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07-02-2018, 14:40
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Hyndburn Chat
What has happened to good old Accyweb? There are are hardly any new topics,very few contributors, in fact it is dying on its feet.I can read about Accy and district on Hyndburn Chat which is far more interesting with lots of debate and plenty of local old photos to keep me interested in my former area.Whats gone wrong? I have started this thread to waken up Accyweb members from their slumbers.Lets have some good old fashioned debate and here is topic to get you going.
07-02-2018, 15:29
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Re: Hyndburn Chat
I have to admit that Chat is now my first port of call for debate and discussion, but I like to look in on here to see if anything is going on.
07-02-2018, 19:47
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Re: Hyndburn Chat
The Search facility on here is far better than Hyndburn Chat, much as I do like it. Good to have both On here there are far fewer Moaners
07-02-2018, 20:15
Re: Hyndburn Chat
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07-02-2018, 20:20
Beacon of light
Re: Hyndburn Chat
Not everyone wants to be on Facebook...and that certainly puts me off.
I cannot see how it can be anything like Accyweb...the format is different(from what I am told)
It is not a case of waking up Accyweb members...we are awake, but if those who used to come here and participate returned, then it might just be more interesting.
Jim, if you want interesting, then post something interesting and you will get responses.
I have little interest in Stanley...and there seems to be little else being discussed.
And what Neil says is absolutely spot on. 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
07-02-2018, 20:30
Re: Hyndburn Chat
As a none Facebook user I don't see how you can comment. Both are similar except on Facebook most of the people are real people not made up hiding behind usernames
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07-02-2018, 20:39
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Hyndburn Chat
Its not a case of hiding behind user names, it asks for one when yeh join. besides theres a lot more dipsticks on facebook and titter, i do go on them sometimes cos it meets me up with people i have known many years and have sod all to do with hyndburn.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
07-02-2018, 20:49
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Re: Hyndburn Chat
I tend to agree with a Margaret.
Although I’m very pleased with the progress of Accrington Stanley and am a friend of the Chairman I don’t particularly have much interest in football in general.
Saying that, sometime when I log on all I see are posts about Accrington
Stanley so I log out without any input.
I’m not Accrington born and bred and didn’t move there until I was in my late twenties so I can’t comment much on posts about old Accrington pubs, clubs, schools etc but do try to chip in with things I think I know about.
I just hope that Accyweb survives, even though I don’t post much I do log in and keep
upto date with the threads, especially the photo which are allowed where ever they were taken. The Accrington face book site deleted photos which are not obviously taken in Hyndburn, glorious sunset photos I’ve taken from top of Broadfield for example.
Nuf sed.
Gremlin R.T.
07-02-2018, 21:01
Re: Hyndburn Chat
I'm the site admin and I don't read the Stanley posts often, there is a football moderator who keeps an eye on the dark side of the forum 
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07-02-2018, 21:55
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Re: Hyndburn Chat
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
And what Neil says is absolutely spot on. 
Ah, but Neil is an admin on Chat as well as on here. Maybe he combs his hair when he's on here!
08-02-2018, 03:58
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Re: Hyndburn Chat
I have to say I also have zero interest in Football of any kind and zero interest in joining Facebook.
I do often look at the older posts, in fact recently I was going to post a question about where the old Accrington Stocks used to be, only to find it in an old post from quite a few years ago.
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
08-02-2018, 07:24
Beacon of light
Re: Hyndburn Chat
I do not have to be on the abhorrent (to me) Facebook to have an opinion of it Neil.
I have, in the past, seen the format of the site when my daughter has used it(she does not use it anymore).
Facebook has nothing to offer me...and while you tell me it has its' benefits, I think many more troubles are caused/inflamed by it than are solved by it.
Now, of course, that will not be your stance...as an admin on the site, it cannot be.
I have only time for one forum...and it is NEVER going to be Facebook...not while I have a functioning bumhole.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
08-02-2018, 11:20
Re: Hyndburn Chat
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I do not have to be on the abhorrent (to me) Facebook to have an opinion of it Neil.
I have, in the past, seen the format of the site when my daughter has used it(she does not use it anymore).
Facebook has nothing to offer me...and while you tell me it has its' benefits, I think many more troubles are caused/inflamed by it than are solved by it.
Now, of course, that will not be your stance...as an admin on the site, it cannot be.
I have only time for one forum...and it is NEVER going to be Facebook...not while I have a functioning bumhole.
I'm admin on a few Facebook groups, I use Facebook a lot for learning about my hobby and interacting with people around the world in the same hobby. Of all the recent social media platforms Facebook makes the most sense to me. You decide who are your friends (really family, friends, acquaintances or whoever you chose) and you decide who can see what you post. A lot of good comes from Facebook and also some bad but that will hopefully change as the government try to make the social media networks more responsible for what they allow on their sites.
The main advantage over forums is that everything you follow comes to you in one place, you don't have to go looking through many different forums. I'm a member of a local lost dog group, if a dog is found/lost then a post will appear in my feed. If that was a forum I would have to check it several times a day to be a useful member helping get lost pets back home.
Forums like this still are the best way to archive information for things like car repairs etc because the search is superb on forums and rubbish on Facebook.
Each has its place but I do think Facebook will adapt its groups to be more forum like and most forums will disappear in time.
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08-02-2018, 11:29
Beacon of light
Re: Hyndburn Chat
Neil, for it suits you then that is fine...but it does not do for me...and I will not be joining ever...no matter how the site is formulated.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
08-02-2018, 13:14
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Re: Hyndburn Chat
Originally Posted by Neil
I'm the site admin and I don't read the Stanley posts often, there is a football moderator who keeps an eye on the dark side of the forum 
The dark side?? Didn't realise there was a Rovers or Burnley section 
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