Sorry tinker .... im not raging :** im going on the performance of the people
who are still employed to sort out this mess.... and privatising is always down to bad management (the same people as before,) i live on a council estate
and they made it worse than before..... drilling mesh to a damp wall and pebbledashing the mesh doesnt constitute a re-vamp in my mind....
the damp in every room prooves that.... what h.b.c. have done is more or less treason.... you cannot convince me otherwise. the cowboys that did the work are still employed by h/homes cus they have no knowledge of what a good job is compared to a lousy job which needs to be re-done again
and again costing up to six times the amount of a job done well..... this procedure still goes on because no-one checks that the work has been done
proporly in the first place.... e.g. months after meadoway was done (done is the word) ridge tiles on the roofs blew off,(plus the sub-standard doors and windows fitted) big deal you think... yes it really is.... if these ridge tiles were done properly in the first place without the skimping from cowboys like whatmore and hambling then they would not have blown off in the first place... who picks up the bill for the re-repairs which should not need to be done? i have an extensive amount of photos
of the sheer ametuerism of these cowboys and i know its because of ****-poor managment who dont know jack about the building trade ... i do ....
i used to oversee for a large firm in manchester and only a small amount of
botch jobs were down to the individual who skimped to save time, but the majority of work was skimped on to minimise expenditure/maximise profit by
order of the management! and you say they will be held
by voting yes you lost your right to "manage" which really means the new landlords can dictate what they want, even act ultra-vires and theres nothing you can do.... the government has 42 billion pounds for people like us
yet h.b.c. sold your souls for a measly 35mil .... of which most of it will come through rents anyhow... so where is all this deluge of investment? if you do some detective work im sure you will conclude the same as i have... the quarter of a mil used to print the privatisation propaganda could have been
spent on housing but instead it was used to get some has been comedian
to lure you into the ideal of h.b.c,s privatisation policy...... so lets give you the facts... check em out yourself...please... the goverment have 42 billion
pounds to spend on us, so in reality this deal didnt need to happen....h.b.c.
could have claimed this money direct from the gov but chose to privatise before anyone could find out about the gov deal (42bil) .... i smell a rat that
involves back-handers and swindelling mr public ..... hyndburn homes are cowboys
who should have been replaced a long time ago by competant people, money
is irrelevent, its how its spent.... now you have lost your right to complain...
you voted yes... you live with the consequences .... just dont expect me to
bow down to monkeys..... just remember its not not delapidated housing that
makes slums.... its the human garbage in it....