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Old 25-09-2008, 22:49   #31
God Member


Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
then perhaps it should come from above them, whilst they play n important role in school life, maybe summat like this is a bridge too far.
With something like this I think yes they should be over-ruled, just hope the parents who agree with the precautions ensure they get their daughters sorted at their GP's.
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Old 25-09-2008, 22:56   #32
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
With something like this I think yes they should be over-ruled, just hope the parents who agree with the precautions ensure they get their daughters sorted at their GP's.
Feel sure they will Bernie, although did hear a comment today that only middle class parents will have the sense to do this ... hummph us working class parents thick then ! Bit of truth in this I suppose if you think about it.

Carrying this project out in schools is the best and most cost effective way of blanketing all the girls, and saves the bother of making an appointment with the Doc. Many parents may not want the trouble.
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Old 25-09-2008, 23:06   #33
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Re: HPV Jab

Just as an after thought, if the kids were using condoms would there be as much risk of getting cancer? Guess what I am really want to know is the fact that they are sexually active the risk or is it that adequate protection is not being used? Or even is it down to having multiple parteners?
I really can't get my head around kids this age having sex(though I know it happens) but personally think all this sex education is having an adverse affect!!!
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Old 25-09-2008, 23:23   #34
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Just as an after thought, if the kids were using condoms would there be as much risk of getting cancer? Guess what I am really want to know is the fact that they are sexually active the risk or is it that adequate protection is not being used? Or even is it down to having multiple parteners?
Think using condoms can cut down the risk Bernie, but it is a virus, and other parts of the lower regions can come into contact with a woman skin-to-skin, so not guaranteed.

Don't think anything to do with multiple partners either. Could be that, if you are on the pill and married and not using any protection, may put you at a higher risk.
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Old 25-09-2008, 23:37   #35
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Think using condoms can cut down the risk Bernie, but it is a virus, and other parts of the lower regions can come into contact with a woman skin-to-skin, so not guaranteed.

Don't think anything to do with multiple partners either. Could be that, if you are on the pill and married and not using any protection, may put you at a higher risk.
Thanks for the reply Kate, the whole subject baffles me Maybe Lettie or MargP might be wiser than us, glad I don't have to worry about things like this. Know my eldest grandaughter will be getting the jabs but the thought of her being sexually active horrifies me(not that I think she is indulging).
Whatever happened to kids being kids? Am a firm believer that sex education has had an adverse effect Why can't the powers that be allow parents to make these decisions? Am well aware that some parents are not up to being able to make these decisions but surely most are and who knows kids better than parents?
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Old 26-09-2008, 08:51   #36
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Why can't the powers that be allow parents to make these decisions? Am well aware that some parents are not up to being able to make these decisions but surely most are and who knows kids better than parents?
Did you mean about the injection Bernie ? Parents do make the decision .. the pupils are given a consent form to take home along with some very good information, and up to them whether to sign it or not. Hopefully, no parent refuses to sign it.
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Old 26-09-2008, 08:59   #37
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Did you mean about the injection Bernie ? Parents do make the decision .. the pupils are given a consent form to take home along with some very good information, and up to them whether to sign it or not. Hopefully, no parent refuses to sign it.
Yes I know that Kate didn't word myself very well. Was meaning the governors of this school who have opted out.
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Old 26-09-2008, 09:00   #38

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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Am a firm believer that sex education has had an adverse effect Why can't the powers that be allow parents to make these decisions?
Don't be soft.

Education is the key to everything.
The only way kids can learn about the dangers is if they are educated about them.
There are not enough convents left these days to hide our pregnant teenagers in any more
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Old 26-09-2008, 10:09   #39
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Re: HPV Jab

How you get HPV
Types of HPV that affect the skin can be passed on by skin contact with an affected person.

The types of HPV that affect the mouth and throat can be passed on through kissing.

Genital HPV is usually spread through intimate, skin to skin, contact during sex.

You can have the genital HPV virus for years and not have any sign of it. So it isn’t unusual to have a long term partner and then be told you have the virus after medical tests such as cervical screening. Many people then worry that their partner has been unfaithful, or will think they have been unfaithful. But finding out you have HPV doesn’t necessarily mean that you or your partner have been unfaithful. There is no way of knowing how long you have had the virus. It could be weeks, months or years.
Cancer Research UK | CancerHelp UK | What is the HPV virus?

This tells you what you need to know...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 27-09-2008, 00:59   #40
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Re: HPV Jab

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Don't be soft.

Education is the key to everything.
The only way kids can learn about the dangers is if they are educated about them.
There are not enough convents left these days to hide our pregnant teenagers in any more
Education appears to be failing in this instance whether it be key to everything or not. The kids today are more than adequately educated about birth control and it seems to be falling on deaf ears hence the rise in teenage pregnancies. For goodness sake education is making our kids more sexually active, if you can't/won't see that so be it.
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Old 27-09-2008, 07:11   #41
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Re: HPV Jab

I don't think it is sex education that makes them more inclined to indulge in unprotected sexual activity....these days you can see how many things have a sexual angle to sell them.......magazines aimed at teens almost promote sexual relations.......girls are made to feel they are 'weird' if they are not sexually active........and I'm sure there is a lot of pressure from peers(or maybe it is perceived as know the kind of thing.....everyone is doing it, so why shouldn't I ?)
Children are not children for as long, because they are pushed to grow up....and another factor is that physically, girls mature much more quickly these days.

I'm not sure how many girls are taught to respect themselves...or perhaps that is an old fashioned idea......these days they are indoctrinated with the idea that they are entitled to a sex life.....and that may be true, but only if they can be responsible about the consequences......these include pregnancy, and STI's.
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