
I’ve no time for those that abuse our Benefit system.

Some folk actually take to “drinking themselves silly” literally, for differing reasons. Dementia can be alcohol induced. As can death.

The dead ones the state/tax payers don’t have to keep. What about those with other illnesses which are alcohol induced. Should their benefits be cut, possibly punishing the whole family.

Each case has to be judged on its own merits, more thoroughly than seems to be at present.
Sounds like a good argument for increasing payments to alcoholics so they croak sooner.
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Old 08-10-2008, 10:05   #42
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

This is really extracting the urine;

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Old 08-10-2008, 10:57   #43
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
This is really extracting the urine;

Mother of all council houses | The Sun |News
The mind Boggles really, when even the woman says shes getting to much, seems to me that these rules need changing and stop these rip offs
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Old 08-10-2008, 11:06   #44
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J View Post
This is really extracting the urine;

Mother of all council houses | The Sun |News

Well that takes the biscuit.
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Old 08-10-2008, 11:29   #45
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Re: How Will The Government Tackle This?

its like i always said, its the system that allows this- to blame, nothing else.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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