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Old 03-02-2006, 13:06   #121
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Gayle's Avatar

Re: I almost daren't post this...

Apparently, around 5% of the population of East Lancashire is employed in some creative means - the definition includes web designers, film and media industries as well as freelance artists, actors, workshop tutors, etc - so it's a really broad definition.

What it means is that around about 26,000 people (I got rough population figures off the Lancashire County Council website) are earning their livings through being creative. For Hyndburn that means around about 4,000 people if my calculations are ok.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Accrington Web
Old 03-02-2006, 13:51   #122
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Re: I almost daren't post this...

Would a barber/hairdresser be classified as working in the "creative" sector? Not that I use 'em much, but I would guess that there must be a good few hundred of 'em around Accy.
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Old 03-02-2006, 13:58   #123
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Re: I almost daren't post this...

Doubt it very much!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 03-02-2006, 16:13   #124
God Member

Re: I almost daren't post this...

Originally Posted by dillon
"Facts must be faced, the people of Accrington and the wider borough have little understanding or appreciation of the Arts."

Wow that has got to be one of the most offensive, sweepingly innacurate statements I have ever read on this site. And there have been a few!
I'm sure the many thousands of people in the borough would probably argue with that, don't you think? But it's okay, because there are people on Accy web willing to stand up for them! To point out the innacuracies in such statements and do their best to fight for the arts!
Oh. No there's not. Just those willing to criticise from their armchairs. Booo, hissss.

My views, my opinions. blah blah
If it is, why doesn't your arts venues put on more and better quality shows, events etc, why does it struggle to get people to a museum, why do they keep changing it's direction. I think it's true, and I don't think it's offensive, because it's the product of a vicious circle created in the first place by cut backs, lack of arts in all areas, lack of promotion of those arts. Other town smaller than accy have a civic centre that puts on some great shows, bedworth civic hall in warwickshire is probably my nearsest, but even then that isn't advertised as it should be.
If you deprive people of the arts, your going to get people who don't even know what it means, some people have never been to a theatre in their life. I don't consider that to be entirely their fault.
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Old 03-02-2006, 19:50   #125
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Re: I almost daren't post this...

Originally Posted by dillon
"Facts must be faced, the people of Accrington and the wider borough have little understanding or appreciation of the Arts."

Wow that has got to be one of the most offensive, sweepingly innacurate statements I have ever read on this site. And there have been a few!
I'm sure the many thousands of people in the borough would probably argue with that, don't you think? But it's okay, because there are people on Accy web willing to stand up for them! To point out the innacuracies in such statements and do their best to fight for the arts!
Said The Accrington Observer's equivalent to Kenneth Clarke. Okay dillon, let's see you stand up for the insulted mass of Accrington's culturally aware. I am looking forward to reading of the inaccuracies (note sp.: one n, three c's) in my offending post, and I just can't wait to see you get your sleeves rolled up and get stuck into The Fight for the Arts in Accrington. Do you perhaps intend selling tickets? If so, may I reserve a ringside seat?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 03-02-2006, 21:05   #126
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Re: I almost daren't post this...

Dillon works for the LET I think. Used to work for Acc Obs.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 04-02-2006, 04:56   #127
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Re: I almost daren't post this...

Originally Posted by Gayle
Dillon works for the LET I think. Used to work for Acc Obs.
Thanks Gayle, that would explain a great deal.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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