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View Poll Results: Human Rights Act...
For it 7 38.89%
Against it 10 55.56%
Unsure 1 5.56%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 24-08-2008, 22:02   #1
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Human Rights Act...

A lot of people blame the Human Rights Act for all sorts of things and seem to have little faith in it.

Do you think the Human Rights Act is a good thing or a bad thing for this country, and if you think it is bad, how do you suggest we go about changing things?

Obviously to avoid the Human Rights Act completely we would have to leave the EU but what would you recommend we do to protect our rights instead?

The issue is far more complicated than just an opinion on a forum but it' be interesting to see what people think.

I am a supporter of the concept of the Human Rights Act although there are injustices caused by it. I've had to argue for abolishment of the Human Rights Act in two different assessments during my last academic year and my team has won the argument both times even though I don't agree with abolishing it, so it is clearly arguable on both sides so I'm not asking the impossible!

I just want to know your reasons for being for or against the Human Rights Act. 'Discuss'
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:06   #2
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Re: Human Rights Act...

agree with ya on supporting the concept, fer me that is a must, have no intention of getting into a long discussion, but parts of it are utter crap n no-one has the guts to address em.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:11   #3
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Re: Human Rights Act...

I don't have a legal answer to what needs to be done. Nobody can really say the idea has bad intentions though and no law is ever going to exclude criminal rights because the law can't discriminate against people...

so what do you do? Even if there was no human rights act and we weren't in the EU there still needs to be something to protect our rights surely? Or do we need something to protect them? Could we just hope that they'll be respected naturally without having to enforce them?
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:17   #4
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Re: Human Rights Act...

all i will say on the matter,is each country has its values,traditions, laws,etc, these should be adhered to by all, if not those rights should be forfeited.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:20   #5
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
all i will say on the matter,is each country has its values,traditions, laws,etc, these should be adhered to by all, if not those rights should be forfeited.
For every law broken or just a few? You can't be vague with claims like that.

When I started uni we all sat down and the tutor asked us which of us had never broken a law and not a single person in the room, including her, could say they hadn't broken a law at some point of their lives.
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:26   #6
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Re: Human Rights Act...

The European Human Rights Act has good intentions. It however stops us deporting people who might harm us, what about the human rights of ordinary citizens? There are lots of silly things that people manage to do because its their 'human right' under the act.

Scrap it. Lets create a Bill of Rights, created by the British for the British. Have it outside of the parliament act so both houses must vote on changes, thus preventing any government of the time from invading our individual freedoms.
formerly cyfr
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:32   #7
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
For every law broken or just a few? You can't be vague with claims like that.

When I started uni we all sat down and the tutor asked us which of us had never broken a law and not a single person in the room, including her, could say they hadn't broken a law at some point of their lives.
i can be as vague as i want, it needs to be discussed n sorted by wiser people than you or i, cyfrs pretty near the point, were i differ is i think it should be kept, but not in its present form, each country,culture is different.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:34   #8
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i can be as vague as i want, it needs to be discussed n sorted by wiser people than you or i, cyfrs pretty near the point, were i differ is i think it should be kept, but not in its present form, each country,culture is different.
So in other words you don't actually have a suggestion?

Either rights are forfeited for every crime or just a few, which is it?
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Old 24-08-2008, 22:45   #9
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Each country and culture is different but the Human Rights Act doesn't suggest protecting any rights that differ greatly in any EU country, they're just rights any human being should have regardless of where they are from.

You can't be a relativist and say every culture/country is different and turn a blind eye to other countries and what they do and then complain when things like the Holocaust or other genocides and massive violations of human rights occur, it just creates double standards and that is why we have agreements about human rights in the EU in the first place.

I care about the interests of this country and the people in it, but I think it is a bad attitude to life to just ignore what is happening in other countries.
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Old 25-08-2008, 00:53   #10
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Obviously to avoid the Human Rights Act completely we would have to leave the EU but what would you recommend we do to protect our rights instead?

Is the Human Rights Act actually a requirement for EU membership ? seems to me quite a few EU members have no qualms about deporting undesirables , they just put them on a plane and ship them out .
Seems to me its just another easy money maker for sleaziods who live and work in the cess pit called the 'British legal community' , a law created by lawyers for the enrichment of lawyers .
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Old 25-08-2008, 05:21   #11
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Cool Re: Human Rights Act...

Your poll is too simplistic blazey.

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
because the law can't discriminate against people
Commit a crime against the establishment or state and you get the book thrown at you. Commit the same crime against your neighbour and get a slap on the wrist.

Where the application of the Human Rights Act falls over is in its application.

In a nutshell if anyone is convicted of a crime that incurs a custodial sentence, the criminals’ Human Rights should be suspended for the duration of the sentence and replaced with just Humane Rights.
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Old 25-08-2008, 08:58   #12
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Re: Human Rights Act...

The concept is good, the way people use it to fuel their own needs is crap. When people start using the act to flaunt the laws of the country, or to use it to feather their own nest, which quite often happens, then is a nonsense.
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Old 25-08-2008, 14:09   #13
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Human rights is a good thing.
The only people to benefit from them, should be:-
So peolpe who commit violent crimes should be denied these rights, simply because:-
They should think about other peoples rights before demanding theirs.
Just for today don't get angry!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 25-08-2008, 14:45   #14
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Re: Human Rights Act...

Think its a good thing up to a point.
Yes its right we should have our rights protected but it is abused far too often by prisoners etc.. who really shouldn't have any rights.
I voted for it but think it needs tweaking so that only deserving cases can benefit from it.
Diesels' Wife!!
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Old 25-08-2008, 17:57   #15
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Re: Human Rights Act...

I agree with human rights, but it should be denied when you commit a serious crime, such as Murder, rape.....and pedophilia, those people IMO lost it the moment they commit!
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
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