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Old 04-08-2009, 23:24   #46
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
That certainly won't help.

There always used to be an article and photograph when the new monthly exhibitions opened. It usually featured the opening night party, thus giving ample notice to the public of what was going to be on over the coming weeks, but there hasn't been anything like that for quite some time, and well before the Observer's Accy office closed.
that was what i was getting at, it ceased to be a real "Local" paper way back, hence reason i only buy it rarely.
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Old 04-08-2009, 23:29   #47
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Prior to me leaving the cut and thrust of the business world and having children I worked for a large PLC called SSL International - I managed a yearly budget of £21 million of own label and branded pharmaceutical products.
Like I said, I apologise most humbly, and I'll admit that all sounds very impressive.

However it doesn't leave an awful lot of room for your qualifications and experience when it comes to the arts, and to qualify your new position in employ of the council.

Was this position advertised? If so, where?

It would be interesting to read the job description, qualifications, salary etc.
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Old 04-08-2009, 23:33   #48
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
that was what i was getting at, it ceased to be a real "Local" paper way back, hence reason i only buy it rarely.
I think personally that it's got very little to do with press coverage The fact of the matter is that a vast number of people in Hyndburn have never visited the gallery.They simply don't think it's for them
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Old 04-08-2009, 23:40   #49
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I think personally that it's got very little to do with press coverage The fact of the matter is that a vast number of people in Hyndburn have never visited the gallery.They simply don't think it's for them
Disagree Bernard, whilst i accept it aint fer everyone, those who like various exhibitions NEED to know Whats On, or else hardly any beggar will go.
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Old 04-08-2009, 23:41   #50
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I think personally that it's got very little to do with press coverage The fact of the matter is that a vast number of people in Hyndburn have never visited the gallery.They simply don't think it's for them
That's down to bad marketing, not necessarily in the Observer, and putting on exhibitions that aren't attractive enough to make people want to go.

Put something on that people will be interested in, advertise it well, and they'll go.

In the past, Saturday and Sunday was chock-a-block, you had to queue to look at certain things.

In the depression of the thirties people flocked to museums and art galleries, because they were skint, and it was free. There is no earthly reason Accy's Haworth shouldn't be as busy as many others are today.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 04-08-2009, 23:49   #51
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
That's down to bad marketing, not necessarily in the Observer, and putting on exhibitions that aren't attractive enough to make people want to go.

Put something on that people will be interested in, advertise it well, and they'll go.

In the past, Saturday and Sunday was chock-a-block, you had to queue to look at certain things.

In the depression of the thirties people flocked to museums and art galleries, because they were skint, and it was free. There is no earthly reason Accy's Haworth shouldn't be as busy as many others are today.
I'm sure your'e right. Put something on that's both interesting,and relevant to people who live in this area.
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Old 04-08-2009, 23:52   #52
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Like I said, I apologise most humbly, and I'll admit that all sounds very impressive.

However it doesn't leave an awful lot of room for your qualifications and experience when it comes to the arts, and to qualify your new position in employ of the council.

Was this position advertised? If so, where?

It would be interesting to read the job description, qualifications, salary etc.
Sorry, that sounds like another dig.

I know you work hard, and do everything you can, as I'm sure you do in this new position.

You'll probably achieve more part time, than four full time people.

Please ignore my post (It was to late to edit.) You don't have to justify yourself to me or anyone else, and I guess the job came about because you fought for it's creation, because otherwise there'd be no one doing anything.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 05-08-2009, 00:00   #53
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Disagree Bernard, whilst i accept it aint fer everyone, those who like various exhibitions NEED to know Whats On, or else hardly any beggar will go.
I take your point. But advertised or not, if people don't think it's for them they are just not going to go there.
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Old 05-08-2009, 00:07   #54
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I take your point. But advertised or not, if people don't think it's for them they are just not going to go there.
thats not in question, but different exhibitions suit different people, n to me the whole object of such a place must be known, simple to me, don't know the actual figures, but accy library seemed very well attended fer the Stanley exhibition least was the two times i went, plus others told me the same.
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Old 05-08-2009, 00:12   #55
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
thats not in question, but different exhibitions suit different people, n to me the whole object of such a place must be known, simple to me, don't know the actual figures, but accy library seemed very well attended fer the Stanley exhibition least was the two times i went, plus others told me the same.
I believe it was well attended. And it's the sort of thing I would put on at the gallery. It would get people in.
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Old 05-08-2009, 00:21   #56
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I believe it was well attended. And it's the sort of thing I would put on at the gallery. It would get people in.
therein i reckon is the difference, that was quite well publicised, so must have helped the figures? plus being town centre must have helped.
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Old 05-08-2009, 01:00   #57
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
What I would be interested in is why people don't visit the Haworth Do some people think it's not for them. Maybe they think it's too elitist.
ive never been to the gallery mainly because all i thought that was in there was tiffany glass and when you are age 18/19 your more interested in going out and having a good time, going out with your mates, etc .. didnt know there were other exhibitions on. This is from someone who is just up the road .. Mum used to get the Rossendale Free Press not the Accy Observer and never saw anything about it in there .... Yet if i go on holiday i enjoy going round museums.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 05-08-2009, 01:01   #58
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

apart from the Tiffany Glass , which is okay for maybe two or three trips with visiting out of towners what other good stuff is "rat-holed" away , any Lowries or Helen Bradley's that no one knows about ? (or have they been sold off), sure lots of stuff was donated/given in the old days by the 'Cotton Barons' who seemed to have had lots of civic pride .
Seems to me more folk know about the Helmshore textile mill museum , or the Lewis in Blackburn than the Haworth in Accy
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Old 05-08-2009, 03:16   #59
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
How many members on here have been to haworth art gallery .. i know i never have ..i'll admit it .. even though its only 10 mins walk away .. go past it regular on the bus when going to accy shopping .. spug does say he's going to remedy this .. he says he going to take me when hes down next ... and i will have fun with my camera he says ... hes been in .. many years ago so thats 2 extra visitors in next month or so ..

Rindy and gayle and retlaw go in regular .. so who else has been in?
Me .... I have, lots of times. Once had something on the wall in there .... part of an exhibition of work from Accy Grammar .... I think it was an ink wash of a ruined factory off the end of Lower Barnes St.
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Old 05-08-2009, 09:51   #60
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Re: Howarth Art gallery

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
apart from the Tiffany Glass , which is okay for maybe two or three trips with visiting out of towners what other good stuff is "rat-holed" away , any Lowries or Helen Bradley's that no one knows about ? (or have they been sold off), sure lots of stuff was donated/given in the old days by the 'Cotton Barons' who seemed to have had lots of civic pride .
Seems to me more folk know about the Helmshore textile mill museum , or the Lewis in Blackburn than the Haworth in Accy
Sadly the Lewis Textile Museum, bequeathed by Thomas Boys Lewis to the people of Blackburn, is no more. The property was vacated, and the collection added to that of the museum on Museum Street.

Look how easy it is for our heritage to disappear, which local benefactors thought would in the care of safe hands.

The same could easily happen to some, or all of the Haworth's collection.

Again I point out as an example the donation of Oswald House, donated and used as a museum in Oswaldtwistle, until it was sold off commercially by the council of the day, and it's collections dispersed.
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