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Old 05-12-2007, 12:25   #856
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
The referendum in May was voted against because PB did not want Harwooders going to vote in the locals and with a referendum knowing Labour is against and Conservatives for when most Harwooders are against. So it was very political and the anti 1st May referendum not so democratic after all.
Hee hee I was one of the harwooders who was against and had a chance to vote talk about feeling like I have got one over PB

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 05-12-2007, 13:18   #857
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
Thank you for your kind words and accurate reporting, unlike the LT article!

The outcome was "To defer the name change at the present time". As was accurately reported Clr Britcliffe's blast was "We will defeat more Labour Councillors in May and then you won't have enough numbers to block the name change".

The referendum in May was voted against because PB did not want Harwooders going to vote in the locals and with a referendum knowing Labour is against and Conservatives for when most Harwooders are against. So it was very political and the anti 1st May referendum not so democratic after all.
it seems to me like "ayatolla" britcliffe would not know Democracy if it slapped him in the kisser.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-12-2007, 14:27   #858
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

One thing last night that was disgraceful. PB told Clr Colette McCormack that she "couldn't string four words together" and mimed YOU SILLY COW to offend her. Did you see this Katex?

Last edited by g jones; 05-12-2007 at 14:34.
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Old 05-12-2007, 14:34   #859
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

well i'm glad i dont live in Hyndburn...Peter Britcliffe sounds like a right wazzock
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 05-12-2007, 15:15   #860
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
One thing last night that was disgraceful. PB told Clr Colette McCormack that she "couldn't string four words together" and mimed YOU SILLY COW to offend her. Did you see this Katex?
How ridiculously childish! And as for:
"We will defeat more Labour Councillors in May and then you won't have enough numbers to block the name change"
Talk about power mad. I'd love to see him get defeated. That would be a turn up for the books wouldn't it? I don't suppose he has ever considered that possibility.

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Old 05-12-2007, 15:33   #861
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

What I liked most about the report in the Telegraph was that PB is now claiming that Labour are trying to squash democracy by stopping further discussion on the issue and that he's being very democratic by taking it out to the people. Got to admire the way he can turn a situation around like that - it is a skill!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 05-12-2007, 17:03   #862
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
One thing last night that was disgraceful. PB told Clr Colette McCormack that she "couldn't string four words together" and mimed YOU SILLY COW to offend her. Did you see this Katex?

Your lot aren't whiter than white either.

When I attended the count last May I witnessed some appalling behaviour from a Labour councillor towards someone they'd never even met before.

It would be lovely if all the vicious sniping could be put to bed and just get on with the job in hand. (I know, dream on.)

There was reported bad behaviour from the Conservatives last year so it is, it seems, six of one and half a dozen of the other.

It's quite sad really. There's no need for it.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.

Last edited by Lilly; 05-12-2007 at 17:06.
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Old 05-12-2007, 18:54   #863
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

"I totally support Clr Britcliffe's proposal to change the name of the Borough....Labour Councillor will over the coming month's be helping and working with the Conservatives in any way we can to look into all the issues so 'the big changeover' really is something we can benefit from."

Can you guess who said that? I'll give you a clue...he happens to be a labour councillor who just so happens to be a member of this forum. Still struggling? Well, go back to post No 141 on this thread and you'll see the name.

We know what happened last night. I can understand the good people of Rishton not wishing to become a "District" - after all, they are geographically closer to Blackburn than Accy town centre. Maybe they would be better off being Blackburn with Darwen & Rishton. And I know that many residents of Great Harwood associate themselves more with the Ribble Valley than Hyndburn...quite understandable, really. Maybe the name of Accy and Districts was wrong all along, and a more seductive name such as "Accy and Ribble Valley South" would have been more appropriate.

What I cannot understand, however, is the attitude of the local Labour party. Still, I suppose it takes after it's national parent, whose stupidity and hypocracy is now clear for all to see.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 05-12-2007 at 18:59.
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Old 05-12-2007, 19:36   #864
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

What I cannot understand, however, is the attitude of the local Labour party. Still, I suppose it takes after it's national parent, whose stupidity and hypocracy is now clear for all to see.
ya dont honestly think ANY party is any differant than that T, surely? n at least he has the balls to come on here,unlike the others.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-12-2007, 19:40   #865
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
"I totally support Clr Britcliffe's proposal to change the name of the Borough....Labour Councillor will over the coming month's be helping and working with the Conservatives in any way we can to look into all the issues so 'the big changeover' really is something we can benefit from."

What I cannot understand, however, is the attitude of the local Labour party. Still, I suppose it takes after it's national parent, whose stupidity and hypocracy is now clear for all to see.
Well, I admire anybody Tealeaf who has the guts to do a U-Turn .. although don't particularly admire Councillor Britcliffe on his U-turn to support a referendum .. that was all political and manipulative. Perhaps you will submit us a paper backed up with facts and figures on how you see the benefits. To me everything was O.K. so why change it at great cost ? Might as well put forward a proposal to change all the black bins to fluorescent pink bins, cause is a pretty colour and brighten up the neighbourhood and the binmen would know where to find them .. Miss Kitty would love this..

"National Parent" .. mmm .. again Councillor Britcliffe never lost the opportunity to knock the Labour Government over and over again ..was totally irrelevent to this local issue. He does waffle and comes out with the same points and insults everytime he raises his bum off the seat.

Graham, yes I did spot the mouthing to Councillor McCormack, but at this stage had got into the swing of things and was totally non-plussed by it.

I know it was a longer meeting than expected due to lots of clarifications by the solicitor ? Was impressed however, as had to be done so no criticism later.

Doing a bit of a U-turn myself on a referendum attached to local elections.

For instance, the people of Accrington are the majority voters (I think):-

50% will have never heard of this proposal when voting.. so will just make an on the spot decision and think "Eeew yeh, that sounds good" .. tick 'Yes'

25% will have read a little about it, think Accrington Stanley, the Pals, but never considered the costs... tick 'Yes'

10% will be avid Accrington Stanley supporters and have no doubts about the name change ...tick 'Yes'

mmmm .. how much have I got left ? :-

12% will just be being selfish and not considering the rest of the borough and nostalgic about the name 'Accrington' and didn't like the name change 33 years hence (like Cashman and Wynonie)... tick 'Yes'

5% will just be thick and wanting to rush down to the pub, home to their tea and haven't time to really consider what they are voting for.. tick 'Yes'

5% sincerely are misguided but believe that the name change will benefit the borough economically and bring in more business... tick 'Yes'

2% will just be supporting party policies (like Tealeaf)... tick 'Yes'

1% will actually have thought deeply about the issue and decided that this is just gonna' cost of loads of money and of no benefit.. tick 'No'

Ok .. just logical trumped up stastitics .. but don't think far off the mark.
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Old 05-12-2007, 19:47   #866
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Your lot aren't whiter than white either.

When I attended the count last May I witnessed some appalling behaviour from a Labour councillor towards someone they'd never even met before.

It would be lovely if all the vicious sniping could be put to bed and just get on with the job in hand. (I know, dream on.)

There was reported bad behaviour from the Conservatives last year so it is, it seems, six of one and half a dozen of the other.

It's quite sad really. There's no need for it.
Lily, no one is claiming to be whiter than white, but being extemely rude in a very public arena (with members of the public present), is completely unacceptable.

I was at the count as well in May, there was also bad behaviour from the Conservatives - with football style chants.

Also Peter Britcliffe attempted to go into the centre of the room, where the votes were being counted (which is not allowed unless you are an agent of one of the candidates).The agent for the Conservative Party candidates was Marlene Howarth - so she was the only member of the Conservative PArty allowed in the middle of the counting area. I assume that you are unfamiliar with the rules governing the conduct of count.
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Old 05-12-2007, 21:03   #867
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
"I totally support Clr Britcliffe's proposal to change the name of the Borough....Labour Councillor will over the coming month's be helping and working with the Conservatives in any way we can to look into all the issues so 'the big changeover' really is something we can benefit from."
I accept that in the beginning there was merit in looking at it. It would be great if everything I said was accepted without review, scrutiny or reflection or the involvement of other opinions.

As it was 1) Labour Colleagues were set against it 2) We worked with the Tories but we were told things through the pages of Accrington Observer 3) THe main issue was costings, though Borough Unity came up as well.

In the end my view changed from a casual interest for, to a hard case against during the discussion process.
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Old 05-12-2007, 21:26   #868
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
I accept that in the beginning there was merit in looking at it. It would be great if everything I said was accepted without review, scrutiny or reflection or the involvement of other opinions.

As it was 1) Labour Colleagues were set against it 2) We worked with the Tories but we were told things through the pages of Accrington Observer 3) THe main issue was costings, though Borough Unity came up as well.

In the end my view changed from a casual interest for, to a hard case against during the discussion process.

I am impressed that you have had the courage to come back and answer the earlier question and even more impressed that you have admitted you were wrong at the beginning and changed your mind.

I would have been against the idea of a referendum as I, like Katex believe the people of Accrington would just vote yes and the "Districts" would be outnumbered.

Also the idea of losing their identity just so PB and his ilk don't have to answer question as to the geographical locale of the area I find despicable. What about people in the Rossendale or The Ribble Valley?

Once more I have to say I am impressed by your willingness to change your viewpoint. Just a pity more people aren't able to.
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Old 05-12-2007, 21:38   #869
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

I too think it takes a big man to admit that their initial response may have been wrong and that after consideration they have changed their viewpoint.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 05-12-2007, 21:41   #870
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Re: Hyndburn to be axed.

So, are you saying we will not be having a referendum until PB knows he will win?

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