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Old 24-09-2008, 20:42   #16
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: HPV Jab

When I worked in Womens Health, it amazed me the number of women who failed to attend appointments for colposcopy after they had been found to have suspect smear results.
Colposcopy is a more detailed examination of the cervix using a magnifying device.
And i know that smear tests are not something that are to be relished, but it is better to be checked than to die of embarassment.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 24-09-2008, 20:55   #17
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
And i know that smear tests are not something that are to be relished, but it is better to be checked than to die of embarassment.

It was a smear test that led my GP to discover I had a fibroid the size of a coconut (and another the size of a grapefruit). I was in BUPA at the time and I was in hospital and operated on within 3 weeks. Another lady, in hospital at the same time as me, had also had an abnormality discovered at a smear test. It was ovarian cancer but they caught it so early she was fine.

When it comes to health in whatever part of the body every organisation, institution, whatever, should work with the NHS.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 24-09-2008, 21:07   #18
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Re: HPV Jab

Having been on the receiving end of a colposcopy and laser treatment I am all in favour of anything that can help in the battle against cervical cancer, my daughter will be eligible for the jab next year and will be having it either at school or GP's. To suggest that offering the jab is condoning under age sex is just plain stupid,it's akin to suggesting that to sell condoms is encouraging it. Daft.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 24-09-2008, 21:26   #19
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod View Post
To suggest that offering the jab is condoning under age sex is just plain stupid,it's akin to suggesting that to sell condoms is encouraging it. Daft.
agree totally with that statement, that being the case? all i was saying is school the best place to have em. margaret has answered that question, i do not know, her answer will do me, since she's spent a lifetime in the profession.
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Old 24-09-2008, 21:30   #20
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Re: HPV Jab

they are kiding themselves if they think THATS gunna be the thing that leads those good little catholic schoolgirls astray.......

speaking as an ex-good little catholic school girl
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 24-09-2008, 21:38   #21
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Re: HPV Jab

I don't think that this injection encourages promiscuity.

I would let my daughter have it.
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'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 24-09-2008, 22:38   #22
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Re: HPV Jab

I did happen to forward this thread to my nurse daughter,who is involved in all types of nursing now, including this one, she did actually ring me with strong language, some of the extracts from her E-Mail, which I have had to edit in red..

"I think we became complacent and forget to be grateful for the privilege of preventative medicine!
For heaven's sake !! they are stopping us from presenting to the doctor with a fatal illness that can't be cured always!
Just stand in line, its yer arms not yer private parts yer flashing! and stop creative problem making and being so flipping precious, ungrateful !!!I think we became complacent and forgot to be grateful for the privilege of preventative medicine!"

and ..

"I think the people in deprived countries who have children who die of measles ( for which we are preventative immunised) would think the lot of us were mental and pathetic for even disputing where it was given! and probably wonder why we dont just feel their pain;
self serving aren't we?"

and ..

"people even getting annoyed and even debating about this naffs me off.
have they any idea how HARD it is to get the government to fund something like this when we cant EVER actually tell them whose life it saved?
Then...they dispute it and risk it being given again.
Ignorant retarded spoiled idiots"

Seemingly, each vaccine costs £ 186 for the 3, can you imagine how much it would cost if they were to give it in some sort of posh premises.

Margaret P will know what it is like for someone to die with cervical cancer ... not a pretty sight (was treated to the details here).

The Catholic Church has got to realise that sexuality has changed with the generations and no going back.

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Old 25-09-2008, 05:30   #23
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Re: HPV Jab

Katex, you are right about seeing patients dying of cervical cancer....and i know because I have nursed some beautiful ladies to the end of their lives. Some of these women were very young and left children, their deaths devastated is a tragedy that is preventable.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-09-2008, 08:49   #24
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
That is not the statement as reported in the 1 o.clock News on Radio 4 today. It was emphasised that the governors did not approve of the jab as it had implications that they would be condoning extra-marital sex.
Well being a catholic myself, I think the governors are being a tad naive to say the least, if they actually think that by having this jab will condoning extra-marital sex. Sounds like the old fashioned catholic approach to sex education, as in the ostrich syndrom, stick your head in the sand and it will pass you by. To me anything that may save the lives of women and save them from an early grave and all the upheaval that it causes in young famileys should be endoresed. To me sometimes, when the world moves on, the catholic church stands firm and relies on old values, but at what cost
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Old 25-09-2008, 15:49   #25
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by katex View Post
I did happen to forward this thread to my nurse daughter,who is involved in all types of nursing now, including this one, she did actually ring me with strong language, some of the extracts from her E-Mail, which I have had to edit in red..

"I think we became complacent and forget to be grateful for the privilege of preventative medicine!
For heaven's sake !! they are stopping us from presenting to the doctor with a fatal illness that can't be cured always!
Just stand in line, its yer arms not yer private parts yer flashing! and stop creative problem making and being so flipping precious, ungrateful !!!I think we became complacent and forgot to be grateful for the privilege of preventative medicine!"

and ..

"I think the people in deprived countries who have children who die of measles ( for which we are preventative immunised) would think the lot of us were mental and pathetic for even disputing where it was given! and probably wonder why we dont just feel their pain;
self serving aren't we?"

and ..

"people even getting annoyed and even debating about this naffs me off.
have they any idea how HARD it is to get the government to fund something like this when we cant EVER actually tell them whose life it saved?
Then...they dispute it and risk it being given again.
Ignorant retarded spoiled idiots"

Seemingly, each vaccine costs £ 186 for the 3, can you imagine how much it would cost if they were to give it in some sort of posh premises.

Margaret P will know what it is like for someone to die with cervical cancer ... not a pretty sight (was treated to the details here).

The Catholic Church has got to realise that sexuality has changed with the generations and no going back.

I can't give karma to your daughter, Katex so I've had to give it to you.

I agree with all your daughter says.....we don't appreciate how lucky we are to have these injections and all some folk can do is find fault.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 25-09-2008, 16:32   #26
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Re: HPV Jab

I had the rubella jab at school and scared the living daylights out of those who were behind me!!!! I had a nosy on the school thats banned it website last night and there was no mention of them banning the girls from having the injection. I think schools are one of the best places to catch them because if you had to depend on the parents taking their daughter to the doctor to have it how many would bother? Everyone forgets kids used to die from measles, german measles, mumps, tb, etc back in the olden days but because of the jabs its not a common thing to have.
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The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 25-09-2008, 16:35   #27
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
I think schools are one of the best places to catch them .
Sometimes the way you put things can be misinterpreted
so the best place to catch the papilloma virus is a catholic convent school for girls

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Old 25-09-2008, 22:19   #28
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
I can't give karma to your daughter, Katex so I've had to give it to you.

I agree with all your daughter says.....we don't appreciate how lucky we are to have these injections and all some folk can do is find fault.
Aaah, thanks Lilly, will let my daughter know she earned a reward. Did ask her to reply herself, but, as you can see, an emotive subject to her and probably would have got banned for too many asterisks.

Good thing here is that all of us seem to be united with regard to this injection for our daughters. I suspect just a case of one or two religious megalomaniacs from this school that (as I heard someone say today) they consider they would rather keep their girl pupils 'chaste rather than dead'.
Think most of the parents will take them to the doctor anyway

Encasing their reasons in the side effects is just a smoke-screen for what they consider morality. Most of the side effects are only brought on due to the process of the injection, not the injection itself. Psychological too in 50% of very rare cases, because they have been told there is 'a chance' could suffer sickness, nausea, etc.

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Old 25-09-2008, 22:30   #29
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Re: HPV Jab

It is ridiculous that the school governers can make a decision of such magnitude!!! For goodness sake do the figures regarding teenage pregnancies not speak for themselves? Although none of us want to admit that our children or in my case grandchildren are sexual active the figures tell us otherwise.
Makes me wonder if the ones making the opt out decision have ever been through the horrors of losing a loved one to this cancer. If they had think they would be thinking differently. Anything that can help to stop this terrible illness should be grabbed with both hands.
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Old 25-09-2008, 22:43   #30
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
It is ridiculous that the school governers can make a decision of such magnitude!!!
then perhaps it should come from above them, whilst they play n important role in school life, maybe summat like this is a bridge too far.
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