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Old 22-02-2005, 02:34   #16
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chav1's Avatar

Re: Hypnosis

Originally Posted by rockrabbit
start smoking herbal fags they are enough to put you off smoking for life plus thy re only about 1.50 a pack and also send your head funny lol
herbal fags are exactly the same as normal fags but dont contain nicotine but also contain more tar and toxins than normal fags so your still getting the same crap if not more but you still dont get your nicotine fix so you still crave

i agree they are disgusting but i ended up buying a propper pack of fags to get rid of the taste

information above about herbal fags came from the lady at the smoking clinic
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Old 22-02-2005, 07:07   #17
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Re: Hypnosis

I tried to stop smoking using Zyban, I lasted a month and ended up having a heart attack. While there is no provable link between taking Zyban and the heart attack, it seems strange that though I have continued to smoke and I do not take the prescribed medication my blood pressure and pulse rate are normal and I carry on doing exactly the same things that I was doing before the heart attack and haven't had a bit of trouble from my heart.

If anyone is tempted to try Zyban get as much information and a full medical before you do.
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Old 22-02-2005, 13:12   #18
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Re: Hypnosis

Whilst on holiday at Pontin's i watched a hypnotist turn a man that was within our group into a General in the army. This guy was an unlikely person to just go along with anything like that and afterwards he swore blind he hadn't a clue what had happened. It always made me thing there was some truth to this hypnotism!!
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Old 22-02-2005, 14:17   #19
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Re: Hypnosis

My sister tried to give up smoking she too had hypnosis spent a load of money for nowt. Still can't give up. I'm just glad i never have wanted to smoke.
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Old 22-02-2005, 14:58   #20
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Re: Hypnosis

My mate at work tried hypnosis for weight loss and never lost an ounce, just a few quid to pay the hypnotist.
The drug Zyban was originally marketed as an anti depressant. It was to be the new prozac. While conducting the clinical trials the researchers found that many of the subjects enrolled onto the trial spontaneously gave up smoking whilst using Zyban for their depressive illness. They found that Zyban wasn't as effective an antidepressant as prozac, so marketed it as an anti smoking drug. I'm full of useless info sometimes....
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Old 22-02-2005, 23:12   #21

fireman's Avatar

Re: Hypnosis

I gave up 15 years ago after being told i had a heart problem i found my daughter smashing my pipe with a hammer on the back doorstep in floods of tears that stopped me their and then.
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